• AR LaBaere
    I am A.R. LaBaere.

    I am an author whose main fascination lies within pessimistic nihilism and Cosmicism. Additionally, I am childfree. As I suffer from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, I seek to elucidate my horrors through fabrication into fiction.

    Beyond and within the demesne of the literary, I adore intellectual giftedness. I prefer Machiavellianism as my method of conduct, and I make few moral scruples. Puissance and intelligence are my zenethic goals, and I put aside interpersonal interactions in my hajj.

    I am quite proud of my first publication, Rene Descartes Does Not Exist. Fiction has offered to me both possibilities unjudged by historical accuracy, and a distortion of actual events. I immerse myself as fully in the surreal as I may, for realism and the actual holds ennui.

    My literary influences include H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti, Mark Z. Danielewski, and Jon Padgett. I keep a sacrosanct library idolatrized to the aforementioned authors, as well as to the finest horror fiction and nonfiction available. My library also houses The Oxford Guide to Philosophy, from whose pages I hope to gain a wider overview of positions.

    I dedicate my efforts to the cultivation of every paracosm within reach, every possible reading, and every improvement of fluid intelligence. I practice The Method of Loci in order to arrange ideas, improve my working memory, and to cultivate a noetic phrontistery. The evolution of ’Pataphysics, as well as anti-consciousness and anti-logic, compose a good portion of my pieces and lucubration. I am also heavily invested into theoretical physics and abstract mathematics.

    In the completion of The Abyss Laughs, I have discovered and cultivated an increased vocabulary, working memory, and recall. I am pleased to have grown increasingly aware of the English language, in its selection of phrases long desuete, literary phrases, and verbiage freshly coined. I hope to expand my array of proses into a separate dialect, or stylization, of literary allusions and wordplay.

    My current philosophical aims include the refinement, and erudition, of ’Pataphysics, antilogic, antinatalism, and nihilistic pessimism. The works of Thomas Ligotti have been awing for my pessimistic studies. In particularity, The Conspiracy Against the Human Race has introduced me to an exemplary structuring of pessimistic concepts, as well as to pessimists such as E.M. Cioran and Georges Bataille.

    As I have not yet mastered the precise definitions and variations of mode, I wish to gain a broader overview of metaphysics, epistemology, and ontology. Nothingness, paradoxes, and the unheimlichness of the human condition are key areas of obsession. I seek to combine absurdist fiction with new varieties of philosophy. I am not certain of the applications of fictional philosophies to existence, but I much prefer magical absurdity which is only sometimes bound by an arbitrary mode of laws.

    I am quite eager to meet other vedists, and I wish to invite any willing parties to begin a correspondence.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    Enjoy your stay!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    We are glad you are here!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    We are glad you are here~
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    We are glad you are here.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    Enjoy your stay~
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Hmm... Welcome to The Philosophy Forum ….. I think
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    We are glad you are here
  • BrianW
    @ArguingWAristotleTiff and everyone at The Philosophy Forum:
    Thank you very much.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    I, personally, have been waiting for you! :pray:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    @All sight
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!

    People trying to find themselves. Everyone around us is constantly telling us, but they're all wrong, aren't they? The pain of objectification. The fear of discovery. Better to submerge ourselves in the depths, holding the breath until it leaves us completely, and we die down there, all alone.

    Might I ask you how you found The Philosophy Forum?
    And are there more of you where you came from?
    One more question:
    You don't happen to fight fires for a living do you?
  • All sight

    I would prefer not to answer personal questions on the grounds of avoiding self incrimination.
  • Dan123
    I'm Dan. 24 year old interested in Martin Heidegger.
  • Baden

    Welcome Dan, and thanks for your postings so far. :up:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I would prefer not to answer personal questions on the grounds of avoiding self incrimination.All sight
    :cool: I totally understand.
  • HuggetZukker
    Hi! I've already posted without introducing myself, but that's because I'm a barbarian. I think I'm not as academical as most members I've encountered here, but I can spell my name. I'm also non-religious and without a favorite color. Are there any other achromatists here?
  • Jake
    Ha, ha, watch out everybody, he's not as academical as our esteemed colleagues. Funny! Welcome you darn achromatist.
  • S
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum!
    We are glad you are here~
  • DingoJones
    Thanks, seems like a lively place
  • Devans99
    Did not know about this thread.

    Hi everyone, I'm Dan from near London. I have no formal experience in Philosophy, but I have been reading up on it over the last few months and find it very interesting particularly metaphysics. Seems like a very pleasant and interesting forum...

  • Proto-Athenian
    My name's Rob, Just joined a few seconds ago. I once dabbled on a site called Debate.org but it was overrun by trolls and spam and is now pretty-much dead (I noticed somebody said they hate the moderators here and after seeing what happens without the mods I was actually glad to hear that! Moderate the hell out of this if you have to!). Plato and Kant are my main inspirations in philosophy, and in modern times I enjoy the ideas of Jordan Peterson (politics) and Peter Russell (metaphysics). I dislike utilitarianism/consequentialism, the war on drugs, and transhumanism.
  • Michael Ossipoff
    Nothing here to be self-consciously humble about.Bitter Crank

    Humble about religion, assertive about metaphysics.

    Michael Ossipoff
  • Limitless Science
    Hello all!:smile: I'm a uber critical scientist.
  • Michael Ossipoff
    Marx said, “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."Bitter Crank

    ...and that was in 1848. So where's the change? We can't change the world. Only the few people (the "1%") who own it can change it. Of course now they're in the process of speeding up their change a bit.

    So, what can we do? Stay out of the rulers' way, and quietly live out our lives as well and as safely as possible.

    A famous person once said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's".

    Michael Ossipoff
  • Yasuhiro Matsue
    Hello from Japan.
    I'm strongly interested in philosophy of well-being.
    I'm a hedonist, trying to sophisticate this oversimplified view.
    I hope I can make friends with people with similar interests.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    On Stoicism
    I am not saying what is a proper response. That is your problem given only to you as it is given to me as my problem. We all have these peculiar assignments, given to each of us. Our attempts to sort these elements out either lead to some kind of policy for ourselves or not.

    The courage part is accepting those conditions and not waiting for better ones.
    @Valentinus Impressive reply.
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum~
    Enjoy your stay ~
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