• Gnostic Christian Bishop
    God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

    Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

    Some people have what has been termed, the problem of evil. Many cannot fathom why, if god is good, he would create evil. Yet the scriptures are clear that god created evil for his pleasure.

    It may be due to my criminal mind and delinquent attitude, but I think I know why. I wondered if you ands others had also dithered out a reasonable answer to show why sin and evil are required for god’s plan and our mental and moral development.

    This fact is likely why the ancient Christians determined that sin was necessary for our development. They sing that Adam furthered god’s plan by his sin.

    To them, even as Christianity and I clash, and the intelligent position, is that to not sin or do evil, is to derail god’s plan.

    In this, issue, I happen to agree with the scriptures and Christians who say the sin and evil is good and necessary to god’s plan.

    Do you?

  • christian2017
    God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

    Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

    Some people have what has been termed, the problem of evil. Many cannot fathom why, if god is good, he would create evil. Yet the scriptures are clear that god created evil for his pleasure.

    It may be due to my criminal mind and delinquent attitude, but I think I know why. I wondered if you ands others had also dithered out a reasonable answer to show why sin and evil are required for god’s plan and our mental and moral development.

    This fact is likely why the ancient Christians determined that sin was necessary for our development. They sing that Adam furthered god’s plan by his sin.

    To them, even as Christianity and I clash, and the intelligent position, is that to not sin or do evil, is to derail god’s plan.

    In this, issue, I happen to agree with the scriptures and Christians who say the sin and evil is good and necessary to god’s plan.

    Do you?

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    I'm half way familiar with verses that say something along the lines that God/Jesus created evil. Do you have those specific chapters so that we can examine them? I've read them but i haven't read them in a while.

    If God can predict everything in 100% detail, but if he also allows room for error, wouldn't it make sense that really bad things would happen? And to go on further that he would know that these things would happen.

    If God gives us even slightly imperfect dna and also puts us in slightly bad situations, situations compound on situations and dna problems can compound on dna problems (nurture(situations) versus nature(dna)), wouldn't extreme wickedness or extremely bad things happen?

    To go on further he would predict all of this.

    I however don't entirely disagree with your OP.

    Your OP implies that you are open to there being a god(s), even though prior OPs of yours you said you were an atheist. I've asked you for reading material (not videos) pertaining to your type of Gnosticism, but you wouldn't give me any reading material. There are different types of Gnosticism.
  • tim wood
    Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    How is this even coherent?
  • TheMadFool
    I was under the impression that evil grew out of free will. Isn't that the standard theological stance on evil's origins? The ultimate prize was freedom and evil just happened to be part of that deal.
  • Daniel C
    This is a very interesting line of thinking. Lets keep it in the Christian vein to make it clearer. We go back to the creation of man as described in Genesis. What we have, is man being a perfect being. "God" looks "down" at him/her and finds it impossible to accept this perfect state of being of man. Why? This perfect being is self-sufficient, has no need for "God" and is actually nothing less than a god unto himself. For "God" this won't do - he needs to be needed. The only way "to be needed" is to bring in / create an event which will put man in the position where his situation is changed fundamentally: changed to a situation of being permanently in need of "God". How is that to be done? Confront him with evil and give him the "freedom" to choose for or against it. But in his omniscience, "God" knows in advance what man's choice will be: he will choose "evil", thereby fulfilling "Gods" need. Now man is a lost being doomed to be condemned forever. This drastically different situation of man now makes it possible for "God" to come forward and to declare that man needs to be saved / redemption. Now God can intervene even further by sending his "son" to die for our sins so that those of us who believe in him can have everlasting life! And all of this, because "God" is such a "merciful" being! But, also, all of this, because "God" needed this - that we need him. Therefore, "God" had to make use of evil in order to accomplish what he wanted to accomplish. So "good" use can in fact be made be implementing evil - at least in some (exceptional) cases? The only remaining questing is: why did "God" need man's need for him? I think we can only speculate on this one: was everything just too boring for "God"? Is he like us: we all have the need to be needed by others in order to exist meaningfully? Was he perhaps in a way jealous when he saw the self- sufficiency which had been created by him? I keep wondering about this one, because of the implications, should this possibly be true!
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    If God can predict everything in 100% detail, but if he also allows room for error, wouldn't it make sense that really bad things would happen? And to go on further that he would know that these things would happen.christian2017

    You propose what breaks the law of the excluded middle. If 100% is known, there is no room for error.

