• tim wood
    I accuse you of nothing. I point out that you lied and invited you to correct the "error." And that you will not do. Makes you a liar. I don't really know what the cure for liars is. At the moment it seems the best I can do is just keep reminding people that you're a liar. And they can see that for themselves just by reviewing the last couple of pages.

    Or, do you still maintain
    The Russian influence canard is mostly an anti-Trump hoax. — NOS4A2
    Yes? No?
  • NOS4A2

    I still maintain and for the exact reasons I stated.
  • tim wood
    I still maintain and for the exact reasons I stated.NOS4A2

    Which were?
  • NOS4A2

    You can find my response to your earlier request, which you reneged on before running to tattle
  • tim wood
    You can find my response to your earlier request, which you reneged on before running to tattleNOS4A2

    No problem, here's your lie:
    The Russian influence canard is mostly an anti-Trump hoax.
    — NOS4A2

    And here's your proof that you did not lie:

    That’s unjust, but what I’m speaking about is the notion of “Russian influence” on social media, as if meddling on Twitter is akin to meddling in an election. According to the Mueller report, the IRA is a private company, and not an arm of the Russian government.
    — NOS4A2

    Sorry, that's not a match. And you know it. So, liar, you tell us, how does your reply remove the lie?
  • creativesoul
    I took your question as a round-about way of saying my arguments were unacceptable. If I’m wrong I apologize, but I wager that is exactly where you’re going to go if I answer...NOS4A2

    Good. We understand each other.

    When one enters into a public philosophy forum and begins arguing, s/he/they enter into a voluntary obligation to defend their statements in light of valid criticism. I'm looking to critique. While doing so, I'll offer my own reasoning and/or justificatory ground for what I'm asserting.

    Ready to get off the porch?
  • creativesoul
    Ask yourself why you're replying to NOS4A2. Are you thinking he'll engage in some meaningful way? That he'll see the error of his ways and have a "come to Christ" moment, that you will have somehow brought to have happen? Because you're right and he will see and acknowledge that you're right - even regretting the error of his ways and seeking redemption? Is he something you think you can cure? That is, are you thinking that there is anything reasonable or honorable about him?

    You will profit more by cornering a badger in its hole and attempting to pat its head to show it how loving and kind you are. I'm guessing that the stitches and shots that you will need if you try that would be an occasion for learning. But NO's poison is more subtle. It lacks the honesty of bite and direct attack. It is instead the poison of the lie and the evil of the lie. You tell me: what do you do - what is right to do - about a badger in your house, or a liar?
    tim wood

    Whoa, that's quite a few logically possible sets of reasons that you've attributed to my words.

    Lying is a part of the world. I'm not here to call out someone for deliberately misrepresenting their own thought/belief.

    I'm here because someone needs to do this the right way...

    Let "this" be provide a cogent counterargument. Let "the right way" indicate the quality of reasonably, respectfully, and undeniably cutting the common rhetorical media and pundit talking points(in Trump's favor) off at the knees.

    Maybe you have the wrong kind of badger trap...
  • creativesoul

    Gratuitous assertions are unacceptable. Red Herrings are unacceptable. Poisoning the well is unacceptable. Ad homs are unacceptable. Non sequiturs are unacceptable. Incoherence/self-contradiction is unacceptable. Being in direct conflict with everyday events and knowledge is unacceptable.

    Do you care about meeting standards?
  • NOS4A2

    The standards you apply selectively? I don’t care about meeting double standards.
  • Wayfarer
    Current and former spies are floored by President Donald Trump’s fervent defence of Russia at this year’s G7 summit in Biarritz, France.

    “It’s hard to see the bar anymore since it’s been pushed so far down the last few years, but President Trump’s behaviour over the weekend was a new low,” one FBI agent who works in counterintelligence told Insider.

    At the summit, Trump aggressively lobbied for Russia to be readmitted into the G7, refused to hold it accountable for violating international law, blamed former President Barack Obama for Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and expressed sympathy for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    One former senior Justice Department official, who worked closely with the former special counsel Robert Mueller when he was the FBI director, told Insider Trump’s behaviour was “directly out of the Putin playbook. We have a Russian asset sitting in the Oval Office.”

    Read more at https://www.businessinsider.com/spies-react-trump-g7-summit-russian-asset-2019-8#gopG9J67wfZ5lstJ.99
  • creativesoul

    The standards of acceptable debate apply to us both equally.
  • NOS4A2

    Do you need my blessing to begin or something?
  • Benkei
    you're wasting your time mate. He has not once replied to any question and assumes bad faith towards everyone. He doesn't care what you say and pretends not to care what you think of him. That's largely true but for the fact he continues to linger about like a bad odour because he gets his kicks from seeing people react to him. Basically an attention whore.
  • Benkei
    The standards of acceptable debate apply to us both equally.creativesoul

    That's just hilarious in light of the political actions in the UK and the USA. What are you? A fossil?
  • creativesoul

    Do you care about meeting standards?
  • creativesoul

    I'm not conflating this conversation with current political events. I can expect someone to follow the rules of acceptable debate and it can be the case that current politicians do not adhere to those rules.

    No. I'm not.
  • Benkei
    I'm not conflating it either just pointing out that your expectation is hardly as natural as you believe it is and if politics aren't a sign of the times, I'm not sure what is. So yes, I think the expectation is old fashioned. Hence the tongue in cheek comment about you being a fossil.

    Realise you're frequenting a website where people will use ad homs while debating nothing. And they all think they're capable of civilized debate.
  • NOS4A2

    Do you care about meeting standards?

    I’m still awaiting your critique.
  • praxis
    Do you care about meeting standards?creativesoul

    How many more pages of his trolling do you need to convince you that he does not?

    There’s only one way to stop a troll from trolling and that is to deny them attention. Personally, I don’t think he should be stopped. As someone mentioned, it’s good that there’s at least one person participating in this topic with a different view, even if he’s just playing around. Of course it would be better if he met higher standards, but considering that he’s a Trump supporter, it’s probably unrealistic to ask for better.
  • tim wood
    I’m still awaiting your critique.NOS4A2

    Here's mine, troll-liar. Only a few people have earned this, but you've created for yourself a sub-class of your own in your persistent resistance to any standard of discussion. Well, here's a standard you'll appreciate. Fuck off, nose4.
  • NOS4A2
    Boy, you guys really can’t handle a little opposition, can you? I’m flattered.
  • praxis
    The forum is replete with opposition but of a higher standard.
  • NOS4A2

    The forum is replete with opposition but of a higher standard.

    Yes, I’ve seen it. But I wasn’t talking about the forum.
  • praxis

    Let me put it this way, if you offered a higher standard of opposition no one would complain about its quality.
  • NOS4A2

    I have yet to be convinced that these so-called high standards are applied to anyone but me, the only dissenter.
  • praxis

    Frankly, I suspect that you haven’t been banned because you’re the only dissenter (Trump supporter) in this topic.
  • NOS4A2

    Frankly, I suspect that you haven’t been banned because you’re the only dissenter (Trump supporter) in this topic.

    Yes, it’s crazy that I could be met with all sorts of abuse and false accusations and ridicule, while I should be banned for...trolling? I guess these are the high standards we’re talking about.
  • praxis

    The abuse, accusations, and ridicule is all well deserted, I’m afraid.

    Members are banned all the time for low quality contributions. Not sure how low is too low. They haven’t banned me yet so their standards can’t be that high.
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