• Chester
    Left or right are old, outdated ideas really, we all know you need a combination of the two...trouble is the left are the establishment now and wish to destroy the ideas of the right that are fruitful.

    I used to vote Labour once upon a time and I vote Conservative now...but last time I wish I could have voted for the Brexit party... a party of both the left and right.
  • NOS4A2

    Left or right are old, outdated ideas really, we all know you need a combination of the two...trouble is the left are the establishment now and wish to destroy the ideas of the right that are fruitful.

    I used to vote Labour once upon a time and I vote Conservative now...but last time I wish I could have voted for the Brexit party... a party of both the left and right.

    Yeah I've abandoned that spectrum myself. I just don't find affinity with abstract groups and communities in general, probably the logical result of my nominalism.
  • praxis
    Truth shines in a free and open encounter with falsehood.NOS4A2

    Playing with trolls is nothing more than mild amusement.
  • Chester
    I didn't know what nominalism was so I looked it up...William of Ockham is the foundation of one of my ideas (Occam's razor)... which is interesting... basically it means God exists lol. He lived a few miles up the road from where I am (William not God lol).
  • Chester
    That's why people put up with you for short bursts.
  • NOS4A2

    I think it’s boring. I can’t even be bothered to read them, let alone respond.
  • Chester
    Turns out I'm a conceptualist as well as a nob lol.
  • Echarmion
    Left or right are old, outdated ideas really, we all know you need a combination of the two...trouble is the left are the establishment now and wish to destroy the ideas of the right that are fruitful.Chester

    So, since you're so interested in debate:
    How does one destroy an idea?
    What ideas, specifically, are in danger?
  • Deletedmemberzc
    What is it with right wingers being morally deprived morons?Maw

    Morality is for pussies.
  • praxis
    That's why people put up with you for short bursts.Chester

    You were rather disappointing today.
  • NOS4A2

    Lol. Sometimes you can come up with some gems. :ok:
  • praxis
    I think it’s boring. I can’t even be bothered to read them, let alone respond.NOS4A2

    You never troll and never respond when I troll you.

  • Maw
    Morality is for pussiesZzzoneiroCosm

    Look out everyone, we got an edgy badass here
  • Outlander

    Morality in and of itself is most certainly not cowardly. It can be foolish. Unnecessary. Fatal even. Which only serves to prove my point. Conformity to a majority ingrained system is what takes no effort and has no risk and so has no valor. As is living by or acting on one's most base, primal instincts. Anyone can get mad when insulted, an act that takes nothing from you. Or even otherwise screwed over, where it does. It takes strength to not become upset and override your primitive impulses. Not just anyone can do this as you can clearly see from this thread. What also isn't easy is thinking about anyone but yourself for just long enough, to realize doing so and establishing and following laws that differentiate right from wrong (morality) will and has helped in the long run. From eye for an eye to modern courts justice or morality gives people faith in the system and let's those who actually think do so and improve society. Up until 200 years ago we were basically crapping in holes as was done for several millenia.

    If you want to relinquish morality and as a result its legislation and resulting innovation, essentially all modernity to live as animals do, crapping in holes and goring eachother for food and privilege, you and others like you should have a right to do so. Somewhere else, perhaps some island, hopefully in the path of a hurricane. Meanwhile, until you do such things and continue to use what was given to you by 'cowards' in your eyes, you're a hypocrite.
  • Deletedmemberzc

    I was just teasing. Sarcasm, in a word.

    It's important to say: some deranged machismo factor is at the heart of the to-wear-or-not-to-wear-a-mask "debate."
  • Deletedmemberzc
    Lol. Sometimes you can come up with some gems.NOS4A2

    An incarnate scintilla right here.
  • Streetlight

    widdle snowflake is sAd
  • Streetlight

    President Donald Trump said Friday that his administration would begin the process of revoking Hong Kong’s special trade status, a day after China approved a national security law that threatens Hong Kong’s autonomy.

    “China has replaced its promised formula of one country, two systems, with one country, one system,” Trump announced Friday from the White House Rose Garden. “Therefore, I am directing my administration to begin the process of eliminating policy exemptions that give Hong Kong different and special treatment.”

