• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I guess we both have issues... but hopefully no more crying today.Waya

    I can barely see the screen because my eyes are swollen shut from my crying almost 6 hrs yesterday so I wholeheartedly concur on hopefully no more crying today.
    And yes, both of you have issues but that is because we ALL have issues. The hope is to find a way for us to work through/with those issues together.
  • Shawn
    @Hanover, whatever floats your boat, dude.
  • Michael
    Terrible advice. He probably wouldn’t care. She should sleep with the ex’s new partner. That’s a much sweeter revenge.
  • Michael
    I too didn’t read all the posts so my suggestion wouldn’t work either. I do however condone it for those times it will. Bonus points for sleeping with the ex’s new partner and best friend together, even if that does offend your conservative sensibilities.
  • Hanover
    I too didn’t read all the posts so my suggestion wouldn’t work either. I do however condone it for those times it will. Bonus points for sleeping with the ex’s new partner and best friend together, even if that does offend your conservative sensibilities.Michael

    In that regard I'm less a conservative and a bit more liberal/grossly reckless.

    I think everyone should sleep with everyone, if for no other reason than to be sure everyone is sufficiently rested.
  • Hanover
    I think he does care. In fact I think, and I could be totally off base but I think, he thinks, that he cares about you soo much that he feels you can do better with someone other than himself. That is actually caring but it cuts both of you short of the CHANCE for your caring to grow.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    If I might comment upon the oddness of discussing the pain of the breakupee while the breakuper is in the room.
  • Hanover
    Was "ex-sex" a side dish at your Thanksgiving table?ArguingWAristotleTiff

    As a Hanover family tradition, I line all my exes up between the turkey and green beans and give them all a good rogering while doing an Irish jig with @baden's Aunt Mildred. She is a feisty one, but not so much so that she earns a place in the rogering line. Not yet at least.
  • Hanover
    She should sleep with the ex’s new partner.Michael

    Nice. The forbidden lady on lady love. While contrary to all I hold dear, I cannot seem to avert my eyes from it.
  • Shawn
    I know this is all jokes and fun by @Hanover, and @Michael; but, @Waya informed me that she felt treated like a "slut" or perceived that injury from the above posts about her sleeping with other men. Due to that, she is considering leaving this forum altogether, which I find displeasing. Please refrain from making insensitive posts at a time when she is sad and unhappy about her breakup.

  • Michael
    Waya informed me that she felt treated like a "slut" or perceived that injury from the above posts about her sleeping with other men.Wallows

    I was actually suggesting that she sleep with another woman, namely her ex's new girlfriend.

    Also, there's nothing bad about a woman having casual sex. Although admittedly it isn't very nice to steal someone's girlfriend. But I ain't gonna apologise for making a joke about that.

    Besides, I'm always stealing Hanover's women.
  • Shawn
    I was actually suggesting that she sleep with another woman, namely her ex's new girlfriend.

    Also, there's nothing bad about a woman having casual sex. Although admittedly it isn't very nice to steal someone's girlfriend. But I ain't gonna apologies for making a joke about that.

    Yeah, but, who's laughing?
  • Baden
    @Waya Nothing anyone has said reflects badly on you. Please stick around with the realization that anyone who shares personal information in the lounge is essentially fair game, and comments shouldn't be taken personally.
  • Michael
    As a Hanover family tradition, I line all my exes up between the turkey and green beans and give them all a good rogering while doing an Irish jig with baden's Aunt Mildred. She is a feisty one, but not so much so that she earns a place in the rogering line. Not yet at least.Hanover

    So like this? https://youtu.be/IgJwq7_GQgE?t=176
  • deletedmemberwy
    :flower: :flower: :flower:
    Yeah, I should learn to shut up when upset... sorry.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I am glad you are here Waya~ :flower: :flower: :flower: You are a member of this misfit family we chose to love~ :sparkle:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    No one has ever actually seen me, either on this board or anywhere. I'm a Ninjew. I just made that up. I know it sounds like that's one I've been saving for just the right time, but, no, it's a Hanoriginal. I'm on fire. Fire I tell you.Hanover
    Okay I am willing to continue this reply here in the lounge.
    @Hanover I could have sworn I saw a picture of you but then I began to wonder if my mind was playing tricks on me. If this is not you, then whom is in my house?
  • Michael
    No one has ever actually seen me, either on this board or anywhere.Hanover

