• unenlightened
    I would prefer a very good diagnosis, and not mere prejudice.Hachem

    My diagnosis is that you are spouting nonsense. One cannot argue with nonsense or present evidence against it. I am totally sympathetic to your desire for engagement, but I am not going to indulge you. But my prejudice is not 'mere'; it is considered, authoritative, and no doubt painful to receive.
  • Wosret

    It's best to just use your senses and figure it out for yourself. It is thusly.
  • Hachem

    Yes, and you are full of it.
  • Baden

    Fair criticism and solid advice.
  • Hachem

    Why don't you come out of your safe anonymity as a moderator and criticize my empirical objections with your authoritative arguments?

    I will concede to you that you do not make a single chance of convincing me if you stick to the same strategy of simply exposing the accepted theory of light.

    But I am certainly willing to take arguments seriously which can show that the pictures I take and the interpretations I give are undefendable. Even for me, stubbornness can only get you so far.

    So, dear @unenlightened, put up or shut up.
  • unenlightened
    I was the most active admin for a few years on the old site, and have been fairly free with my opinions on this one. I'm happy for you to remain unsure to whatever extent you are; I'm not going to make this about me. Speak for yourself.
  • unenlightened
    Why don't you come out of your safe anonymity as a moderator and criticize my empirical objections with your authoritative arguments?Hachem

    1. I am not a moderator.
    2. I have no arguments, it is my prejudice that is authoritative.
    3. I'll shut up now, thanks.
  • Hachem
    1. I am not a moderator.unenlightened

    My bad.

    It does not make me respect you more though.
  • Agustino
    I'm not going to make this about me. Speak for yourself[.unenlightened
    Well if that was your intention it would have been very easy not to make this about yourself simply by answering the original question. You didn't, so this kept (and still keeps) being about you.
  • Wosret
    It can be about me.
  • Hachem
    It can be about me.Wosret

    Tell us something about yourself.
  • Wosret

    About me, eh? There is the coffee table that my laptop is on, and my phone, also the cat. There's a hoodie over there.
  • Hachem

    And how do you feel about all that?
    edit: I meant, about what you said, Not the polemic. unclear humor I'm afraid.
  • Wosret

    My feelings are of two kinds, the sensory, bodily, and the linguistic. I feel pretty good physically, think I might do some exercising soon, haven't decided if I want to be sore tomorrow or not yet though. The linguistic is extremely difficult to pin down, as it is like a flowing river of turbulence depending on the stream of consciousness, and how things are being framed.
  • Hachem

    Thank you for sharing, Wosret.

    Anybody else?
  • Wosret

    Sharing is caring.
  • Baden
    From "The Hunger Games" to "Analyze This". As long as everyone's happy...
  • TimeLine
    I agree entirely with both points. However, when someone performs open heart surgery on my ego without anaesthetic, I want them to have a very steady hand and know what they are doing; saintliness would be too much to ask, but I'd want them to have their sadism and aggression under close control.unenlightened

    My first ever essay in politics a long time ago was a D- covered in red ink aggressively scribbled by my lecturer. I got A's and B's ever since. If you think it is emotionally distressing for someone to be told that their post lacks quality then you have clearly led a sheltered virtual life. There perhaps needs to be strategies enforced to ensure moderation processes without loopholes, such as sending a PM each time a post is deleted to avoid any follow-up posts questioning why, or in the case of the Phil. Sci a discussion amongst yourselves whether the content is worth it and coming to a majority agreement, but in the end it is your obligation and expertise to remind those unable to articulate themselves that they should work a little harder. Sometimes a slap across the face does the trick.

    I am glad I made your day. Your reply is another sample of your worth.Hachem

    There there, no need to be so upset. (L)

  • Hachem

    beautiful baby. Is that your kid?
  • Wosret
    Not to be inflammatory, but the relationship between posters and moderation isn't one that is analogous to teachers and students. That's a fairly obnoxious framing. We aren't attending moderation university, aspiring to moderation status, and none of them have a PHD in moderation.
  • TimeLine
    Yes. He is crying after I told him about you unfortunately being born without a personality.
  • Hachem

    I understand now why you are so worried about the state of science and the way it is treated in this forum.
  • TimeLine
    There are standards or guidelines that need to be followed, as both a poster and a moderator. It is what keeps people like you from constantly posting anime.
  • Wosret
    Much more analogous to someone's house. You could say their house, their rules, but painting it in terms of status is inappropriate.
  • TimeLine
    I'm glad I have made you think. What's it like doing it for the first time?
  • TimeLine
    Are we getting all Marxist?
  • Hachem
    @ the moderators

    I think now would be a good time to close this thread.
  • Michael
    Much more analogous to someone's house. You could say their house, their rules, but painting it in terms of status is inappropriate.Wosret

    It's not even that (@jamalrob excepted). We're just volunteer security guards.
  • Baden

    Maybe. Although I was hoping "Love Story" would be showing next.

    As long as it's not teachers, I'm good with it.

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