    Giving the devil his due - good.
  • Maw
    I think the White House may become overrun by protesters??
  • Streetlight
    Trump and his cabal of fuckwit enablers have presided over an enfeebled American population - angry, scared, poor, and ignorant - and encouraged to be so by them. It's about to come bite them all in their pathetic faces.
  • Michael
    'This is Exactly What Collusion Looks Like': Attorneys Say Declassified Flynn-Kislyak Docs Confirm Flynn’s Guilt

    National security attorney Bradley P. Moss said the transcripts only further illustrate that Flynn violated federal law by lying to the FBI.

    “These track exactly with Flynn’s plea deal. He lied to the FBI about his sanctions discussions with Kislyak, and he lied about the discussion on the UN vote,” Moss wrote. “He lied. Repeatedly. These documents are not exculpatory for Flynn. They reiterate his guilt for violating 18 USC 1001.”

    Attorney, former FBI special agent and CNN legal analyst Asha Rangappa said the transcript was a perfect illustration of “collusion.”

    “Uh…THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT COLLUSION LOOKS LIKE. Flynn is telling Kislyak — in secret — not to take the predictable retaliatory step because then they will be ‘boxed in’ and unable to *publicly* do what they *privately* want to,” she wrote.

    Former NSC attorney Susan Hennessey said that the conversations justified federal authorities’ decision to investigate Flynn further.

    “The idea that this call was perfectly reasonable and not a basis for immediate investigative action in defense of national security is frankly absurd,” she said. “The transcript is far worse and more explicit than even the Mueller report let on.”

    Here's the transcripts.

    For those who don't remember, this was the charge that he pled guilty too:

    False Statements Regarding FLYNN's Request to the Russian Ambassador that Russia Refrain from Escalating the Situation in Response to U.S. Sanctions against Russia

    3. On or about January 24, 2017, FLYNN agreed to be interviewed by agents from the FBI ("January 24 voluntary interview"). During the interview, FLYNN falsely stated that he did not ask Russia's Ambassador to the United States ("Russian Ambassador") to refrain from escalating the situation in response to sanctions that the United States had imposed against Russia. FLYNN also falsely stated that he did not remember a follow-up conversation in which the Russian Ambassador stated that Russia had chosen to moderate its response to those sanctions as a result of FLYNN's request.
  • Chester
    I'll give you an example of how the left tries to destroy an idea...

    Let's say that a common sense idea is that postal voting is easy to manipulate , easy to corrupt. To attempt to destroy that concept leftists say not having postal votes is racist... but in no way address the point of postal voting corruption.

    Racism is an accusation dumb-ass leftists use to close down discussion on any particular subject that they are losing the argument on ,luckily it doesn't work so much now that 99% of the world is basically racist by hard-left standards lol..
  • Chester
    Good news about these riots kicking off in the States is that clearly lock-down is over (wahoo!) and the cherry on the cake is that it virtually guarantees Trump's re-election...after all these riots are basically happening in Democrat areas, shows how fucked up those places are.
  • VagabondSpectre
    Let's say that a common sense idea is that postal voting is easy to manipulate , easy to corrupt.Chester

    How are mail-in-votes easy to manipulate or corrupt?
  • Chester
    I'll give you just one example because it's so fucking obvious that there are many issues...

    The bully husband leans over his wife's shoulder whilst she fills her ballot paper out. There you go, it ain't rocket science.
  • Echarmion
    Let's say that a common sense idea is that postal voting is easy to manipulate , easy to corrupt. To attempt to destroy that concept leftists say not having postal votes is racist... but in no way address the point of postal voting corruption.Chester

    But leftists don't say that you're not allowed to think about postal voting corruption. They're saying there is no postal voting corruption, which is a factual claim. They then go on to say that the real reason you're against it is because you're a racist who doesn't want black people to vote. Which is another factual claim.

    Nothing about this could conceivably "destroy" the idea that postal voting may be corrupt.
  • frank
    Wife cuts husband's arm off and uses the bloody end to vote for Trump.
  • Benkei
    If facts destroy right wing talking points, cry me a river. :razz:
  • Chester
    Only a moron would believe that there is no corruption involved in postal votes. When a system is easy to corrupt it will be corrupted...there's a basic fact for you.

    You leftists have a strange relationship with truth, often you argue against a truth which normal people can see obviously and instantly. I think that often it is because your ilk believes itself to be cleverer than you are...just always remember this basic fact too, being clever is not the same as being right, in actual fact it can make you utterly deluded.
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