• Benkei
    2016 -- Dildo Trump (sub-abysmal)Bitter Crank

    You'd wish he was a dildo as that would at least make him useful and give you good feelings.
  • Mr Bee
    If Trump looses 2020, he'll just run again in 2024, if he isn't dead or in jail.Echarmion

    He'll probably lose then because though the GOP are willing to put up with alot, they'll not tolerate a loser. Just look at Roy Moore for instance. Speaking of, if it wasn't for him losing in 2017, I'm willing to bet someone like Moore is exactly the kind of politician who will have a bright future in the GOP.
  • _db
    He'll probably lose then because though the GOP are willing to put up with alot, they'll not tolerate a loser.Mr Bee

    Unless they have no other alternative, which very well could be the case.
  • 180 Proof

    ... clearly a Dem win would be the lesser of two evils for the left. Otherwise, you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth over it.
  • Michael
    Biden Team Cancels Texas Event After Highway ‘Ambush’ by MAGA Cavalry

    But when the Biden campaign bus drove to Austin, it was greeted by a blockade of pro-Trump demonstrators, leading to what one Texas House representative described as an escalation “well beyond safe limits.”


    “These Trump supporters, many of whom were armed, surrounded the bus on the interstate and attempted to drive it off the road,” he alleged. “They outnumbered police 50-1, and they ended up hitting a staffer’s car.”

    Trump Cheers on MAGA Caravan That Ambushed Biden Bus

    President Donald Trump tweeted his support late Saturday for the MAGA caravan that reportedly tried to run a Biden campaign bus off the road in Texas, causing the former vice president to cancel a planned event in Austin. “I LOVE TEXAS!” Trump tweeted along with a video of the incident.

    He loves his violent thugs.
  • 180 Proof
    These voter suppression tactics have a track record in recent years of driving up anti-GOP turnout, so this egregious development is likely to be better for Biden the next 50-60 hours as this Texas video goes viral. FDT.

    He loves his violent thugs.

  • Baden

    Imagine the response of NOS and the right-wing media if the left attacked a Trump campaign bus and Biden tweeted his support. Their little empty heads would explode before you could say "ANTIFA!". More proof that domestic terrorism and violence in America is predominantly right-wing.
  • Harry Hindu
    You can take your foot out of your mouth now. In future, please wake up and pay attention.Baden
    The only ones not paying attention are the ones that think this is only a two-man race. You and your pals have Trump tunnel vision.

    wait, what, you're a progressive?Benkei
    The ones that don't continue to vote or the status quo? - yes, we are the true "progressives", if that is the label you want to use. The Democrat left isn't progressive or liberal. They are authoritarian socialists.

    Ah, the good old hypocrisy fallacy. You don't get to decide what people are allowed to complain about. What matters is whether the complaint is warranted, not whether or not the person making it meets your standard of purity.Echarmion
    Stop putting words in my mouth, hypocrite.

    I never said that I get to decide what others complain about. People can make whatever decisions they want, but then don't expect others to make the decision to take anything you say seriously when your behavior contradicts your words.

    Yeah, that worked very well in the USSR. Or Nazi Germany.Echarmion
    :lol: The USSR and Nazi Germany were one-party systems, not no-party systems! The U.S. is currently only one step away from these types of government.

    They aren’t pro-Biden; they are anti-Trump. Anti-Trumpism forces them to toss their principles to the wind. Out of one side of their mouth they will lament systemic racism, and out of the other they would gladly vote for a duo whose political careers led to the mass incarceration of dark-skinned people. Out of one side of the mouth they teach us the failures of neo-liberalism, and out of the other they vote for its champion. They would sink the entire ship if it meant Trump’s exit.NOS4A2
    Exactly. They hate Trump more than they hate systemic racism, white privilege and corruption. When hate is what is driving them, it is difficult for them to make clear decisions.

    Pay attention: A Biden vote is only a tactic and not the strategy, just as Trump is only a symptom (much moreso than Biden) of the deeper rot in American society; in other words, an Anti-Trump vote (esp. in a swing state) is not pro-Biden. :mask:180 Proof
    Your tactic doesn't help you realize your strategy. There are means to vote against Trump while not voting for Biden. There are other candidates that aren't Trump or Biden. Instead of voting for the non-racist woman that hasn't been in power for nearly 50 years, you'd rather vote for Biden?

    The way I see it is that both Obama and Trump were rejections of the dynastic, career politicians that have dominated American govt. We're tired of the Bushes and the Clintons, the Bidens and the McConnells. If Trump wins, it will reinforce the validity of this idea, and the next party to put an outsider on their ticket will be the next party to win the White House.