    Things are 100% or not. One cannot have both options at the same time.

    Gnosticism, but you wouldn't give me any reading material. There are different types of Gnosticism.christian2017

    True, that is why it is better to ask specifics so that I do not have to explain the lies the inquisitors used to try to justify their murders of us.

    All types of Gnosticism begin with one being a free thinker and being an esoteric ecumenists with no supernatural beliefs. We are naturalists and know that trying to know the unknown supernatural god is a waste of time. Our myths are just myths to us and were invented as talking points before Christianity went stupid and began to read their myths literally. I seldom use them, other than the more moral or esoteric terms and sayings.

    I use the following to show our general modern thinking.

    Modern Gnostic Christians name our god "I am", and yes, we do mean ourselves.

    You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

    The name "I Am" you might see as meaning something like, --- I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation.

    In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

    That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

    Here is the real way to salvation that Jesus taught.

    Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

    John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

    Allan Watts explain those quotes in detail.


    Joseph Campbell shows the same esoteric ecumenist idea in this link.


    The bible just plainly says to put away the things of children. The supernatural and literal reading of myths.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    How do you feel about Marcion?christian2017

    I agree with some of his views but not others.

    He was using our myths in a literal way to put against the literal reading Christians.

    That is just using one set of invented lies against another set of lies.

    That is why I stick to reality, which is the Gnostic Christian way as we only believe in things that can be known as true and real.

    Ours is more of an ideology than a theology even as we use the god word. God to us is just the best set of rules to live life by. These can change over time depending on the moral maturity of any peoples.

    You may have noted that secular law is a hell of a lot better than theistic laws.

    The one uniting factor of all Gnostic sects is that we put man above god. We recognize that they are all man made.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    How is this even coherent?tim wood

    Ask the scribes. I have no problem understanding what is meant.

    What is incoherent to you? If you need a more modern translation, google away.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    I was under the impression that evil grew out of free will. Isn't that the standard theological stance on evil's origins? The ultimate prize was freedom and evil just happened to be part of that deal.TheMadFool

    True in many cases, but I take the position that our free will is limited by evolution.

    Evolution forces us to both cooperate and compete. When we cooperate, there is no evil. When we compete, we create a loser who will feel that evil has befallen him. That is the source of all human against human evil.

    We have the free will to choose when we compete, mostly, but we do not have the free will to never compete unless we let ourselves and our line go extinct by exercising it.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    he will choose "evil",Daniel C

    Good thinking and good questions.

    God is said to have no wants or needs, which as you know, is not what scriptures say.

    They have god in heaven for who knows how long, all alone, and then suddenly decides to create a defective heavenly hosts that he later has to cull for hell, a full third of his defective angels and demons.

    IOW, god screwed up even before creating us. Not perfect as you put but only good according to Genesis2.

    But in his omniscience, "God" knows in advance what man's choice will be: he will choose "evil",Daniel C

    I cannot agree if as you requested, we stick to the Christian dogma.

    Christians seem conflicted on this. They call Eden where we fell, but they also see it as where we were elevated, which is closer to the Jewish and Gnostic Christian interpretations. Why Christianity scrapped the Original Virtue that Jews and I see to a fall is not known, but we do know that that view conflicts with Christianity as they sing in their Exultet hymn that Adam's sin was a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.

    They are trying to have their fall while elevating Adam as the sustainer of god's plan.

    Not very intelligent that.

  • christian2017
    If God can predict everything in 100% detail, but if he also allows room for error, wouldn't it make sense that really bad things would happen? And to go on further that he would know that these things would happen.
    — christian2017

    You propose what breaks the law of the excluded middle. If 100% is known, there is no room for error.

    Things are 100% or not. One cannot have both options at the same time.

    Gnosticism, but you wouldn't give me any reading material. There are different types of Gnosticism.
    — christian2017

    True, that is why it is better to ask specifics so that I do not have to explain the lies the inquisitors used to try to justify their murders of us.

