• Michael
    It would be a classic ending for Trump to die of covid, in ‘a trickster eventually gets caught in their own net’ kinda way.praxis

    The opposite of the boy who cried wolf.
  • Mr Bee
    For those of you who are worried about Trump and COVID the doctors have already fixed it. They closed the border with China (very early on I must say) and now Trump doesn't have to worry about it anymore. They did everything they could.
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    Well, he has brought a new level to the phrase 'trumped up', so with Covid-19... why not take 'bat shit crazy' to a whole new level as well?
  • Mikie

    Adults are talking. Quiet.
  • Streetlight
    You misspelt fantasizing.
  • Mikie

    Yeah, because your solution - doing nothing, while complaining like a teen - is the "real" solution.

    Stick to Twitter. ;)
  • Streetlight
    Yeah 'cause the choices are between petitioning daddy Biden and doing nothing :lol:

    Narrow as a prick.
  • Mikie

    :gasp: How edgy.

    You're truly the Trump of the forum.
  • Streetlight
    Soooooo edgy to point out your limp horizon of political action. Wait till you meet the rest of the internet.
  • Pfhorrest
    Yeah 'cause the choices are between petitioning daddy Biden and doing nothingStreetlightX

    I am curious what other options you're thinking of specifically.
  • Punshhh
    Are we doomed to experience turmoil? Yes. If that's how you read "doomed," fine.
    Yes, I would go a little further, I would define it as a significant collapse in civilisation, a return to a dark age.
  • Streetlight
    Direct Action. The key is to seek out and join existing organizations. This stuff can't be done from scratch, or alone. It requires mutual connections with others. Find a local organizing body, and join it. People will find things for you to do. Beyond that, normalize 'radical' ideas. Make them seem as obvious and plain as day. The only extremism is the state of affairs that exists right now.

    Those who look to the state to do their political work for them and deny other avenues of action are useless and complicit.
  • Relativist
    What's going to happen if Trump has a speedy recovery? Will he be contrite? Will he begin extolling the virtue of social distancing and mask wearing? Will there be another crowded public Trump rally? Will he again ridicule Biden for wearing a mask? Will he start acting like a better man in response to Biden's refraining from negative ads during his convalesence?

    How will Biden act? Will he shine a spotlight on the consequences of Trump's poor judgment?

    Politically, his illness (not to mention the many others who were with him that got infected) can't be helpful to Trump. The question is: how much will it hurt? Obviously, his base will remain loyal, so I think the consequences will be to solidify some of the "soft" Biden supporters, and perhaps sway a few additional. IOW, I expect polls conducted in the next couple of weeks to reflect a slight downward level of support for Trump.
  • Benkei
    Teflon Don won't be affected by this one way or another. Politically speaking. The lines in the sand in the US have been drawn a while ago.
  • _db
    He spoke directly to the camera, notably, and I’ve seen reports that it was very positive with undecideds. I don’t think Trump is capable of that approach.praxis

    That's true. I did feel that Biden did a good job with speaking directly to the American people. Trump seemed to be almost entirely oblivious.
  • magritte
    The lines in the sand in the US have been drawn a while ago.Benkei

    If I were a democrat I would advise Harris to insistently point out that Trump is the devil incarnate.
  • ssu
    Teflon Don won't be affected by this one way or another. Politically speaking. The lines in the sand in the US have been drawn a while ago.Benkei
    His supporters support him and his haters hate him, not much changes from what Trump does.

    But of course what is obvious is that he wouldn't have been gone to hospital if it wouldn't be serious. A mild cough you rest at your home. And the Trump White House, as usual, doesn't keep any secrets so, from the mixed statements tell something.

    According to "fake-news" CNN:

    "The President's vitals over the last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care. We are still not on a clear path to a full recovery," the source told White House pool reporters after the briefing from his doctors.

    Moments earlier on Saturday morning, the President's physician, Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley, had offered an upbeat assessment of the President's condition stating that he was feeling well, that he had been "fever-free" for 24 hours and that his symptoms -- which included an "extremely mild cough," nasal congestion and fatigue -- "are resolving and improving." Conley was evasive about when and if Trump had received supplemental oxygen, saying, "He is not on oxygen."

    But a source close to the White House said Trump has received supplemental oxygen since his illness began. Trump "definitely has had oxygen," the source said, adding that it was on Friday.
  • frank
    Yes, I would go a little further, I would define it as a significant collapse in civilisation, a return to a dark age.Punshhh

    That's happened twice so far, and here we are.

    Civilization may be doomed to collapse (though we truly don't know if it will). Humanity isn't doomed.

    Go further than that and you're peddling misinformation that's more dangerous than that of any CC denier.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    President Trump is in the danger zone and will be for a few days, a few moons, too many hours for some, not enough for others.
    Please remain humble for none of us are immune :flower:
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    That's happened twice so far, and here we are.frank

    And we will rise again :sparkle:
  • Baden
    You'd expect that on a philosophy forum people would have some reservations about wishing death upon others.Tzeentch

    You support the guy whose lies resulted in 200,000 Americans dead. Not one complaint about that from you. So, crawl back under your rock, please. It's disgusting that you think you have any moral standing here.

    My view on all this is I want Trump to survive, be defeated, and imprisoned.
  • Relativist
    My view on all this is I want Trump to survive, be defeated, and imprisoned.Baden
    :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
  • Relativist
    President Trump is in the danger zone and will be for a few days, a few moons, too many hours for some, not enough for others.
    Please remain humble for none of us are immune
    I'm praying for him. (factor in the fact that I'm an atheist)
  • Mayor of Simpleton
    My view on all this is I want Trump to survive, be defeated, and imprisoned.Baden

    I quite agree, but I can add this:

    If he lives... whatever.
    If he dies... whatever.

    I don't waste my concerns where there is honestly nothing worthy of that concern and he has certainly proven time and time again to not be worthy of concern, so sympathy or empathy won't come from me for that man.

    My only desire ('wish') is that he is no longer in a position of power to govern.

    If he is imprisoned... that's not my call or concern, so ... whatever.
  • Baden

    Not sympathy from me either. But I am interested in seeing some justice served on this piece of garbage and his corrupt crime family.
  • ssu
    Please remain humble for none of us are immuneArguingWAristotleTiff
    When people feel morally right and think others are totally wrong, nearly evil, why be humble?

    Anyway, I think that your country will survive this just fine just as Arizona will do also. I said to my children that remember this time as when you are older, so you can tell about how it was as a child during the 2020 corona-pandemic. Those stories may get younger people listening, but who knows.
  • Tzeentch
    You support the guy whose lies resulted in 200,000 Americans dead.Baden

    Then you know more than I.

    I don't support Trump any more than I support the infantile behavior with which this thread is filled.

    Realize that this type of aggression towards anyone who even looks like they might have a different opinion than you, is exactly the reason figures like Trump get so much support.
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