    In my district, there are amendments to the state constitution and county referendums that will allow NPA voters to vote in primaries and will remove the Ds and Rs next to the names on the ballots for candidates running for certain county seats. I am voting for these and I would encourage others to vote similarly if they have similar measures on their ballots, as such measures will help to break down these partisan walls.
  • fdrake

    >Deplatforming is against freedom of speech.
    >Trying to stop political rallies isn't.
  • Baden
    The only ones not paying attention are the ones that think this is only a two-man race.Harry Hindu

    With nearly 100 million votes already cast, this being a two-horse race has left the realms of the theoretical. But I agree that the fact that it is is a travesty.
  • NOS4A2
    Anti-Trumpists upset with a little protest. That’s rich. If only they hadn’t harassed every trump rally and appearance, their whines wouldn’t sound so hilarious.
  • 180 Proof
    Your tactic doesn't help you realize your strategy.Harry Hindu
    Says a proponent of a non-alternative, a damn appeaser or worse ...


    The/my strategy is increased stakeholder-over-stockholder control of society.

    • Momentarily - significant relief and forebearance to individuals, small businesses & landlords as well as an all-of-government national public health response of the pandemic, etc during Biden administration's first 100 days "honeymoon" - okay.
    • Near-term - a few 'liberal' structural reforms - better.
    • Long-term - comprehensive, "progressive" structural reforms - best.

    A deliberately anti-fascist vote (but not, unfortunately, also anti-neoliberal vote) is a necessary, even though not itself sufficient, tactic towards that end.

    And currently residing in Georgia, which is now for the first election since 1992 close enough to "swing" from covIDIOT-1 & the GOP to corporate Joe & the Dems, 'third-party voting' (esp. for a lifelong, left libertarian, third-party voter like me, who also is not ahistorical or unprincipled enough to 'not vote') would merely throw away my vote by barking at shadows of false equivalence as you do, Hindu, and thereby cowardly retreat from resisting the proven, difference in kind not degree, clear and present danger currently squatting squalidly behind self-pitying paranoid barricades in the White House. In hinge-moments such as this election, 'the enemy of my enemy' is either your ally if you've got balls or stumbling block if you don't. I AM ANTIFA - to my ears, Hindu, your crypto-appeasement noises sound fuckin' NUTLESS. :mask:
  • praxis

    They learned victimhood from the best.

  • Nils Loc
    Sounds like Vigano would do well creating comic book propaganda for his 'children of light'.

    What letter would Jesus have written?
  • god must be atheist
    What letter would Jesus have written?Nils Loc

    "D". This is one letter he would definitely have written.
  • god must be atheist

    Check out the question I answered. I even quoted it for your ease of reference. I am the weird guy who answers questions asked directly and to the point, instead of talking a million different things that have nothing to do with the question, let alone giving a straightforward answer to it.
  • god must be atheist
    Says Jesus?Nils Loc

    I said "witten", because the question specifically asked for a written letter. I am getting angry. You can't even differentiate between "say" and "write"?

    I am sorry, I feel a heart attack is coming on. I can't handle this. Talking to people who immediately turn "write" to "say".

    I apologize. I have to leave this.
  • unenlightened
    unenlightened's not very powerful open letter to Archbishop Vigano.

    Wat da fuck man? You bat shit crazy.
  • Baden

    Yes, fuck him.
  • Nils Loc
    I am sorry, I feel a heart attack is coming on. I can't handle this. Talking to people who immediately turn "write" to "say".god must be atheist

    Don't get all worked up on my account. It's just a silly meme. You are permitted as much as any person to speak and write in Jesus' name.
  • EnPassant
    I can't believe it. I asked for comments on the letter and all I get is this pointless argument about nothing. Can people please stay with the subject of the thread?
  • Nils Loc

    Why not comment yourself?
  • Wayfarer
    It’s a very depressing read. From my perspective, it illustrates the depth of delusion that surrounds the ‘Trump cult’ (as that is what it is.) I think there’s a good argument that Trump channels a particular kind of evil, and that people - even archbishops! - fall under its spell. And once they’re in, then they’re like moonies or Scientologists and there’s no reaching them. Sad. (That said, some further background on the writer might be useful, and how he is viewed by other Catholics.)
  • Baden

    It's a very poor OP. You haven't bothered with any analysis yourself or presented any thesis. What do you want us to talk about? The Catholic church's historically cozy history with fascism/authoritarianism? Trump's odd appeal to the religious? Whether this particular archbishop represents anything important about contemporary Catholicism? What? You asked only for 'comments' and you got them. Fill out a thesis or give some direction, please, or I'll just delete this.
  • Streetlight
    Lol Trump can't read, why bother.
  • Maw
    My brain can barely take any more of this
  • frank
    My brain can barely take any more of thisMaw

    50 years from now nobody will care. It's going around that people should stay home in the next week or so due to civil unrest. Are they saying that in NY?
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