• Banno
    As if more evidence were needed that Catholicism is evil.
  • Pfhorrest
    Now I'm wondering what the fallout would be if some horde of crazy Trumpers ended up "accidentally" killing Biden himself. (I'm picturing Biden himself was on that bus). This late into the election, with so many ballots already cast for him. Was Harris on that bus too?
  • Streetlight
    Ugh, I read the damn thing, and holy damnation these people still think they're playing a giant game of DnD or something.

    The only rational conclusion: sell all assets of the Catholic Church - and any other church for that matter - and redistribute them to their ex-parishioners. Or else turn them into museums for learning how primitive we can be.
  • Banno
    Yep. Use the US funds to set up a decent healthcare system. These folk are nasty remnants from the middle ages.
  • Benkei
    Let's hope 50 years from now a lot of people still care so they avoid the shitty mess the US is in now.

    That said, I think the only solution for this polarisation and ridiculous hate-mongering going both ways is prohibiting targeted ads and content on social media. If I click on an "anti vax" movie, I get more anti vax movie suggestions, clicking another and I get a corona hoax, clicking that gets me a 9/11 hoax. Pretty soon I live in an alternative reality. Did find this gem though:

    You know what never gets old? Dark humour and unvaccinated kids.
  • frank
    You know what never gets old? Dark humour and unvaccinated kids.Benkei

  • Mr Bee
    That said, I think the only solution for this polarisation and ridiculous hate-mongering going both ways is prohibiting targeted ads and content on social media.Benkei

    Social media exists in all countries (except North Korea), but we don't see the same kind of polarization in the US as in places like the UK or Canada. Also social media was only a recent invention. Polarization in the US has been around since the early 90s. Not coincidental I think, since that was when the Cold War ended and I suspect that alot of that anti-communist rhetoric that was so prevalent in the latter 20th century didn't exactly go away as one would've thought.

    Honestly if I were to suggest a solution to the polarization in the US it would probably be to get rid of the two party system that currently exists today. The reason why alot of Americans see things as black or white is because it sort of is. Either the Democrats control the Senate or the Republicans do, and there's little room for any actual bipartisanship in such a system and little need too since if you're in control you essentially have a simple majority to work with.
  • Benkei
    Social media exists in all countries (except North Korea), but we don't see the same kind of polarization in the US as in places like the UK or Canada.Mr Bee

    It might be more obvious in the US but it's even happening in the Netherlands, which has a pluralistic political system. So it's not just the two party system.
  • Echarmion
    Social media exists in all countries (except North Korea), but we don't see the same kind of polarization in the US as in places like the UK or Canada. Also social media was only a recent invention. Polarization in the US has been around since the early 90s. Not coincidental I think, since that was when the Cold War ended and I suspect that alot of that anti-communist rhetoric that was so prevalent in the latter 20th century didn't exactly go away as one would've thought.Mr Bee

    It is important to point out that extreme polarization in the US does not originate with social media. There is some evidence it has accelerated since 2010, but that's difficult to measure.

    On the other hand, the polarization is very clearly spreading. Europe is experiencing more extreme polarization across the board, a reduction of trust in government institutions and in some places serious authoritarian tendencies. The protest movement in France was in some ways very similar to Trumpism. Germany has an extreme right wing party in parliament, and polarization has markedly increased, mostly in the form of the right wing of parties increasingly separating from the mainstream.

    There are also various populist governments across Asia which run a lot of their campaigning and propaganda over social media. In some SEA countries, Facebook is pars pro toto for the Internet, so it has significant influence.

    I'd say the US is first in line, but unfortunately not unique with respect to this problem.
  • EnPassant
    You haven't bothered with any analysis yourself or presented any thesisBaden

    Ok. My thinking is that the letter will make many religious people vote for Trump if it is widely distributed. In my opinion Trump is hated because he 'drained the swamp'. He is keeping the wicked and unscrupulous people our of the White House. They have been in power for far too long and his main merit is he is blocking them. What is the alternative to Trump? The same old school that destroyed America?
  • Baden

    By analysis, I meant something more than a five-year old could come up with. Merged with Trump main thread.
  • Harry Hindu
    The/my strategy is increased stakehold over stockholder control of society.180 Proof
    Then electing someone that has been in power for nearly 50 years and has done nothing to advance your stategy, just shows that you're all talk, 180. There is no difference between Biden or Trump in this regard. Neither one is interested in promoting a classless society as they are both opposite sides of the same coin - the corp./govt. symbiosis that feeds each other.

    So go ahead and throw your vote away voting against something rather than for something unique and truly progressive - like a non-Democrat or non-Republican. But you can't because you are controlled by group-think.

    You do realize that in a two-party system both parties take turns in holding power, or the majority, don't you? And that you have to live with Republicans being power from time to time? and that neither party represents your views, nor mine? The only other options are one party with no choice or liberty, or more choices with more parties having equal press time so that we can have access to alternate ideas.

    With the existing system, you can never realize your strategy. It will always be a pipe dream until we have other choices.
  • Hanover
    The extreme polarization in the US leads to a lot of screaming and yelling, but no difference day to day. Maybe the Democrats will increase my taxes 2 to 3% but maybe my healthcare premium will drop the same amount. I really can't say I'm better or worse under Trump versus Obama. I'd need a microscope to figure it out.

