• NOS4A2

    What’s your hesitation on beginning the “debate”? It’s been a few pages of you doing this now.
  • creativesoul

    Never said it did. You're arguing against an imaginary opponent.
  • NOS4A2

    Good intentions and 'good faith' discussions are proven by following the rules of acceptable debate.
  • creativesoul
    What’s your hesitation on beginning the “debate”? It’s been a few pages of you doing this now.NOS4A2

    I'm waiting for you to give your word to follow the rules of acceptable debate. You - evidently - know them already.
  • creativesoul
    Good intentions and 'good faith' discussions are proven by following the rules of acceptable debate.

    That's true.
  • NOS4A2

    Evidently I think your “rules” are made up from thin air.
  • NOS4A2

    That’s not true at all.
  • creativesoul
    Evidently I think your “rules” are made up from thin air.NOS4A2

    Well no. You do not believe that. You know that there are rules for debate and that they are not of my own making.
  • NOS4A2

    Well no. You do not believe that. You know that there are rules for debate and that they are not of my own making.

    Now you know what I believe and know. Are you psychic?

    So much for “acceptable debate”.
  • creativesoul
    I'm going to leave this here. Clearly you are not willing to engage honestly, sincerely, and respectfully. May our paths never again cross.
  • NOS4A2

    Your so-called “rules of debate” are made up whole cloth. Your demands are unnecessary, and you cannot even follow them. What a waste of time.
  • S
    That’s not true at all.NOS4A2

    What's not true at all?
  • NOS4A2

    Good intentions and 'good faith' discussions are proven by following the rules of acceptable debate.
  • S
    No, you were supposed to reply, "That".
  • NOS4A2

    Lol. I wish I would have thought of that, to be honest.
  • S
    Lol. I wish I would have thought of that, to be honest.NOS4A2

    Thought of what?
  • praxis
    I'm going to leave this here. Clearly you are not willing to engage honestly, sincerely, and respectfully. May our paths never again cross.creativesoul

    I’d hate to say ‘I told ya so’, if I did. :razz:
  • NOS4A2

    Accepting arbitrary rules of debate is to engage honestly, sincerely and respectfully in clown world?
  • praxis

    Feigning ignorance of debate rules is clownish, if that's what you're asking.

  • frank
    I think he needs to go back to the OR. He's rejecting the brain transplant.
  • Baden
    Who doesn't love clowns?

  • NOS4A2

    I dare you to find a single one of those supposed “rules of acceptable debate” in any debating format. But don’t bother, there are no such rules.

  • praxis

    Go to the top of your web browser and in the address bar copy and paste: “rules of acceptable debate,” then hit return. You will then be presented with a list of resources. I’m afraid it’s up to you to make use of it.
  • NOS4A2

    That’s right, anyone can look for themselves, there are no such rules in any debate format. I’m not feigning ignorance; you’re feigning knowledge.
  • praxis
    there are no such rules in any debate formatNOS4A2

    What rules are you referring to exactly?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Why does Trump flirt with Putin and Kim, but he harasses Iran? Real question.frank

    Trump is, in his own eyes "the greatest deal maker ever". His MO as president is to nullify or cancel as many deals which were made before him as possible, asserting that they are terrible deals, and then he sets to renegotiating them with the tactics of a bully. He has cancelled the "Iran deal", calling it, "the worst deal ever" (which of course is what he called NAFTA, and probably many other deals he's cancelled like TPP). Now he's in the bullying stage, which is his route to negotiating a new deal. In the case of Putin and Kim, there's been no cancelled deal to renegotiate and he's buttering them up, probably hoping to get something from them (unless the rumours are true, that Putin already has something on him, then it's a different story).
  • creativesoul
    I'm going to leave this here. Clearly you are not willing to engage honestly, sincerely, and respectfully. May our paths never again cross.
    — creativesoul

    I’d hate to say ‘I told ya so’, if I did

    All good. I was just curious if s/he/they would give their word.
  • ssu

    Seriously speaking, Trump is one of the worst possible deal makers ever, but the perfect example how it doesn't matter at all as some Americans put on a pedestal and worship any person that has the balls to outright lie with ease about his awesome abilities and success. It simply doesn't matter that the person is full of bullshit. If the person is against what these people don't like, anything goes. The lies are totally OK when they anger the people who you hate.

    Besides, the mantra of yelling out loud how astoundingly rich and successful one is has this mesmerizing effect on one part of the American crowd that takes these people with a narcissistic personality disorder as quasi-religious saints, victors of the American dream, and disregard totally the lies, because they simply are awed by the "balls" that these person have in their self-promotion. Anyone voicing the obvious facts that these people are liars and charlatans are simply seen as jealous 'un-American' pinko-liberals, who don't believe in the American dream.
  • Echarmion
    It simply doesn't matter that the person is full of bullshit. If the person is against what these people don't like, anything goes. The lies are totally OK when they anger the people who you hate.ssu

    Precisely. It's a lot more about tribal groups than it is about actual content. If you can make your enemy feel bad, that means you win.
  • NOS4A2

    Anyone voicing the obvious facts that these people are liars and charlatans are simply seen as jealous 'un-American' pinko-liberals, who don't believe in the American dream.

    Not only “pinko-liberals”, but snobs and champagne socialists as well. It’s no strange wonder that the unmitigated consternation of antiTrumpism is magnified by the voices of celebrities, corporate public relations and coastal elites. All they have to do is turn on the television to have their biases confirmed.
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