• CasKev
    @Sapientia But you must be as old as one, with all of those children you've raised.
  • Sir2u
    But you must be as old as one, with all of those children you've raised.CasKev

    He has not raised any kids, he just gets them old enough to throw off cliffs.
  • CasKev
    But he had to raise them to get them on a high enough cliff. Unless maybe he lives on top of a mountain, where he does all of his philosophical pondering, in which case he lowered them.
  • Sir2u
    to get them on a high enough cliff.CasKev

    Where did he say the cliffs were high, and what were the smoking?
  • CasKev
    Is it really a cliff if it isn't high?
  • S
    Smoke weed. Become a cliff.
  • CasKev
    I've known quite a few Cliffs that were never high. And throwing a child off of one would be no worse than pushing it down the stairs.
  • S
    And throwing a child off of one would be no worse than pushing it down the stairs.CasKev

    I don't know about that. To establish that I'll first have to conduct a few tests. Meet me at the stairs. Bring your children.

    (Too far? >:O )
  • CasKev
    Hahaha! OK, I'll bring my friend Cliff. We can get high together, and maybe push him down the stairs too.
  • S
    Hahaha! OK, I'll bring my friend Cliff. We can get high together, and maybe push him down the stairs too.CasKev

    And afterwards, we can meet my friend Stairs and push him off a cliff.
  • CasKev
    He probably deserves it - I hear he has a bad stairing problem.
  • S
    He probably deserves it - I hear he has a bad stairing problem.CasKev

    The rumours are true. He has his eyes focused on recovery, but he's taking it step by step.

    Although when push comes to shove, he doesn't really have a firm footing, and might fall off the wagon at any moment. Especially since I pushed the wagon to the edge of a cliff.
  • Sir2u
    Is it really a cliff if it isn't high?CasKev

    Only if you are lying dead at the bottom of it would it matter.
  • CasKev
    Then I could have a nice conversation with @Sapientia's favourite kids, 68 and 69.
  • Sir2u
    Then I could have a nice conversation with Sapientia's favourite kids, 68 and 69.CasKev

    Can't Quite think of anything worthy of being a reply to that. Maybe I'll try tomorrow.

    Bloody weird people talking to dead kids, what the hell is the world coming to?
  • CasKev
    Too bad you couldn't think of anything - then you might have had the Last Word.
  • Sir2u
    Too bad you couldn't think of anything - then you might have had the Last Word.CasKev

    So you think that this might be it?
  • CasKev
    Yes, I think everyone has lost interest. I'll start a new thread to let them know the game is over, and I won.
  • Sir2u
    Yes, I think everyone has lost interest. I'll start a new thread to let them know the game is over, and I won.CasKev

    If you did not participate in the old thread you do not understand how this works. Some people wait months for everyone to forget about it, then they sneak in at midnight to post and hope that no one will notice.
  • Hanover
    Is it really a cliff if it isn't high?CasKev

    Even if a cliff is high by definition, he didn't say he threw him off the highest part of the cliff. Like once I fell off a 1000 foot ladder, but thankfully I was on the first rung.
  • Sir2u
    a 1000 foot ladderHanover

    Where the hell did you find that? And how did you set it up?
  • Hanover
    I built the ladder out of Legos. So many Legos. So so many.
  • Sir2u
    I built the ladder out of Legos. So many Legos. So so many.Hanover

    So the question becomes
    Where the hell did you find that many Legos?
  • Sir2u
    Due to technical problems no further posts are to be made on this thread.

    Doing so might put your computer at risk of being infested by the super virus that disables the FAT on your hard drive and starts an infinity loop of high processing stresses on the CPU so that it burns out within seconds.
  • Hanover
    You can hide the FAT, but there's always some clever bastard who will find it and everything else you meant to discard.
  • Hanover
    So the question becomes
    Where the hell did you find that many Legos?

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    If you did not participate in the old thread you do not understand how this works. Some people wait months for everyone to forget about it, then they sneak in at midnight to post and hope that no one will notice.Sir2u

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sir! Don't give away my secrets!
  • Sir2u
    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sir! Don't give away my secrets!ArguingWAristotleTiff


    I am a closed tomb, never a peep will people hear from me.
  • Sir2u
    You can hide the FAT, but there's always some clever bastard who will find it and everything else you meant to discard.Hanover

    I was not referring to your waist line, but a part of the hard disk on the computer. It's a technical term so don't worry about trying to understand it.
  • CasKev
    I have come up with a new word that means 'the last word'. It is zyzalogue. I win.
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