• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Because technically I'm an idiot — Hanover
    Right from the Lizard's mouth!
  • Hanover
    It is my humility and self-deprecating sense of humor that endears me to my inferiors. As a result, I post occasional comments like the one above, only to have it used maliciously against me. An ordinary person would protest, but I sit back content, appreciating how my comments have elevated the self worth of those who have so little.
  • BC
    Everything begins in mysticism and ends in politics. (Charles Peguy.) He also noted that "Tyranny is always better organized than freedom."
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Sorry, Heathcliff, Hamlet and the Don are just too far back in memory -- can't pry them out. — BitterCrank
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    Whilst many that come here do use Twatter and farcebook to keep in touch with others, a lot of us come here to avoid the high quantity and quality of the stupidity found on those mostly brainless areas of the internet and avoid the multitude of ads, likes, followers, and general bullshit that so blocks up your thinking processes.
    — SIR2U

    Taken from a place far far away. :D



    btw... How about them apples... you can cut and paste a quote from our old home here in our new home. SHAZAM!
  • Sir2u
    Hey, ain't I the funking greatest. X-) Suck that up Yahadreas, I's the most awesome t'day.
    The first, one and only, original, unique posted in 2 Wiser Words threads on 2 different forums at the same time. I shall have to tope six packs of Schlitz more often.

    Thanks MoS.

    Ps please don't no one look further up in case I'm wrong.:s
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    Reminds me...

    Should I invite Schlitz?

    He also had some really great posts.



    btw... did you like how I suggested we should maybe form a club? ;)
  • Sir2u
    Should I invite Schlitz?Mayor of Simpleton

    Either the poster or the cans would be great.

    btw... did you like how I suggested we should maybe form a club?Mayor of Simpleton

    I'm game, who we gonna be beatin on, the twits or the farces?

    I just noticed that Arkady was online at PF so I sent him a PM.
  • S
    I just noticed that Arkady was online at PF so I sent him a PM.Sir2u

    I beat you to it. He said he'd check this place out.
  • Arkady
    Thanks to all of those who extended an invitation to this new forum. I am curious: who is planning on severing ties altogether with "the old forum"? I am adopting a provisional, "wait and see" attitude with regard to the new owners. It looks like some fairly strong posters (e.g. AndrewK and Nagase) are still hanging around PF. I am thinking that I will probably divide my time between these 2 forums for a while.
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    Indeed I am still checking in at PF, but have the feeling that my days there are numbered.

    I was contacting 'theSoren' a bit to get a bit more of a picture of what is really the intention and direction of PF. It's sort of like driving by a former home to see what the new buyers have done with it.

    There are moments where it is difficult to 'let go', but it seems as if it is not really what it used to be, so the 'letting go' might well have been taken care of for me, as hat it was is not longer there to hold.

    I will post now and then there, but for the most part as to keep contact with folks who might well be interested in looking into our new option.

    This is not so much a territorial war, but more a realization that this is no longer really home.


    in the words of the band that brought me back to philosophy, Maximo Park:
    "What happens when you lose everything?
    You just start again
    You start all over again!"

    For me... somewhat autobiographical, right down to the nose bleed out of the left nostril (exactly what happened when my head literally exploded a few years back).


  • S
    Thanks to all of those who extended an invitation to this new forum. I am curious: who is planning on severing ties altogether with "the old forum"? I am adopting a provisional, "wait and see" attitude with regard to the new owners. It looks like some fairly strong posters (e.g. AndrewK and Nagase) are still hanging around PF. I am thinking that I will probably divide my time between these 2 forums for a while.Arkady

    You're welcome.

    I for one am planning to abandon the old forum altogether, provided things here either remain as good as they are, or improve.

    This place is a breath of fresh air, is an improvement in some ways (both major and minor), and has grown on me.

    The other place has been poorly managed in some respects, since the takeover, and I've been in the line of fire. I don't trust Borat, et al.
  • Jamal
    The best possible future for humanity, in my view, is one where we collectively agree to cease reproduction and live our lives for as long as we desire to. We would be abstaining from forcing people into existence while pursuing our dreams for as long as we can sustain them.

    I suppose it was only a matter of time.
  • Michael
    That accurately describes how I want to live my life. Childless and immortal.
  • Wosret
    It's like Ba da ba ba ba, I'm lovin' it. Nobody 'loves' McDonalds. That's just something they say in the commercials.The Great Whatever

    Lol, that's funny shit.
  • Jamal
    Would be interesting if some panpsychist wrote a first person story from the the POV of a rock. — Marchesk

    What is it like to be a rock? Hard.
  • Marchesk
    The hard problem of being a rock?

    Is there a possible world of p-zombie rocks?
  • Marchesk
    That accurately describes how I want to live my life. Childless and immortal.Michael

    If we can achieve immortality (of a sort), I'm guessing we'll be able to give birth to people who don't suffer.
  • Michael
    I'm guessing we'll be able to give birth to people who don't suffer. — Marchesk

    Having a child would make me suffer, though. ;)
  • _db
    At least someone seems to agree...
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    I just noticed that I posted the song above in the wrong section of the Forum.

    I wanted to place it in the 'What are you listening to right now' thread and somehow landed it here.

    I'm seriously tired.


  • Mayor of Simpleton

    Recent events have sort of shuffled my brain cells.

    Time to take a break...

    ... but atleast I had the fun of misreading the post 'The Problem of Nihilism' to read 'The Problem with Niles Rodgers'. I was thinking over a post regarding his time in the Black Panthers when my wife said honey, look at the thread title again...". :s

    Wise words indeed. ;)

    I'll see you guys tomorrow.


  • Jamal
    It seems to me that any philosophical position that must claim that eating a cookie is torture has gone wrong somewhere. — The Great Whatever

    Who could argue?
  • Postmodern Beatnik
    Unless, perhaps, they are razor blade cookies.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Wealthy persons will remain inherently bad in my view, until I become one. — Wosret
  • Jamal
    this is only the opening part of The Lord of the Flies, where everyone is still nice to each other. Man's primeval nature will emerge eventually, leaving you mods plenty to do. :DArkady

    By "Man's primeval nature" I take Arkady to be referring to Kwalish Kid, but he's yet to find his way here.
  • S
    Does the ant-realist believe that the fact of the appearance of things is independent of what anyone believes and/or experiences?John

    No, he believes that ants are real.
  • Janus

    O:) Ha, ha...whoops....
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