    Also, I'm not entirely sure what makes a Republican not a Democrat and what makes Trump a Republican. I think which side of the aisle you sit on determines it.
  • ssu
    The extreme polarization in the US leads to a lot of screaming and yelling, but no difference day to day.Hanover
    At least it has been successful in driving out those small capitalist shops from downtown Seattle and Portland, but yes, a lot of places in the US are totally OK even with the pandemic.

    Anyway, if it's going to be a Biden administration, they have experience in putting down similar protests with the Occupy Movement. Kamala will get things under control behind the curtains sometime in the spring. Or at least in the autumn 2021.
  • Baden

    Square pegs in round holes. You've got your corporate Republocrat party (aka "moderate" Dems and Republicans) in the middle, who just want a quiet life where they can squeeze money from their donors and throw a few chicken wings to the middle class, surrounded by the Social-Democrat-lite party (THE SQUAD! ANTIFA!) on one side and the liberty-freak/populist alliance (Trumpers) on the other. It's never going to work. Try Canada.
  • ssu
    Very diplomatically put. A bit more thorough investigation would show how the situation is worse as Trump is totally fine when it his family getting the money.

    But of course, this was a thing Trump was surprised how it got wind from his supporters. That should tell everything. Yet many believe this, as if Trump really would be for fighting corruption and the power of lobbyists and special interest groups.
  • 180 Proof
    :point: It must be a Russian troll-bot.
  • EnPassant
    Very diplomatically put. A bit more thorough investigation would show how the situation is worse as Trump is totally fine when it his family getting the money.ssu

    The main point is that he got them out of the White House. I would forget about the small stuff, like money, accusations of racism etc. This is too big for the small fry. The main issue here is Trump is keeping very dangerous warmongers and evil people out of the White House. That is why they hate him so much.
  • EnPassant
    These people are small fry. See my post above this one.
  • praxis
    The main issue here is Trump is keeping very dangerous warmongers and evil people out of the White House.EnPassant

    By evil I assume that you mean liberal?
  • EnPassant
    By evil I assume that you mean liberal?praxis

    I mean the people, whoever they are, who sold America out and dragged it into wars for far too long.
  • praxis
    So you have no idea of who they are?
  • EnPassant
    No. Nor do most people. 'Liberal' means nothing. Left and Right are meaningless. These are small words about small things. America, like many modern countries, is run by the deep state. They are the ones who sold you out. This is why Trump complains about the bad deal with China. Just in case you missed the link I posted https://nw-connection.com/?p=7224
  • NOS4A2
    It’s too early to tell who is going to win, I think. Though many polls show a resounding win for Biden, some say the exact opposite.

    Sheer enthusiasm paints a different picture altogether. Trump can pack stadiums.

    Then again, this apparent enthusiasm may be a sign of social distancing choices rather than support. Biden just may have stricter measures for his rallies.

    The so-called silent majority is still silent, and there is only anecdotal evidence that such a group exists.

    The advantage of being a Trump "Covidiot" is that you're not afraid to visit the polling station, and can be sure your vote counts. Mail-in votes could be showing up for days after the election.

    So it will not only be interesting to see who wins, but also who was right in predicting the winner.
  • praxis
    No. Nor do most people.EnPassant

    Then how do you know the vid I posted is false?
  • Baden
    Just in case you missed the link I posted https://nw-connection.com/?p=7224EnPassant

    Nice site. Yours? I particularly like this article:

    "The Powers Of Hell Come Against President Trump – We Can Stop Them
    Published October 31, 2020 | By Bryan Fischer

    Bryan Fischer

    The power of Satan’s demons will be focused against President Trump on Halloween night in an effort to prevent his return to the Oval Office.

    Counting on extra juice from two full moons in the month of October, over 6,000 witches “are plotting to cast a ‘binding spell’ on Donald Trump on Halloween, so that he loses the presidential election. The mystic women believe that the two full moons this month have given them extra magical powers to kick Trump out of the White House.”

    Now while many Americans laugh at the concept that there are any such things as real witches, or that occult practitioners have any power, the Scriptures indicate otherwise. Balaam, for example, was an ancient sorcerer whose curses were powerful enough that God intervened before he could curse an entire nation (Numbers 22-24)."
  • Baden
    So you have no idea of who they are?praxis

    Witches and demons and stuff. Duh..
  • Streetlight
    I think it would be better as a Jedi story. Like, Darth Obama and his padawan, Darth Biden, are to be vanquished by Jedi Master Trump, who wields the light side of the force. His small, nimble hands can manipulate lightsabres much better than his opponents. He is to bring balance to the force by draining the swamp, as it was foretold in the prophecies.
  • NOS4A2
    Another DNC ruse regarding the “ambush” and “attack” on the Biden bus.

    A statement from the San Marcos Police Department said after research of the incident and viewing online video, it appeared the crash happened in their jurisdiction. “The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” the statement continues. “Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck. Since SMPD has not spoken to either driver at this time, additional investigation would be required to fully ascertain who was at fault.”


    The white SUV was a Biden supporter. The cognitive dissonance must be profoundly painful.
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