• ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The point where I'm quoting Jesus is the point where I know I have reached the edge of reason, and it's time to be quiet.unenlightened
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Sometimes when people get under our skin it is a reflection of our own insecurities.Lif3r

    @Lif3r How true what you said can be~
  • Lif3r
    Did I make a list? Yayyyy haha
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I remember in the old PF how quick and effective the administrators were to spot the occasional crank or the person who would start to make ad hominem attacks and be too abusive. Poof! And they were gone instantly. The NKVD worked so well. That instilled a little bit of fear into us and kept the discussion rather polite. Yet when the old forum crashed the first time, the first thing on my mind was had I written something bad and gotten evicted for some reason.ssu

    God I remember that feeling....and I think we were in good company that had felt that way. It was a fear that one day, you would no longer have a space at the table of "thinkers" that was set. As @Hanover used to say: when someone gets banned it kind makes you wonder if you could be next and maybe had to up your game. :eyes:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    The best laid plans in war and politics unravel at first contact with the oppositionSir2u
    And then almost everything changes except for the nugget of contention that started the war.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    You just thanked me. There is no need to thank me again within 3 words. But thank you for thanking me, and thanks.
    - fdrake

    I LOVE the gratefulness of it all! :heart:
  • unenlightened
    Well. Being, being being, is no being; or to put it another way, no being can be being, because being is being. While it may be true that beings be, by being they are not being. Thus we avoid caricature.Ciceronianus the White

    There will be an answer...
  • Ciceronianus
    There will be an answer...unenlightened

    Let be be.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    It's all about their attempt to obtain power at all costs. It has nothing to do with righteousness. To think otherwise is incredibly naive.Hanover
    What group of people are we talking about again? :razz:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    I wasn't putting any words in your mouth as you're quite capable of making an ass out of yourself without my help. All I was trying to do was helping you figure out the inanity of your position.Benkei

    Another one of my favorite forum attorneys!
  • S
    I hope to be able to definitively answer the question in the OP before long. I have been busy in the important exercise of observing everything and identifying for every single thing whether it has a start.

    When I am finished, I will post the result here, and then we'll finally know for good and all.

    :smirk: :up:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Stay happy, walk in the shade and don't talk to strangers unless they are firemen.
    Probably the best advice I received for 2019 from another forum member! :cool:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    You ain't no peng'un historian, Mikey. Don't be given papa Hanover no lip or you'll be in for a good hidin'. Your kind ain't welcome around these parts. Take your new spangled intellectualism elsewhere. You hear me, boy?S
    :starstruck: You put em in place S!
  • S
    I never said we don't have the ability to cope. I cope with your arguments and obvious hostility for example :wink: .schopenhauer1

    My obvious hostility is what makes me so endearing. Everyone I force into submission tells me so.
  • Sir2u
    My obvious hostility is what makes me so endearing. Everyone I force into submission tells me so.S

    So they don't tell you too often then do they. :lol:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    With respect, I am wrong more often than you think. But when I play devil's advocate and all I get is ridicule and argument from authority, I smile quietly and shake my head a little.
    My mentor, my sage~ I am trying very hard to walk in your shadow my friend~
  • S
    The existence of horses and narwhals proves the existence of unicorns.

    You could apply this principle to anything really. It's a simple formula, "because there's this, there must also be that".

    This is what makes ancient philosophy so lasting, so impossible to defeat, so impressive and amazing. It's reverse psychology, if you say something so profoundly and incomprehensibly stupid that no one can argue against it, then you win while the world scratches its head.
    — "whollyrolling
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Too much talking, not enough listening.S
  • S
    Nah! Most of us do not have the opportunity to use morality spreaders on others. (They look just like manure spreaders. And sometimes it's the same old bullshit.)Bitter Crank

  • unenlightened
    Now I'm in the embarrassing position of more or less agreeing entirely.csalisbury

    A fate worse than birth.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    It's not like anything actually happened. Nobody came. Nobody posted. Nobody left. Nobody even had trouble with the English language.

    If only someone would name themselves Your Mama,, I could have endless fun.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Because anonymity is the road to impunity.Geo
    Powerful thought.
    Welcome to The Philosophy Forum~
    Pull up a chair to the table of "thinkers" and enjoy yourself~
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    An addict needs help, not condemnation. They've become a victim to their addiction, which would be corrupting them and causing them distress.S
    Astute observation my friend~ It has a PB feeling to it~ :flower:
  • S
    Astute observation my friend~ It has a PB feeling to it~ :flower:ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Thank you, Tiff. Just don't tell anyone about my compassionate side, as it will fuck up my hardball persona. :victory:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Thank you, Tiff. Just don't tell anyone about my compassionate side, as it will fuck up my hardball persona. :victory:S

    Your secret soft side is safe with me~ :flower:
  • Wayfarer
    Entered a post in error but users can’t delete own posts here so replaced the text with *
  • Shamshir
    Entered a post in error but users can’t delete own posts here so replaced the text with *Wayfarer
    Error 404: Wayfarer has lost his way.
  • Shamshir
    unless one can establish something as possible...it is, at a minimum, POSSIBLE.Frank Apisa
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