• Shawn

    I can see some truth to your version of solipsism. I've always wondered about the paradox of holding solipsism as a propositional attitude true and false with respect to the world. One of those dead ends of philosophy that I find intriguing...
  • Wayfarer
    WIsdom is ‘sapientia’ [a name I feel has been somewhat missappropriated here but I won’t press the point.] It is of course part of our species name, Homo sapiens. Which should, arguably, be now changed to ‘homo faber’ - ‘man who makes’, as distinct from ‘wise’, as wisdom seems a scarcity in an age defined so much by engineering and science.

    Actually I am compelled to say that in terms of philosophical schools, the one that I feel is nearest to sapience, is [neo]Thomism. And that is because Aquinas himself aggregated and commented on the ‘wisdom teachings’ of the Western tradition. There are other such schools, but in terms of those still recognisably part of current philosophical discourse, I am hard-pressed to think of any at the moment. And I don’t say that because of any specific affinity with Catholicism, but simply because the principles the argue from do, in my mind, capture something essential to wisdom.

    And that is, the recognition of the soveriegn nature of reason. This is inextricable from the acceptance of real universals and forms, derived from Platonism and then criticised by Aristotle. IN the absence of the recognition of ‘the primacy of reason’, humans are, as many here will vigorously argue, a ‘clever hominid on a rock’. Homo faber, in other words.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    WIsdom is ‘sapientia’ [a name I feel has been somewhat missappropriated here but I won’t press the point.]Wayfarer

    What a "hoot"! :naughty:


  • Wayfarer
    I know I’m courting danger .... :razz:
  • Noble Dust
    btw... exactly what am I the "mayor" of?Mayor of Simpleton

    You're the mayor of whatever you say you are.



    I tend to regard metaphysics to actually imply "MEphysics", as in... all things considered the entire universe and all the happening within the universe are simply all about me.Mayor of Simpleton

    Yet they're not about The Mayor Of Simpleton, right?

    I believe I'd refer to it as a hand picked hermetically sealed worldview where one starts with the central answers then subsequently forming questions in respect to these pre-assumed central answers; thus creating the illusion of critical thinking.Mayor of Simpleton

    To begin with answers is incrediblly simple; indeed, only a simpleton would begin with answers.

    But I can tell you're not the simpleton you claim to be. Nice job!

    (it's posts like these that makes me wonder if it is wise of me to post much of anything any more? :wink: )Mayor of Simpleton

    Indeed, I wonder that too; would it be wiser for you to abstain from these discussions?


  • Shawn

    Yeah, I still think ever since my father taught me about the Platonic forms, that is when my philosophical endeavors started and ended at the same time. Go figure.

    Edit: Although, Wittgenstien saved me from that conundrum...
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    I've got your back.

    Remember how well I can piss people off and distract them from other things by stating next to nothing?


  • Noble Dust

    Not pissed at all, but greatly amused!


  • Mayor of Simpleton


    My figuring about philosophy... the "love of wisdom"... or in my case being a "widsom stalker" runs much like Luddi W:

    “A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes.”

    Feel free to be amused (even at or especially at my expense).


  • Noble Dust

    I'm not sure if I've detected any wisdom yet (and what would I know?) But I like jokes; especially jokes that don't demean other people. I like jokes that elevate other people to places they don't yet encompass.

    Do your jokes demean other people at all? I can't tell; you seem to be on the brink of loving jab and demeaning jab.
  • Shawn

    Feels like a party in here.

    Festivities yay!
  • Noble Dust

    This whole thread exists to stir the non-existent wisdom pot. :rofl: Let me help. What say you, @Sapientia?

