• Chester
    Yes, probably. If someone was in my property looting it and I had a gun I wouldn't hesitate.
  • Baden

    Show me the evidence you have, the polls and such, that the majority of Americans support the idea that looters should be shot.

    If someone was in my property looting it and I had a gun I wouldn't hesitate.Chester

    What you would or would not do is not evidence for anything to do with reelecting Trump.
  • Chester
    I've got a bbq to sort but put it this way, If someone was ransacking your house and you had a gun in your hand would you just let them get on with it?
  • Punshhh
    He hid in a bunker and is demonising anti-fascists.

    Sound familiar?
  • Baden

    Your high-level English reasoning has this poor Paddy confused. What I would do if I had a gun in my own house determines what people in America think the police should do to protesters looting Target. Therefore, Trump will be elected. Wow, teach me more of your Anglo wisdom, sir.
  • Baden
    "White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday pressed the notion that the far-left “antifa” movement is largely behind the violence that has emerged in protests around the nation and said President Trump is “committed to acting on this.”


    You have to laugh at the level of idiocy of this administration, tragic as it is.
  • fdrake
    You have to laugh at the level of idiocy of this administration, tragic as it is.Baden

    I don't think it's idiotic;

    (1) Journalists being assaulted in the street.
    (2) Army firing on protesters.
    (3) Leveraging public panic to try and motivate police action against known dissident orgs.

    These are not good signs. :sad:
  • Baden

    Oh, I know, concerning the situation, I was just referring to the statement.
  • fdrake

    Makes sense, sorry for responding out of context!
  • Baden

    No worries. The whole thing is horrible. That can't be said enough.
  • praxis
    Anyway , the important news is that Trump is going to get a second term on the back of leftist stupidity.Chester

    You sure, because it isn’t leftist stupidity that’s turning his own party against him.

  • Chester
    You leftists are utterly deluded and seldom get anything right, but just to make things simple for you...there will be a reaction against the rioting and looting that is being encouraged by leftist organisations. Most people see this trashing of American cities for what it is, a hotchpotch of looters, rioters ,moronic students and middle aged people (like the majority on this forum) who should know better but have stuck with their student days leftist bullshit. It's all very sad.

    If the hard left thinks this is going to work out well for them then they are even bigger cunts than I already think they are.
  • VagabondSpectre
    This one is definitely related


  • Relativist
    Most people see this trashing of American cities for what it is, a hotchpotch of looters, rioters ,moronic students and middle aged people (like the majority on this forum) who should know better but have stuck with their student days leftist bullshit. It's all very sad.Chester
    Your comment brings me back to my left-wing student days: same old, same old from the right-wingers: ignore the legitimate protests by grouping it with the criminal behavior.

    Where's our President? Clearing out peaceful protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets so he can stand in front of a church to get a picture taken.
  • Christoffer
    Where's our President? Clearing out peaceful protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets so he can stand in front of a church to get a picture taken.Relativist

    Chester is as gone as the President is from his duty of leadership.
  • David Mo
    World Coronavirus Ranking.
    North America: Donald Trump - 105,016 dead (overall winner by a landslide)
    Europe: Boris Johnson - 39,045 dead
    South America: Jair Bolsonaro - 29,937 dead.

    Winning team:
    New Trio Las Calaveras with "La muerte" (Death) (Negationist-Ultraliberal huapango).

    International Mental Health Test:
    Will this famous Trio Las Calaveras win the next elections in their countries?
    Bets are allowed. I hope I'm wrong. Hope is free. But the reality is bien chingada, (Arturo Ripstein).
  • Banno
    That stunt with the church and the bible...

  • VagabondSpectre
    That stunt with the church and the bible...


    Obama is to blame. He left the Trump administration with no pre-existing plan for violently massaging piss and shit into the root and stem of every positive and progressive value that Americans ever held sacred or dear.
  • VagabondSpectre
    Has anyone ever seen the T.V show "Lost"?

    Or really any reality-esque show that persists for an unfortunate number of seasons?

    One of the fundamental trends of these types of shows is that because they're mostly or only entertainment, because they're made-up as they go along (aka: bullshit), and because we quickly tire of the same old songs and dances, they must become increasingly sensational, outlandish, or otherwise insane, to hold the interest of their audiences. It's a slow and degenerative process of tabloidization...

