• Thorongil
    as a case in point, as he has claimed, it could include almost any joke or negative comment aimed at him, so it may actually include some of yours.Baden

    That was a case in point about the bitter sarcasm.
  • Michael
    Those three adjectives don't have to apply to every mod. "Ill-tempered" suits your "contributions" well enough. "But I wasn't ill-tempered," you will say. Well, I can't enter into your subjectivity to determine that, so I'm only giving you my impression. You seemed quite frustrated and agitated that people like me were, in your mind, standing athwart the perfectly diaphanous position to take on the issue, which is to severely restrict and/or ban all guns. One of the most common expressions for frustration and agitation is sarcasm, which you did clearly display in your terse, biting little comments.Thorongil

    As far as I can see, I made two "terse, biting little comments":

    Yes, because common sense. [In response to the OP]

    I hate this term "leftist" that keeps getting thrown around. I much prefer the term "decent human being".

    Note, incidentally, that neither were actually in response to someone arguing against gun control.

    Is this really all that is required to irk you and inspire such criticism?
  • Baden

    Some of my comments were quite biting, which is not unusual for me but they were mixed in tone. and in the end conciliatory.

    That was a case in point about the bitter sarcasm.Thorongil

    So @Michael's joke about lemons was bitter sarcasm but this isn't?

    Ah, the "I know you are but what am I?" grade-school responseThorongil

    in response to me neutrally stating a fact?

    That's just a very odd assessment in my view. And I realize the discussion is about mods but your case becomes much weaker when you continue to engage in the type of posting behaviour you criticize us for.
  • Thorongil
    I believe there were more such comments, but regardless, I see that you have now conceded the accusation I leveled against you and are now performing a rear guard maneuver to soften its impact. It's too late, though, for I've already completed my victory lap.
  • Michael
    I see that you have now conceded the accusation I leveled against you and are now performing a rear guard maneuver to soften its impact.Thorongil

    I haven't. None of my comments were purple-prosed, hyperbolic, or ill-tempered. Neither was andrewk's. jamalrob and Hanover didn't post.

    So, again, at best your generalization covers less than half the mod-team.

    It seems to me that it is in fact your criticism that is purple-prosed, hyperbolic, and ill-tempered.
  • Agustino
    I see that you have now conceded the accusation I leveled against you and are now performing a rear guard maneuver to soften its impact. It's too late, though, for I've already completed my victory lap.Thorongil
    >:O >:O Your reddit username isn't about lemons for nothing no?
  • Thorongil
    So Michael's joke about lemons was bitter sarcasm but this isn't?Baden

    So you acknowledge the initiating party. That's the crucial admission, in my mind, for as I said in that thread:

    By the way, I knew it wasn't an attempted insult. The bitter sarcasm and hyperbolic reactions in this thread have always been accompanied by an implicit wink and a nudge. You know that I know that you know that you don't really think I'm crazy. The idea is to make me respond in kind so as to entertain you. I've tried to stick to my position and the argument at hand, however, and not fall for the bait. This is why I say with complete sincerity that you haven't refuted anything I've said. I know what it looks like when someone knows they have me dead to rights. This thread is mostly shitposting and moral preening on the part of you and your mod buddies.

    Perhaps I didn't fully succeed. I'm happy to admit that I was quite agitated myself that I was being deluged with such infantile nonsense.
  • Thorongil
    I haven't. None of my comments were purple-prosed, hyperbolic, or ill-tempered. Neither was andrewk's. jamalrob and Hanover didn't post.Michael

    But they were bitterly sarcastic. Some of those adjectives were meant to apply to SLX's ornate contributions, which should have been obvious.
  • Michael
    But they were bitterly sarcastic.Thorongil

    They weren't bitter sarcasm. They were facetious. Much like my joke about bitter lemons.

    Some of those adjectives were meant to apply to SLX's ornate contributions, which should have been obvious.

    I would hazard a guess as to assume all of them were. Which, again, undermines your generalization about the mod-team (as already mentioned, given that at best it covers 3 of the 7).
  • Baden

    @Michael's joke was a joke, and not intended to initiate anything in my view.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    To me, it's an American vs non-American issue.Michael

    Spot on. This is exactly how it felt interacting in the gun-control discussion which I can handle. What I cannot handle or will choose not to handle, is moderators who chose to interact in the discussion, addressing fellow members but non moderators in a condescending manner.
  • Agustino
    I actually think you should be a moderator :D - that's that attitude that moderators should have.
  • Thorongil
    They weren't bitter sarcasm. They were facetious. Much like my joke about bitter lemons.Michael

    I didn't take it that way. Your remark was to call me a lame and crappy person, much as one would describe a car with the aforementioned word. If you had something more innocuous in mind, then you failed to understand the double entendre of your remark.

