• Nils Loc
    They can exist without our minds.DingoJones

    But can they exist without any mind.
  • DingoJones
    But can they exist without any mind.Nils Loc

    Why wouldnt they?
  • Wayfarer
    So velocity is weight in your understanding?Terrapin Station

    No it’s a physical atttibute. Physical entities have such attributes - mass, location, and so on. Abstract entities, including numbers, do not, because they’re not physical. But they’re real nonetheless, because they’re the same for any observer.
    You never did ‘explain your view’ because it’s self-contradictory and it can’t be explained, as it desn’t make sense.
  • Terrapin Station
    But music is not the thing you are sensing,Metaphysician Undercover

    lol. You are really off your rocker.
  • Terrapin Station
    T-shirts are as categorically abstract as clothes, as trees are to matter when talking about abstracting properties from sense experience. We experience none as they truly are a part from mind, so their existence depends upon mind (any mind, including a mind that might transcend conventional mind, like a network of minds as mind). They aren't really anything besides what we perceive them to be, which includes the fundamentally or functionally pragmatic imposed categories of experience.Nils Loc

    It might be worth talking to someone who isn't as trollish, confused or insane as Metaphysician Undercover. What I said above about this was:

    "How do we get to the point of saying that matter is an idea?

    "You know, so phenomenally, there's a tree say (not as a 'tree'--that is, the concept, etc.--but 'that thing'--I have to call it something to type this), and then how do we go from that to saying that the phenomenal tree is an idea?"
  • Terrapin Station
    You never did ‘explain your view’ because it’s self-contradictory and it can’t be explained, as it desn’t make sense.Wayfarer

    First off, this means that you weren't really paying attention. All you'd have to do is repeat back what I said, even if you think it's contradictory or doesn't make sense.

    You asked about weight. So I answered about weight. It doesn't really make sense to talk about a theory's weight, just like it doesn't really make sense to talk about the wind's weight, or it wouldn't make sense to talk about the weight of your circulation. That doesn't imply that the wind or your circulation aren't physical.

    The theory of relativity obviously has physical attributes. It's a set of dynamic states in any number of brains. Those have physical attributes.

    And nothing is the same for multiple observers.

    Simply ignoring what I say isn't actually an argument against it, even though you'll act like it is, and I'm sure we'll go through more or less this same exchange many times again in the future.
  • Nils Loc
    Suppose you have a book of gibberish that could be a possible language if you had an interpretive structure (a decryption key). If the key no longer exists to decode information (the language) then the information no longer exists. Information stands in relation to the decryption key in the same way as the world stands in relation to the mind.
  • DingoJones

    I would say that the information does still exist, it just exists in an encrypted state.
  • Jamesk
    Their existence is in our perception of them.
  • Jamesk
    If trees are matter, then you sense matter all the time, right? (Well, assuming you often encounter trees.)Terrapin Station

    Let's try this from another angle that a 'dead head' can handle ;)
    Can you please tell me what is matter? Then tell me what is a tree and then what is a mind.

    If we can get these definitions accomplished we might be able to make some progress.
  • Terrapin Station
    Suppose you have a book of gibberish that could be a possible language if you had an interpretive structure (a decryption key). If the key no longer exists to decode information (the language) then the information no longer exists. Information stands in relation to the decryption key in the same way as the world stands in relation to the mind.Nils Loc

    But idealists are saying that the book of gibberish IS itself the decryption key, that it was essentially just an illusion that it was something else; it's not something different than the decryption key.
  • Nils Loc
    I would say that the information does still exist, it just exists in an encrypted state.DingoJones

    The same information could have many encryption keys but the only encryption key that makes the information relevant (gives it a conditioned existence so to speak) is the one you have (ie. mind).
  • Janus

    The idea of the physical is, among other things, the idea of radical, brute separation of all things from one another, whereas the idea of the mental is the idea of the deep inherent interconnection of all things.

    So, if the substance is mental then all things are really one, and if the substance is physical then all things are separate and if interdependent are only so on account of quantifiable mechanical, energetic connections with one another.
  • Jamesk
    lol. You are really off your rocker.Terrapin Station

    Please remember the principle of charity, it is far more likely that either Metaphysician is failing to explain the point or that you are failing to understand it than Metaphysician being insane.

    Until now he / she has made the most relevant posts in this thread and seems to have a superior understanding of the subject than most.
  • Jamesk
    he idea of the physical is, among other things, the idea of radical, brute separation of all things from one another, whereas the idea of the mental is the idea of the deep inherent interconnection of all things.Janus

    Locke separates, see's and uses words as symbols. Berkeley unites, listens and uses language to express much more than symbols.
  • Terrapin Station
    Can you please tell me what is matter?Then tell me what is a tree and then what is a mind.

    If we can get these definitions accomplished we might be able to make some progress.

    Matter--substances consisting of subatomic particles, which combine to make atoms, which combine to make molecules, etc. in various structures of gases, liquids, solids, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein condensates. Matter has mass, spatial extension, charge, etc. Matter is always engaged in some processes, too, some changing relations with respect to other matter.

    Trees are particular combinations of molecules, undergoing particular processes. Hence, trees are matter.

    Mind is particular subsets of brain structure and function. Brains, of course, are composed of particular molecules undergoing particular processes, too--many different materials than trees, but materials nonetheless.
  • Terrapin Station
    Please remember the principle of charity, it is far more likely that either Metaphysician is failing to explain the point or that you are failing to understand it than Metaphysician being insane.Jamesk

    What are you basing this likelihood on?

    By the way, if that's the problem, then what he and other folks in the same boat need to dos pause for a moment, step back, take a breath, drop the arrogance, and try tackling much smaller, simpler bits at a time.
  • Janus

    To elaborate further; the idea of a universal physical substance makes no sense; what would it be? Energy? If it were then how would things further apart than the distance light could have travelled since the beginning of the universe be connected and be governed by the same laws?

    A universal mental substance would be mind; which is the very principal of deep and universal interconnection.

    So there is certainly a profound difference between idealist and physicalist views.
  • Terrapin Station
    The idea of the physical is, among other things, the idea of radical, brute separation of all things from one another, whereas the idea of the mental is the idea of the deep inherent interconnection of all thingsJanus

    Where are you getting that idea from?
  • Terrapin Station
    A universal mental substance would be mind; which is the very principal of deep and universal interconnection.Janus

    Why is the "mind" alternative simply left unexplained?
  • Janus

    From my mind where else? What's the problem?
  • Terrapin Station

    The problem is that I don't know if it coheres very well with anyone's view about physical stuff.
  • Janus

    Because such a principle of universal entanglement cannot be modeled in the mechanical way the physical world is modeled. The mind is what does the modeling.
  • Terrapin Station

    So it just doesn't need any explaining then?
  • Janus

    Physicalists may or may not realize it, but it is the logical conclusion of the physicalist paradigm.
  • Terrapin Station

    Can you show your work re the claim that that is the logical conclusion?
  • Janus

    It cannot be explained in the kind of physicalist terms you are asking for; else it would be...physical. So that demand begs the question.
  • Terrapin Station

    If it's a logical conclusion, then there's a chain of logical inferences, logical implication for it, right? Otherwise, what is the word "logic" referring to?
  • DingoJones
    The same information could have many encryption keys but the only encryption key that makes the information relevant (gives it a conditioned existence so to speak) is the one you have (ie. mind).Nils Loc

    Yes, but relevent and existing are not the same thing.
  • Janus

    If all things are merely physical then what would be the universal principle that determines that physical laws obtain everywhere, even across regions that cannot be energetically connected due to the immense distance separating them?
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