• Noble Dust

    I think I do. Have you or anyone made any progress? I don't think so.
  • SonJnana
    I think I do. Have you or anyone made any progress? I don't think so.Noble Dust

    i have i swear. believe me
  • ProgrammingGodJordan
    But all that means is that now you are saying that instead of accepting claims, we should only look at things as if more likely or less likely to be true. But if you are gonna say that x is more likely, you are accepting the claim that x is more likely and therefore by definition still holding beliefs. There is no way to get around it unless you don't accept any claims. And that's actually impractical.SonJnana

    1. Why ignore the remainder of my quote, to support your false preconceived notions?
    2. My full quote:
      • "Non-beliefism underlines, that "one may rank his/her presentations as incomplete expressions (susceptible to future analysis/correction), where one shall aim to hold those expressions to be likely true, especially given evidence, rather than believe, i.e. typically accept them as merely true especially absent evidence"."
    3. As you can see, non-beliefism underlines that one ought to prioritize evidence, in contrast to belief which mostly permits ignorance of evidence.
      • Pertinently, one need not omniscience to avoid belief and model the world while prioritizing evidence.
      • Both non-beliefism and belief permit models, with the crucial difference that one prioritizes evidence, while the other does not.
  • Banno
    Have you or anyone made any progress? I don't think so.Noble Dust

    Progress towards what? Some, including myself, have asked PJ what his goal is, what the purpose of the thread is, to no avail.

    It is quite odd.
  • Noble Dust
    How to tell one from the other...
    Crackpot bad.
    Eccentric good.

    Oh? So, if it's "bad", it's a crackpot, but if it's "good", it's an eccentric?
  • Banno
    Have you noticed the odd grammar? What's that about?
  • Noble Dust
    Progress towards what? Some, including myself, have asked PJ what his goal is, what the purpose of the thread is, to no avail.Banno

    I've asked him that too.

    Progress towards an actual discussion where PJ doesn't just copy and paste verbatim responses which don't constitute an actual discussion. Seriously.
  • Banno
    I'm a genius; You are eccentric. He is a crackpot.
  • Banno
    Progress towards an actual discussion where PJ doesn't just copy and paste verbatim responses that don't constitute an actual discussion. Seriously.Noble Dust

    It would be quite fun to discover that PJ is a bot.
  • Noble Dust

    I think I would cry a little. But then feel ok.
  • Banno
    Now, can you at least agree to the entertainment value of such threads?
  • Noble Dust

    I was the first responder (lol) to this thread, so the entertainment value has long since vanished for me. Around page 8 or so.
  • ProgrammingGodJordan
    Progress towards what? Some, including myself, have asked PJ what his goal is, what the purpose of the thread is, to no avail.

    It is quite odd.

    Contrary to your false response, I had already mentioned my goals (See my response on page 10):

    1. Unravel errors of my own, where applicable. (i.e. learn)

    2. Unravel errors in others. (i.e. teach)
  • SonJnana
    Okay I will demonstrate to you why you are still holding beliefs.

    A belief is accepting a claim. A belief is accepting a claim, and not exclusively that based off of nonscientific thinking. Therefore accepting a claim off of scientific thinking is still by definition having a belief. You have already acknowledged this.

    So... if you see a chair in front of you, would you make the statement there is a chair in front of me, or make the statement there is likely a chair in front of me?
  • Banno
    first responderNoble Dust

    The humour is still there - just a bit black.
  • SonJnana
    Show me.Noble Dust

    Just watch lol
  • ProgrammingGodJordan
    Okay I will demonstrate to you why you are still holding beliefs.

    A belief is accepting a claim.

    Your response is demonstrably incomplete:
    • Belief is a model that generally permits the ignorance of evidence.
  • Banno
    You are right - I apologise.

    1. Unravel errors of my own, where applicable. (i.e. learn)ProgrammingGodJordan

    Ah - so you believe that there is at least the possibility of your being wrong...
  • ProgrammingGodJordan
    Ah - so you believe that there is at least the possibility of your being wrong...Banno

    One needs not belief to observe probabilities.
  • Noble Dust

    I've been watching, bub...
  • Noble Dust

    It's beyond black now.
  • ProgrammingGodJordan
    Albeit, I am yet to detect novel information from the responders on this thread so far.
  • SonJnana
    Belief is a model that generally permits the ignorance of evidence.ProgrammingGodJordan

    As you even admitted yourself, there is a difference between especially and necessarily. Therefore by definition accepting a claim off of scientific thinking is still a belief. A belief doesn't require accepting a claim off of nonscientific thinking, it could still be either. If you won't acknowledge this point then I'm gonna realize you're trolling.
  • Banno
    You are perhaps reaching towards some sort of pragmatic theory of truth - @apokrisis might be able to make sense of your comments.
  • SonJnana

    I rephrased

    Okay I will demonstrate to you why you are still holding beliefs.

    A belief is accepting a claim that generally permits ignorance of evidence. No where in that definition does it say necessarily permits ignorance of evidence. Therefore accepting a claim off of scientific thinking is still by definition having a belief.

    So... if you see a chair in front of you, would you make the statement there is a chair in front of me, or make the statement there is likely a chair in front of me?
  • SonJnana
    I'm really close now.
  • Noble Dust

    You're doing just grand, but I remain pessimistic.

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