    All types of Gnosticism begin with one being a free thinker and being an esoteric ecumenists with no supernatural beliefs. We are naturalists and know that trying to know the unknown supernatural god is a waste of time. Our myths are just myths to us and were invented as talking points before Christianity went stupid and began to read their myths literally. I seldom use them, other than the more moral or esoteric terms and sayings.

    I use the following to show our general modern thinking.

    Modern Gnostic Christians name our god "I am", and yes, we do mean ourselves.

    You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

    The name "I Am" you might see as meaning something like, --- I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation.

    In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

    That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

    Here is the real way to salvation that Jesus taught.

    Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

    John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

    Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

    Allan Watts explain those quotes in detail.


    Joseph Campbell shows the same esoteric ecumenist idea in this link.


    The bible just plainly says to put away the things of children. The supernatural and literal reading of myths.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    What i was saying about the 100% predictability is that God/Jesus knew terrible things would happen when he gave us imperfect dna and also allowed us to be in bad or very bad situations. But at the same time he could predict everything in 100% detail.

    Gnosticism began with the belief in supernatural. Gnosticism at the very least began in the 1st or 2nd century AD if not before.

    I'll copy the rest of what you said in my journal and study it. You do realize its easier to scrutinize a document if it is known to all. Your form of Gnosticism doesn't have alot of material available to all as christianity has.

    When people study Kabalah (spelling) the people who want to know more are very often required to sware an oath (similar to free masons) before they can get more information from the Kabalah sage..

    In this day and age you are more likely to get ridiculed for being christian than a gnostic, so i'm not sure why your type of Gnosticism doesn't have alot of reading material associated with it.
  • christian2017
    How do you feel about Marcion?
    — christian2017

    I agree with some of his views but not others.

    He was using our myths in a literal way to put against the literal reading Christians.

    That is just using one set of invented lies against another set of lies.

    That is why I stick to reality, which is the Gnostic Christian way as we only believe in things that can be known as true and real.

    Ours is more of an ideology than a theology even as we use the god word. God to us is just the best set of rules to live life by. These can change over time depending on the moral maturity of any peoples.

    You may have noted that secular law is a hell of a lot better than theistic laws.

    The one uniting factor of all Gnostic sects is that we put man above god. We recognize that they are all man made.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    oh ok.
  • christian2017

    Oh i went through that stuff. Like i've told you over and over again. I want reading material not videos. If i do watch those videos it won't be until next week if not indefinitely. If you dont want people to just dismiss your form of Gnosticism as just another Kabalah or Free mason group then you'll have to make documents public, just as many religions such as Christianity has public documents.

    I might eventually watch those videos, but like i said i would prefer written documents.
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    imperfect dnachristian2017

    Scriptures say that only perfection can flow from perfection. To think perfection would produce imperfection is linguistically impossible. Then again, the bible shows god's creating as merely good. Just another of many contradictions in the book of myths.

    Gnosticism began with the belief in supernatural. Gnosticism at the very least began in the 1st or 2nd century AD if not before.christian2017

    With it' present name perhaps. I think free thinkers have always existed. We know that esoteric system like kabbala started in about the 13th century BCE.

    There are also older tradition that have sought wisdom and not some god before that. The oldest serpent shrine is what, 79,000 years old or so.
    Your form of Gnosticism doesn't have alot of material available to all as Christianity has.christian2017

    Understood, but Christianity is a stagnant religion that posits that a genocidal god is somehow good and cannot evolve away from that really stupid thinking. Their homophobia and misogyny is also out dated and should have been revised out of their ideology. Gnostic Christianity did evolve in the distant past and we continue to denigrate Yahweh for the prick that he is shown to be. We were never homophobic and misogynous as we tied god's righteousness to equality because we are a universalist religion with a heaven but no hell. Our heaven is also more as Jesus described. Here and now. He also indicated that only the enlightened would see it as he and I do. What do you see?

    When people study Kabalah (spelling) the people who want to know more are very often required to sware an oath (similar to free masons) before they can get more information from the Kabalah sage..christian2017

    Back then, religions/tribes liked to tie in their adherents. It was all about the cash even as it is just that today. That is why so many Christian sects and denominations hate each other so much.

    In this day and age you are more likely to get ridiculed for being Christian than a gnostic, so I'm not sure why your type of Gnosticism doesn't have a lot of reading material associated with it.christian2017

    Christianity and Islam have soured the soup, so to speak, and Gnostic Christianity, even though it is hands down the best ideology that I know of, will go the way of all religions, as secularism and laïcité take over the future.