    I would hazard a guess as to assume all of them were. Which, again, undermines your generalization about the mod-team (as already mentioned, given that at best it covers 3 of the 7).Michael

    You were all ill-tempered and bitter. In my view. In addition to that, some were also prone to hyperbole. Others still were trying very hard to artfully craft their disdain.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The fact also is that members of the mod team have distinct personalities and post in accordance with them just like regular members. There's no special uniformity among the mod team that differs significantly from the community as a whole.Baden

    I think this is what Benkei was trying to address in his post. There should be a higher standard for a moderator and an even higher standard for an administrator.
  • Agustino
    I'd be happy to have believers on the mod team, but they are few and far between.jamalrob
    Not according to this poll.


    19/52 (37%) religious, with 13 of those Christian.
  • Agustino
    You were all ill-tempered and bitter.Thorongil
    Yes, Mitch sometimes tries to impersonate Bitter Crank, but sadly not very successfully.
  • Wosret
    We should all just hug it out. We shouldn't be too lip biting, about views, evaluations, or even witticisms that personally amuse us. The thing is not a single comment by a single person, but the sense in which the, apparently entire staff gets together in a big high-fiving mocking spectacle at someone else's expense. Not so much any individual comment, one then feels outnumbered, and also being that they are the ones with all of the substantial powas, things feel totally imbalanced.

    Not much anyone can do about you guys all agreeing, and expressing it, ideally there would be more diversity is the only answer, but lets not just pretend it isn't so by not expressing it as much, and keeping thoughts and feelings to ourselves.
  • Agustino
    Not so much any individual comment, one then feels outnumbered, and also being that they are the ones with all of the substantial powas, things feel totally imbalanced.Wosret
    Yes, but when you're outnumbered you have to fight the demons all alone - don't you have practice handling all of us in the Shout Box? :P
  • Baden

    It wasn't a conscious decision that there were several staff members in that discussion but I do take your point on that, Wos.
  • Wosret

    Oh, I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about how I think someone that doesn't always win feels.
  • Agustino
    Oh, I'm not talking about me, I'm, I'm talking about how I think someone that doesn't always win feels.Wosret
    Oh. I see now. X-)
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The thing is not a single comment by a single person, but the sense in which the, apparently entire staff gets together in a big high-fiving mocking spectacle at someone else's expense. Not so much any individual comment, one then feels outnumbered, and also being that they are the ones with all of the substantial powas, things feel totally imbalanced.

    Not much anyone can do about you guys all agreeing, and expressing it, ideally there would be more diversity is the only answer, but lets not just pretend it isn't so by not expressing it as much, and feeling thoughts and feelings to ourselves.

    Well Thank you for putting into words how I felt.
  • Wosret
    Pfft, I don't race to the bottom, trying to be the biggest victim, I'm a lion.
  • Agustino
    Pfft, I don't race to the bottom, trying to be the biggest victim, I'm a lion.Wosret
    Can you handle many demons at once? X-) >:)
  • Jamal
    The thing is not a single comment by a single person, but the sense in which the, apparently entire staff gets together in a big high-fiving mocking spectacle at someone else's expense.Wosret

    Apart from your "entire staff", I think this is a fair point, and I don't like to see it either.
  • Thorongil
    Can you handle many demons at once? X-)Agustino

    He's got a trident, a snake, and a little man in his fro. I'd say he's up to the task.
  • Wosret

    Are you coming on to me?
  • Wosret

    I qualified with "apparently", I read your objections, but also Thoro's response to it.
  • Agustino
    He's got a trident, a snake, and a little man in his fro. I'd say he's up to the task.Thorongil
    Yes, but no lemons. Can't handle demons without lemons ;)

    Are you coming on to me?Wosret
    No, no, I have no fascination with my rivals >:)
  • Michael
    Your remark was to call me a lame and crappy person, much as one would describe a car with the aforementioned word. If you had something more innocuous in mind, then you failed to understand the double entendre of your remark.Thorongil

    I understood the double entendre. That's why I said it. It was a joke, said in response to your claim that the moderators in that discussion were purple prose-laden, hyperbolic, and ill-tempered.

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