    Which should, arguably, be now changed to ‘homo faber’ - ‘man who makes’, as distinct from ‘wise’, as wisdom seems a scarcity in an age defined so much by engineering and science.Wayfarer

    What's your thought on how language functions within time, versus over time? So man used to be saptientia; now it's homo sapeins. The language changes, and what? What else changes, exactly?
  • Noble Dust

    It's always a party when I start a thread brah.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    Do your jokes demean other people at all? I can't tell; you seem to be on the brink of loving jab and demeaning jab.Noble Dust

    I don't really know either.

    We seem to be living in a day and age of the professionally offended, so I supose you'd have to consult others... probably the one's who'd possibly take offence.

    Believe me there are quite a few "hash tag" groups out there who'd be more than happy to tell you just how offended they are about everything that simply does not conform to the filter of their own personal comfort.

    I'm too old for that in a way, as for me a "hash tag" was the little handwritten lable on a nicklebag indicating what product was being moved in a somewhat illegal transaction.


    I find it somewhat boring to live a life through the filter of my own person comfort; thus I find being offended to be quite a waste of time.


  • Shawn

    The truth has been spoken!
  • Wayfarer
    My thought it, language relies on abstraction: ‘this means that’. No capacity for abstraction - no language. When h. Sapiens [and neanderthal] appeared, so too did cave art and ritual burial - and wonder, one presumes.
  • Noble Dust
    I don't really know either.

    We seem to be living in a day and age of the professionally offended, so I supose you'd have to consult others... probably the one's who'd possibly take offence.

    Believe me there are quite a few "hash tag" groups out there who'd be more than happy to tell you just how offended they are about everything that simply does not conform to the filter of their own personal comfort.
    Mayor of Simpleton

    I get it, I get it, it's impossible to offend you. You're an incredible castle all your own. You're clearly a relic from "the old PF days". I lay my dues before you and bow.

    But you don't want that, do you? The minute I offer that to you, you'll "meow", and come up with a clever response. I respect that. I don't understand it's use, but I respect it...I guess.

    But, the minute I offer that bow, you'll laugh it off.

    Wait, do we have any philosophical disagreement? I can't tell; I got so rapped up in this whole wonderful game.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    The truth has been spoken!Posty McPostface

    Now I feel like I need to run and hide, especially since I'm pro-ideals and an anti-idealist.

    Perhaps it's an accidental contextual truth for a very specific given moment that has been spoken and not really "the truth".


  • Shawn

    But, but... Plato and them religious types that all copied his argument! How does one address the authoritarians?
  • Noble Dust

    I think I agree. But what I'm not sure about is changing definitions. When words change meaning...what? What is happening?
  • TimeLine
    Again, I'm an idiot. Ask TimeLine or @StreetlightX for evidence.Noble Dust

    Don't get me involved.

    Nevertheless! I think the word wisdom is merely an old word that attempts to describe emotional intelligence but has since become victim to a quality narcissists like to add to their repertoire to give an air of legitimacy in their judgements of others. It is to have common sense - which as Voltaire perfectly said is not so common - and an ability to regulate the inner self along with an outer life (professional, interpersonal) and to transcend societal constructs to be capable of studying the world objectively.

    You are still that same child trying to impress the pastor and be better than the other kids, but now in the big, bad world you realise that you are not better than the other kids and you be like, shit. That is called growing up.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    I get it, I get it, it's impossible to offend you. You're an incredible castle all your own. You're clearly a relic from "the old PF days". I lay my dues before you and bow.

    But you don't want that, do you? The minute I offer that to you, you'll "meow", and come up with a clever response. I respect that. I don't understand it's use, but I respect it...I guess.

    But, the minute I offer that bow, you'll laugh it off.

    Wait, do we have any philosophical disagreement? I can't tell; I got so rapped up in this whole wonderful game.
    Noble Dust

    This sounds like a good description I could use on a Curriculum Vitae... that's is if I ever really applied for a job.

    Opps! Like Brittany I did it again.

    Another joke... or not? (difficult to say at times)

    I can be offended, but it's really rare. I try to save it for when it really counts for something.