    I don't mind as it is close enough morally to Gnostic Christianity.

    Secularism looses the esoteric part of religion but so few of us reach the enlightenment stage that few will do the work required to get to that deeper level. I can tell you that it is hard work, and the rewards are individually rewarding but does little for the masses. The limits of enlightenment are not rewarding to those who seek some supernatural unknowable god.

    Here is what I found and this link shows how hard it is to express. I just call it a cosmic consciousness and even I do not agree 100% with the description given.


    I can tell you that from within that cosmic consciousness and knowing of our Father Complex, it is impossible for me to know if I was within myself or within an outside cosmic consciousness. DNA research is showing that our DNA stores a lot more information than we thought. We know for a fact that it hold multi-generational information.

    If interested in Gnosticism, I recommend you read the Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels. She does a great job of analyzing Gnostic Christian thinking.

    I also think there is a time limit for enlightenment. I was 39 when I suffered my apotheosis and I think I was a late bloomer because it took me that long to learn how to love or to find love.

  • christian2017
    imperfect dna
    — christian2017

    Scriptures say that only perfection can flow from perfection. To think perfection would produce imperfection is linguistically impossible. Then again, the bible shows god's creating as merely good. Just another of many contradictions in the book of myths.

    Gnosticism began with the belief in supernatural. Gnosticism at the very least began in the 1st or 2nd century AD if not before.
    — christian2017

    With it' present name perhaps. I think free thinkers have always existed. We know that esoteric system like kabbala started in about the 13th century BCE.

    There are also older tradition that have sought wisdom and not some god before that. The oldest serpent shrine is what, 79,000 years old or so.
    Your form of Gnosticism doesn't have alot of material available to all as Christianity has.
    — christian2017

    Understood, but Christianity is a stagnant religion that posits that a genocidal god is somehow good and cannot evolve away from that really stupid thinking. Their homophobia and misogyny is also out dated and should have been revised out of their ideology. Gnostic Christianity did evolve in the distant past and we continue to denigrate Yahweh for the prick that he is shown to be. We were never homophobic and misogynous as we tied god's righteousness to equality because we are a universalist religion with a heaven but no hell. Our heaven is also more as Jesus described. Here and now. He also indicated that only the enlightened would see it as he and I do. What do you see?

    When people study Kabalah (spelling) the people who want to know more are very often required to sware an oath (similar to free masons) before they can get more information from the Kabalah sage..
    — christian2017

    Back then, religions/tribes liked to tie in their adherents. It was all about the cash even as it is just that today. That is why so many Christian sects and denominations hate each other so much.

    In this day and age you are more likely to get ridiculed for being Christian than a gnostic, so I'm not sure why your type of Gnosticism doesn't have a lot of reading material associated with it.
    — christian2017

    Christianity and Islam have soured the soup, so to speak, and Gnostic Christianity, even though it is hands down the best ideology that I know of, will go the way of all religions, as secularism and laïcité take over the future.

    I don't mind as it is close enough morally to Gnostic Christianity.

    Secularism looses the esoteric part of religion but so few of us reach the enlightenment stage that few will do the work required to get to that deeper level. I can tell you that it is hard work, and the rewards are individually rewarding but does little for the masses. The limits of enlightenment are not rewarding to those who seek some supernatural unknowable god.

    Here is what I found and this link shows how hard it is to express. I just call it a cosmic consciousness and even I do not agree 100% with the description given.


    I can tell you that from within that cosmic consciousness and knowing of our Father Complex, it is impossible for me to know if I was within myself or within an outside cosmic consciousness. DNA research is showing that our DNA stores a lot more information than we thought. We know for a fact that it hold multi-generational information.

    If interested in Gnosticism, I recommend you read the Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels. She does a great job of analyzing Gnostic Christian thinking.

    I also think there is a time limit for enlightenment. I was 39 when I suffered my apotheosis and I think I was a late bloomer because it took me that long to learn how to love or to find love.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    If (if) God created the animals he gave them imperfect dna, the same is true for humans. Nurture(situations) versus nature(dna) is what decides what we do. See my above posts for clarification.

