• wonderer1
    I'm just refusing to pretend that... ...either side is interested in anything other than maintaining power.Hanover

    Is a strong interest in keeping a scumbag out of power, the same as an interest in maintaining power?
  • NOS4A2

    I know they’re going to win the election. The rigging and cheating has already begun. Not a single person has voted for Harris and she’s already the nominee.
  • Benkei
    They all get to vote later on. But I love how your panties are getting twisted. It's very entertaining.
  • NOS4A2

    I’ve been doing the same thing for years, but now it’s entertaining. Now you feel the need to fake laugh about it for some reason. Is something wrong, Benkei?

    The cracks are emerging. That feeling in your brain is the cognitive dissonance. It’s when two contradictory values collide. You know what’s going on is wrong but you don’t want to admit it because it makes your tribe look bad, so naturally, you try to deflect it on someone else. But that’s your body telling you to quit lying. The stress of it all is too much. It isn’t healthy. It’s ok to let it go.
  • Benkei
    There's no cognitive dissonance only me being amused by insane hysterics.
  • NOS4A2

    If you need someone to talk to, let me know. You’re not alone.
  • Mikie
    because it makes your tribe look badNOS4A2

    Says the Trump worshipper. No self awareness whatsoever.
  • NOS4A2

    Trump is a tribe. You heard it here first.
  • NOS4A2

    So no one has actually talked about replacing him.
  • Mr Bee
    Whatever you say.
  • NOS4A2

    No, whatever you say—weird speculation derived from…Anthony Scarammuci?
  • frank

    It's that Vance's approval rating sucks and he doesn't balance the ticket. People think it was a mistake. Trump isn't known for loyalty, so maybe he'll ditch the guy.
  • NOS4A2

    I wonder if Vance, at the behest of the donor class and GOP apparatchiks, will pull a coup on him and take over his campaign.
  • frank
    I wonder if Vance, at the behest of the donor class and GOP apparatchiks, will pull a coup on him and take over his campaign.NOS4A2

    Not likely.
  • Mikie
    If he were smart — which he isn’t — he would be gracious and thank Joe and others who have wished him well and condemned the violence.Mikie

    He didn’t. As predicted. Right back to the old self.
  • NOS4A2
    Everyone already forgets the historic month of July: the unprecedented palace coup by Obama Inc. and the attempted assassination of their folk devil, president Trump. It’s already back to “Trump said…” before the month is even out.
  • frank
    I think some of the misinformation is collected from people going through psychosis.
  • NOS4A2
    President Harris and her puppet Biden calls for anti-constitutional reforms to the Supreme Court, which appears to be the last line of defense against their authoritarian rule.

  • frank

    This sounds like something a cat lady would say. Do you have a cat?
  • NOS4A2

    You can’t keep me out of your head, can’t you?
  • frank

    Cat lady.
  • NOS4A2

    Hopefully it’s not a fatal attraction.
  • frank

    I have no idea what that means
  • NOS4A2

    It means you’re approaching stalker territory.
  • frank
    t means you’re approaching stalker territory.NOS4A2

    Sorry. I was just bored.
  • NOS4A2

    I’m just kidding, frank. What do you think about Biden’s proposal?
  • frank
    I’m just kidding, frank. What do you think about Biden’s proposal?NOS4A2

    Well, having no term limits on the SCOTUS means that it reflects the way Americans have been voting over the span of a generation or so. That's the reason the Court is now so conservative, because Americans have leaned conservative for several decades. Historically, it works for us to have that temporal anchor. Democracy can be flighty, so it's nice to have built-in drags on the mob.

    I wouldn't change it just because we're irritated by where we landed with the court. For democracy to work, you need to have a little faith in it.

    That's also true with trading. Once you settle on a strategy, you need to have the discipline to let your strategy work. Sometimes you lose, even with a good strategy. You have to accept that and think about the long term
  • Fooloso4
    That's the reason the Court is now so conservative, because Americans have leaned conservative for several decades.frank

    The reason the Court is now so conservative is because McConnell blocked Obama's nominee and Trump, who lost the popular vote, went with the Federalist Society's recommendations.

    According to Politico:

    Our research shows the Court took a sharp swerve two years ago — and its decisions now closely mirror the views of the average Republican, not the average American.

    According to the Pew Research Center, favorable views of the Supreme Court have fallen to an historic low.

    Democracy can be flighty, so it's nice to have built-in drags on the mob.frank

    The Founders worked to prevent a tyranny of the majority, but a tyranny of the minority can be just as dangerous. And when lifetime appointments reflect the will of that minority we are all dragged down by a mob calling itself "patriots" and "the people".

    A term limit of 10 or 15 years combined with staggered start dates seems long enough to counteract changing whims.
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