    The Trump election campaign of 2016, and its continuation as his presidency, is an absolute ten ring circus. When it started, "grab them by the pussy" was a huge scandal (it wowed audiences...), and without fail, the circus as grown increasingly more intense, as each act out-does the last. Like Trump's own reality T.V show ("the apprentice"), what was fake and dumb to begin with has become tiresome and ridiculous beyond measure or description.

    And it's going to keep getting more ridiculous, rest assured. I'm no longer confident that Trump will win in November (due to the complacency of Biden) simply because at the moment Trump is reaching new levels of "__________".

    What's the word for it? Do we even have a word for this?
  • Changeling
    What's the word for it? Do we even have a word for this?VagabondSpectre

  • Banno
    Matthew 6:5
    When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for. they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the. corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men.
  • praxis
    Talking to a ghost...

    You leftists are utterly deluded and seldom get anything right, but just to make things simple for you...there will be a reaction against the rioting and looting that is being encouraged by leftist organisations.Chester

    Part of the reaction is controlled by an ass with far more influence than any intelligent society should empower, proving beyond doubt that it’s not an intelligent society. The asinine narrative is full of bravado (appealing to insecure types like yourself) and focuses entirely on the violence of one side of the issue and completely ignores the violence of the other side, and does so for the singular and selfish purpose of maintaining power and wealth (a second term), utterly regardless of the damage this may do to society, or perhaps mindful of it, being that a fractured society is easier to control. Divide and conquer is the strategy that you mindlessly assist and don’t benefit from.

    If the hard left thinks this is going to work out well for them then they are even bigger cunts than I already think they are.Chester

    It’s not a plan. It’s not rational. Read the fucking signs if not the actual words. They can’t breathe.
  • NOS4A2
    By now we all know that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution are vested in the states, and that the states and municipalities are in charge of both their public health and policing. But politics have become so schizophrenic that when a city cop murders a man in a Democrat-run city in a Democrat-run state, or when a Democrat mayor and Democrat governor have to dig mass graves in their cities for victims of a pandemic, it becomes an indictment on President Trump.
  • VagabondSpectre
    I know right? Coronavirus was a complete hoax just like Donald said. The 100,000 dead are the fault of democrats. Not at all exacerbated by the unbridled stupidity and incompetence of Donald Trump himself.

    And Trump is handling these riots perfectly! When the looting starts the shooting starts. Right? Didn't he also suggest that protestors should be given 10 year prison sentences?

    Who needs first amendment rights when Trump gets such great T.V ratings?!!!
  • NOS4A2

    He said he stands with protesters but also wants to protect American‘s lives and property from violence, looters, and vandals. I’m not sure why one would have to pretend looters and vandals are protesters, nor can I understand why one would condone or excuse that behavior, but I guess that’s exactly what you need to do to politicize it and blame it on Trump.

    And yes, state governments are in charge of their own public health. Coronavirus death rates in Democratic areas are triple those in Republican ones. So why do you think it’s Trump’s fault?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    By now we all know that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution are vested in the states, and that the states and municipalities are in charge of both their public health and policing.NOS4A2

    Obviously, viruses don't respect municipal boundaries, nor are they deterred by county lines or state lines, they run free with their hosts. A municipality, on its own does not have the power to prevent incoming traffic. Nor does a state have that capacity. So your point, which assumes that they do, is really pointless. Not surprising, coming from who it comes from.
  • NOS4A2

    Plenty of states have restricted travel. And for example it wasn’t Trump who mandated that nursing homes in New York couldn’t refuse patients diagnosed with coronavirus, which turned out to be a fatal mistake. So your point is pointless, which isn’t surprising.
  • Streetlight
    In case anyone actually has any niggling doubts that Trump is a cuntfuck who needs to fuck off and die:

  • DingoJones
    Talking to a ghost...praxis

    With no self awareness of how egocentric that is. What is the fucking point of “responding” to a guy you know is banned?!
    You show your colours here, you are not interested in discussion. You are interested in pushing your narrative, thats it. Pathetic and disgusting. And cowardly, he isnt here to defend himself.
    I know, I know...its ok cuz he was a piece of shit right? He got banned after all, so how could there be anything wrong with your acts of cowardice and showing of low, self serving, agenda driven character? Right?
    Fucking pathetic.
  • praxis

    Is there something preventing you from responding for your fallen hero and righteously defending his honor?
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