    Indeed I'm a relic. One of the people of the "old days of PF"... who also was banned for getting folks to come to this refuge when the PF ship sailed adrift to crash on the rocks, but hey... it was something to do.

    All we have here is an exchange of ideas in the hope to expand some awareness of knowledge that perhaps can lead to some minor aspects that could be attributed as wisdom, but always in a flux of accumulation leading to adaptation. (let me know if that made any sense and if so please try to explain it to me, as I think I got a bit lost in that comment) Why should anyone really be offended by an exchange of ideas, especially different ideas?

    Oh... and please don't stop and bow for me. Since I'm blindly following your lead this would only cause me to trip and fall over you. :wink:


  • Wayfarer
    what I'm not sure about is changing definitions.Noble Dust

    The defining characteristic of ‘wisdom’ has been forgotten. Here’s a long and complicated article that I frequently refer to in this context.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    But, but... Plato and them religious types that all copied his argument! How does one address the authoritarians?Posty McPostface

    Exit the cave and get killed for your efforts?

    As for addressing authoritarians, well...

    Eine neue wissenschaftliche Wahrheit pflegt sich nicht in der Weise durchzusetzen, daß ihre Gegner überzeugt werden und sich als belehrt erklären, sondern vielmehr dadurch, daß ihre Gegner allmählich aussterben und daß die heranwachsende Generation von vornherein mit der Wahrheit vertraut gemacht ist.

    (A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.) - Max P


  • Noble Dust
    Don't get me involved.TimeLine

    Edit: Of course I have to get you involved; you love the attention!

    I gave you low hanging fruit, and you swung for the nuts. I still know I fucked up, and I still know you fucked up too. Whatever.

    Nevertheless! I think the word wisdom is merely an old word that attempts to describe emotional intelligence but has since become victim to a quality narcissists like to add to their repertoire to give an air of legitimacy in their judgements of others.TimeLine

    Do you have examples/evidence?

    It is to have common sense - which as Voltaire perfectly said is not so common - and an ability to regulate the inner self along with an outer life (professional, interpersonal) and to transcend societal constructs to be capable of studying the world objectively.TimeLine

    So what's the point of studying the world objectively (and what does that mean, btw?) and what is the point of regulating the inner self, along with an outer life? Denote the wisdom, exactly, in those things.

    I didn't actually call on you for wisdom; I just called on you for an example of me being an idiot. But, again, you went for the nuts. Nice job. Your input is, of course, just as valid, providing it's actually wise. And, no, I haven't found much wisdom so far. So you're doing just great, @TimeLine
  • Shawn

    If only that were true in the realm of economics and other domains of human thought. Science is uniquely exempt from the formalities of customs and conventions.
  • Noble Dust
    One of the people of the "old days of PF"... who also was banned for getting folks to come to this refuge when the PF ship sailed adrift to crash on the rocks, but hey... it was something to do.Mayor of Simpleton

    You're true colors come out! You're no-one, and yet, you're oh so crucial to the existence of this forum.

    Per the debate at hand about wisdom, fuck off.

    Per the existence of this forum itself, thank you.

    Now, what do you think about wisdom? Give me something new.
  • Mayor of Simpleton


    Economics, as well as many other domanins of human thought, are argued mostly via cognitive biases.

    Philosophy can take up the charge to point out these problems, but in the end can do little to prevent the cancer causing them (the cancer as I view it would be the formation of an idealism), as the philosophy illustrating the problems (the counter-ideals) can indeed become the foundation (new ideals) for the next cancer of the mind (of idealism).

    If that made no sense, don't worry. I get that a lot.


  • Shawn

    You must be a fan of Hegel then. Because that be dialects in a nutshell. Heh.
  • Noble Dust
    (the cancer as I view it would be the formation of an idealism)Mayor of Simpleton

    I'm young and hairless, so let me try. Cancer destroying what? Idealism opposing what? To what end? I'm so profound.
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