    So you aren't entirely opposed to Kabbalah but you are opposed common Christianity?

    Thanks for giving me that book to read, i'll look it up on amazon or request it at the library.

    I've already showed you in other conversations we had that God/Jesus is not genocidal nor mysogynistic.

    Well i forgot some of what you said above. We can discuss what i just responded with or you can expand on the other stuff.

    Once again thanks for the book reccomendation. I find videos take too much time to watch, in terms of trying to figure out if the video is true or false.
  • TheMadFool
    True in many cases, but I take the position that our free will is limited by evolution.

    Evolution forces us to both cooperate and compete. When we cooperate, there is no evil. When we compete, we create a loser who will feel that evil has befallen him. That is the source of all human against human evil.

    We have the free will to choose when we compete, mostly, but we do not have the free will to never compete unless we let ourselves and our line go extinct by exercising it.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    :ok: :up:
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    So you aren't entirely opposed to Kabbalah but you are opposed common Christianity?christian2017

    Kabbalah does not put god above man and is a knowledge and wisdom seeking ideology or thinking system. It is almost extinct and few even know what it is. Further, they are not the homophobic and misogynous and are not victimizing half the planet today with discrimination without a just cause.

    I've already showed you in other conversations we had that God/Jesus is not genocidal nor misogynistic.christian2017

    He will rule over you --- be silent in church and do not dare try to teach men is scripture.
    Jesus also supports a no-divorce policy for women. Who was more against women getting the vote more than Christian men?

    Yahweh already showed his genocidal side often in scriptures and Jesus is going to genocide all who do not accept him when he returns.

    All these belie your view. If you are going to make false statement, back them up.

    Once again thanks for the book recommendation. I find videos take too much time to watch, in terms of trying to figure out if the video is true or false.christian2017

    She is a scholar. Not a televangelist liar. Books are better, no argument.

  • tim wood
    Ask the scribes. I have no problem understanding what is meant.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Alway's glad to find a responsible endorser. A question arises concerning the coherence of the following text, which you understand.
    Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Small steps first: who is speaking, and with what authority? (Not to be confused with the author, unless they're the same.
  • Valentinus
    The one uniting factor of all Gnostic sects is that we put man above god. We recognize that they are all man made.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Care to support that statement? It does not make sense of what I have read.
  • christian2017
    So you aren't entirely opposed to Kabbalah but you are opposed common Christianity?
    — christian2017

    Kabbalah does not put god above man and is a knowledge and wisdom seeking ideology or thinking system. It is almost extinct and few even know what it is. Further, they are not the homophobic and misogynous and are not victimizing half the planet today with discrimination without a just cause.

    I've already showed you in other conversations we had that God/Jesus is not genocidal nor misogynistic.
    — christian2017

    He will rule over you --- be silent in church and do not dare try to teach men is scripture.
    Jesus also supports a no-divorce policy for women. Who was more against women getting the vote more than Christian men?

    Yahweh already showed his genocidal side often in scriptures and Jesus is going to genocide all who do not accept him when he returns.

    All these belie your view. If you are going to make false statement, back them up.

    Once again thanks for the book recommendation. I find videos take too much time to watch, in terms of trying to figure out if the video is true or false.
    — christian2017

    She is a scholar. Not a televangelist liar. Books are better, no argument.

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Other than essentially not being allowed to be preachers, i don't think the Bible is misogynounistic. There is alot more suicide among men in our modern age than women.

    Women in the Bible could own businesses and there is nothing barring a women in the Bible from being in secular leadership.

    Why do you assume divorce benefits women? Women could divorce men if the man cheated.

    Most people in America during the Women's suffrage movement were men so you don't have a point there.

    Where in the Bible did God/Jesus condone genocide? I already showed you before that Joshua didn't commit genocide.

    I'm sure we'll talk again, we can discuss your other issues later.
  • Changeling
    Stop using my name in vain pls
  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Ask the scribes. I have no problem understanding what is meant. — Gnostic Christian BishopAlway's glad to find a responsible endorser. A question arises concerning the coherence of the following text, which you understand.
    Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. — Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Small steps first: who is speaking, and with what authority? (Not to be confused with the author, unless they're the same.
    tim wood

    We cannot know who said what or when they said it. All we can know is who is said to have said it.

