• Gregory
    It is well known in some circles that Whitehead and Russell trained the part of the brain that processes logic to do math. It has its consequences. I don't know what part of my brain I've trained to do math, but it's a puny part (Seinfeld episode comes to mind). In a way though i am one of the greatest mathematicians in the world because I realize how at the most abstract level standard math maps out the impossible. The more math you know the less math you know,in a way. 2+2 equals anything but four. That's my stance.

    I was wondering if anyone had a defense of standard mathematics which did not appeal to mathematics itself. Can you avoid a circle while doing it?
  • DingoJones

    How could anyone dare to argue with one of the greatest mathematicians in the world?
    Though I am honoured you came down from the mountain to humble us (im sure your very busy with all the genius math you are doing) with your declarations, I simply can not in good conscience go against your almost singular understanding of mathematics, O Calculating One.
    “2+2 equals anything but 4”.
    Riveting. Bold. Original. Gregory the Great ladies and gentlemen, be humbled in his presence or not at all.
  • Banno

    Indeed, the most cogent defence of Dunning-Kruger I have seen today.

    When we add this to gems such as:
    At work yesterday I set up three jars and looked in the box and it was empty. On the shelf was all six. The universe has done something niceGregory

    ...boom this is deep stuff!

    So today's Trophy for Best Fractured Ceramic goes to you, @Gregory.

  • Gregory
    Who is George?
  • Gregory
    Dunning and Kruger are easily refuted. So no smart people know they are smart? Pride can make you dumb, but thinking you are smart can also trigger smart thoughts. Think of Napolean Hill. When ever people say "studies prove" I always know it as a signal to go in the other direction. The intelligentsia suck
  • Gregory
    And to keep this a legit thread, I point out that you can't defend math without recourse to math. So it Is an unproven field of thought. If anyone wants to thrown in Godel feel free
  • Banno
    to keep this a legit threadGregory


    Dunning and Kruger are easily refuted.Gregory

  • Banno
    Such a memorable name.
  • tim wood
    One way, not mine, is to define a system - obviously not math or logic because it's newly defined. Make it so it does certain things. What things? Well, the things that math and logic do. See it it makes sense. See if it's isomorphic with actual math and logic, if it is, then done. QED.
  • Gregory
    I'm a nominalist so i don't think anything is isomorphic.
  • Gregory
    One mistake that math obviously made was to say pi never repeats. It obviously does repeat otherwise all the whole numbers would not remain staggered even to odd for infinity. Infinity is well ordered in the Aristotelian sense. Anyway, some interpret Godel to have proven that you can't avoid contradictions in math
  • Gregory
    Today I have been reading Godel Esher and Bach, as well as Hegel's lesser logic
  • Gregory
    On the Dunning and Kruger thing, is it not obvious they they are defining who is intelligent. Who is to say the IQ test is scientific? To say it is is a massive claim. My twin brother has a 148 IQ and I don't think he is smarter than I. I haven't taken one of those
  • InPitzotl
    there are only three options when providing further proof in response to further questioning:Münchhausen trilemma (wiki)
    • The circular argument, in which the proof of some proposition is supported only by that proposition
    • The regressive argument, in which each proof requires a further proof, ad infinitum
    • The axiomatic argument, which rests on accepted precepts which are merely asserted rather than defended

    ...but I'm not sure I get the point of playing the Münchhausen trilemma as a game.
  • Gregory

    Do you think Godel proved option 2?
  • Banno
    Where did Dunning and Kruger or the subsequent studies make us of IQ? Or are you offering further examples?
  • Gregory
    A well ordered infinity runs smoothly. If Godel has really proven that the Liar paradox lies at the heart of mathematics, then a disordered infinity underlies math, which.I suspected. A disorder infinite series has no center of gravity to keep it logical. Keeping the logical and illogical balanced actually is truly a game. But I had initially wanted an interesting conversation about math. People who know the danc moves of numbers are being scornful because I turned the music off
  • Gregory

    How else did they determine who was "truly" intelligent than by IQ? The IQ test was obviously invented by people who thought THEY were smart
  • Banno
    I think you should have a chat with @Metaphysician Undercover.
  • Gregory

    Thanks, will do
  • DingoJones

    Wow. Why do you have to be cruel to Metaphysician?
  • Banno
    I just thought they might have much in common.
  • DingoJones

    I see. Couple world greats huh?
  • Banno
    Ah, my bad; I wrongly assumed that by "they" you meant Dunning and Kruger, not the clandestine "they" of conspiracy theorists. But I see now that talk of the the Dunning-Kruger effect is a failed attempt by THEM to libel those who have seen through their machinations.
  • Gregory
    But I see now that talk of the the Dunning-Kruger effect is a failed attempt by THEM to libel those who have seen through their machinations.Banno

    This isn't difficult. They claim they can measure intelligence and assign psychological traits to people who aren't. I am saying they don't really have evidence
  • Gregory
    Napoleon Hill had perfectly legit reasons to believe that if people tell themselves they are good at something they become good at it through the use of their subconscious. Dunning and Kruger weren't distinguishes people who are prideful and won't use their intellects and people who use Hill's methods. So I reject their conclusion as unscientific.
  • DingoJones

    :lol: :lol: :rofl:
  • InPitzotl
    Napoleon Hill had perfectly legit reasons to believe that if people tell themselves they are good at something they become good at it through the use of their subconscious.Gregory
    So I reject their conclusion as unscientific.Gregory

    What scientific methods did Napoleon Hill employ?
  • Gregory
    What scientific methods did Napoleon Hill employ?InPitzotl

    Same as every psychological study that has ever been done: observation
  • InPitzotl
    Same as every psychological study that has ever been done: observationGregory
    Were they scientific, though? You know, as opposed to those unscientific Dunning-Kruger studies?
  • Banno
    What scientific methods did Napoleon Hill employ?InPitzotl

    See the WIki article.

    One couldn't have asked for a better author to validate @Gregory's argument.

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