  • Hanover
    That's not a bad guess, but more like this:

  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I would take the dude in Michael's post over Fabio any day and EVERY day of the week. Please..... you would literally have to fight for mirror space getting ready in the morning with Fabio. :down:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    @Hanover Back to the Lizard in my ranch...actually there are two...for about another 3 hrs before they are rehomed. Sebastian and Mr. Poppy (who is actually a girl) are going to a new home today. Not in the cages but in two boxes because they don't get along.
    They are my sons' and he sold them so I am to take these Lizards to the corner grocery store at Noon and meet these folks in the parking lot, that are going to text me and give me $20.00 for them.
    It absolutely has the feel of "dealing" and I know these Lizards are not endangered but do you think I should wear the trench coat all the same? :chin:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    So I met the Lizard people in the parking lot and was relieved to see a "I love Vegans" decal on their car because I was worried that Sebastian and Mr. Poppy were going to be live food for a bigger lizard.
    I explained to the 17yr old girl and her Mom that they are cold right now in the boxes and calm but as soon as you pick them up and the heat of you hands warm him, they skitter like no ones business. So I suggested they wait until they are home, not in the car, to take them out.
    The Lizards were happy and I am too because now I can finally get their tanks out of the ranch house. :clap:
  • Hanover
    I got a new puppy today at the corner market. He's very playful. zadybsh1l4szd8zb.jpg
  • Pattern-chaser
    No one hates cakes.Sir2u

    I do. When I eat them, (the remains of) my teeth hurt. So I don't. :up:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I got a new puppy today at the corner market. He's very playful.Hanover

    Mmmm Hanover, that is an awfully big puppy you have there. Are you a "trust fund" middle aged but sure would like to be retired confused male? I have witnessed this phenomenon more than once with people our age. The males see the children moving out and onto college as a ticket to party! Time to put ME first! Time to kick back in your comfy pants, on the couch, drinking beers and taking in the game without any interruptions.
    The same phenomenon happens in females at about our age but it looks very different. The women see the children moving out and onto college as a way to move on the "next" aspiration in life. Many women go back to work outside of the home, some continue their education to launch their career that they might have put on hold to raise the children.
    I see a slight difference between the two set of "new" goals, to obtain the "who" we were before entering into a lifetime change of having children but maybe that is the crux.
    See my Godchildren's Father is already planning where he is going to redirect his income once they move out. The boat he is going to keep off a Bay in San Diego, downsize from the current location and invest in two homes, one in the cold region of AZ and one here in the Valley and the new truck and...and...and...
    Well? I agreed to provide my eldest indian sundries for the first 6 months after moving out and I have done so along with any food I can divert his way. He will always have a room here at home and we are a single vehicle household and will continue to be.
    Maybe it is a current day 'mid life crisis' playing out where the men invest $ in what they want and women invest in themselves.
    Cute puppy :love:
  • Hanover
    Cute puppy :love:ArguingWAristotleTiff

    I think it might be part basset hound because of the big ears. He sure does go through his chew toys though!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I think it might be part basset hound because of the big ears. He sure does go through his chew toys though!Hanover

    You truly only read the opening line and the last line of a post, don't you? :roll:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Nothing to see here....moving on....
    I noticed something else. The length of my posts, the depth and detail is astoundingly longer than yours. Probably not the first time you have heard that before. :rofl:
  • Hanover
    You truly only read the opening line and the last line of a post, don't you? :roll:ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Kind of funny.

    To respond to your WHOLE post now that you've made me, my middle age has not brought about putting on my comfy pants. I seem to be working harder these days, going to the gym more, adjusting to the kids being at college (but they're not all that far away), and whatever else I'm up to. Nothing is more anxiety producing for me than sitting still. I was at jury duty the other day, hoping to be chosen so I could ruin someone's life, and I saw everyone slouched down in their chairs waiting to be called, but I honestly couldn't just sit there. I was walking around for at least 2 hours. How do people sit still? Then I thought if everyone were like me (a Utopian thought btw), you'd have had hundreds of people just pacing around an auditorium. Maybe I'd feel at home in a place like that.

    Did I tell you I bought a new puppy. He's huge! His ears are as big as an elephant's.
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