    I am dealing with the words and don't care who said them. This same goes for all that is in the Christian book of myths.

    I have no problem in coherently reading what is said. What is incoherent to you?

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Care to support that statement? It does not make sense of what I have read.Valentinus

    The only support available, I think, is the vast numbers of gods on our menu, and the fact that no god has ever popped up to correct any of us.

    I could point to the bible itself that says that god is unknowable, then follow up with a bunch of lies telling us all that they know of an unknowable god.

    Many scholars have also made my point over time. Here is how one puts it.


    Scriptures say that god is a jealous god. A jealous god would not sit back and let usurper gods take deceive those he loves and would pop up to remind his followers that the other gods are not worthy.

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Other than essentially not being allowed to be preachers, i don't think the Bible is misogynistic. There is a lot more suicide among men in our modern age than women.christian2017

    I adlib the bible.
    He will rule over you. Do not dare try to teach men. Need I say more. If so, do some googling before your reply.

    What suicide rates have to do with it is beyond me. Perhaps men know that many women are brighter than them and they can't take it.

    Why do you assume divorce benefits women? Women could divorce men if the man cheated.christian2017

    Sure, and be branded as a fornicator to make it harder to find a new husband. Why do you assume a divorce would hurt women, when it allows then to find a loving partner instead of staying in a loveless relationship?

    Where in the Bible did God/Jesus condone genocide? I already showed you before that Joshua didn't commit genocide.christian2017

    No you did not as you forgot Noah.

    As to Jesus, I thought I quoted this.

    Luke 19:27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.

    Both Christianity and Islam are fascist regimes and both threaten to use genocide or inquisitions and jihads on everyone that does not follow them, should they ever get the power.

    Why would you think otherwise given their vile murderous history?

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Stop using my name in vain plsEvil

    What do stars say?

    Any media, good or evil, is good.

    You should like that we do you for pleasure.

  • tim wood
    I have no problem in coherently reading what is said. What is incoherent to you?Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

    This is the quote you aver is coherent and that you no trouble reading coherently. Let's see.

    1) "Thou art worthy." Who is competent to make the judgment?

    2) "to receive." receive from whom?

    3) "glory and power and honor." What glory and power and honor that can stand as glory, power, and honor to this recipient?

    4) "for thou hast created all things." When clearly the speaker does not mean it; that, or does not understand what he is writing - or, supposes his reader to be so stupid as to not see the plain incoherence of the thought.

    5) "for thy pleasure." Meaning what? Really, meaning what !? God is a hedonist?

    6) "they are and were created." By God, right?

    What do you make of the writer's understanding of and attitudes about his own ideas about God, as manifest in what he wrote? You claim you understand it, that it's coherent to you. Well, tell us what it means; make it coherent.
  • A Seagull
    God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Man created God for his pleasure.
  • christian2017
    Other than essentially not being allowed to be preachers, i don't think the Bible is misogynistic. There is a lot more suicide among men in our modern age than women.
    — christian2017

    I adlib the bible.
    He will rule over you. Do not dare try to teach men. Need I say more. If so, do some googling before your reply.

    What suicide rates have to do with it is beyond me. Perhaps men know that many women are brighter than them and they can't take it.

    Why do you assume divorce benefits women? Women could divorce men if the man cheated.
    — christian2017

    Sure, and be branded as a fornicator to make it harder to find a new husband. Why do you assume a divorce would hurt women, when it allows then to find a loving partner instead of staying in a loveless relationship?

    Where in the Bible did God/Jesus condone genocide? I already showed you before that Joshua didn't commit genocide.
    — christian2017

    No you did not as you forgot Noah.

    As to Jesus, I thought I quoted this.

    Luke 19:27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.

    Both Christianity and Islam are fascist regimes and both threaten to use genocide or inquisitions and jihads on everyone that does not follow them, should they ever get the power.

    Why would you think otherwise given their vile murderous history?

    Gnostic Christian Bishop

  • Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Man created God for his pleasure.A Seagull

    Indeed. This is good, but then it turns to evil as we ket ourselves be subsumed by them and then let them rule over us.

    Gnostic Christians refuse to let that happen. We are like how Jacob is described before he named himself Israel. We strive both for and against god. First to learn, then do better. We strive to be the fittest person which is what god should be defined as.

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