• Tzeentch
    So, crawl back under your rock, please. It's disgusting that you think you have any moral standing here.Baden

    Hadn't even noticed this.

    What I find disgusting is that these words are coming from a moderator of a philosophy forum that has no less than 10,000 posts made. That's a lot of time spent with very little wisdom to show for it.
  • Mayor of Simpleton

    Funny thing is Trump has been on my radar as a con man/grifter and a epic asshat since the early 80's.

    All the warning signs were there (probably so many some couldn't see the trees for the forest), but as being faithful isn't really that different than being gullible he found an easy mark to manipulate in America and form a cult of personality.

    My current feelings on the matter have been the same for decades now and was reflected in what came out of the Donald Trump Roast some 9 years ago.

    “Donald, I’m not even sure if you’re aware of this, but the only difference between you and Michael Douglas from the movie Wall Street is that no one’s going to be sad when you get cancer.” — Anthony Jeselnik

    I didn't wish him to get Covid-19, but I'm certainly not sad about it. (The irony is thick, but he and his klan might think that has to do with an iron deficiency, so there's no point in explaining it.)

    If justice is served or not... well... it's America , so I don't expect much. They elected this guy, so hey... you got what the system coupled with mass gullibility allows, so take ownership of it. I'll simply settle for him being out of a position of power.
  • Baden

    You were one of the slimeballs downplaying this disease. I'm calling you out for what you are. Own it. 200,000 dead. Trump and scumbags like you who lied about the disease have no place in any moral conversation.
  • Punshhh
    Civilization may be doomed to collapse (though we truly don't know if it will). Humanity isn't doomed.
    This time will be different, we will leave a lot of pollution, a destabilised climate and a mass extinction event.
  • praxis
    I for one can separate my feelings from my rational decision-making. I enjoy hearing about Trump getting sick the way I enjoy a villain in fiction being hoisted by their own petard. It makes me smile and laugh. Those are my feelings and I didn’t choose them, though neither do I feel guilty for them.

    But I don’t actually think he ought to suffer or die, because nobody ought to. If I were in a position to be caring for him medically I would do everything I could to help him recover.

    I’m sure that I’d be tempted to accidentally trip over a power cord or three, but, I probably couldn’t do it. Damn it all!
  • Baden
    In case some have shorter memories than me:
    Overblown hysteria. The media have nothing better to report, and what better to draw attention than pretending there's a crisis.

    The coronavirus has killed about 2,700 people so far. The flu kills roughly 60,000-70,000 people each year.

    People should relax, newsmedia should stop scaring old peopleTzeentch

    Like I said, scum. (Some on the right may have just got it wrong btw, but you, I believe, are a deliberate politically motivated liar, along the lines of @NOS4A2).
  • tim wood
    If he dies, a lot of things either won't happen or will happen in very different ways. We've endured about 90% of his presidency. Another three months and then it will be time for justice - which imo matters more than he does. Not just retributive justice (for him and his), but rehabilitative justice for the rest of us. As well as the history, the what actually happened, and I suspect this latter part may be the most important. And I don't think Pence would be much of an improvement. Interesting to think that if he went and Pence went, then Nancy, and I think she'd be excellent for a couple of months. But he stays alive until the trials are finished, that's far the best way. Who knows, maybe he'll be sentenced to hang. Depends on exactly what he's done.
  • Baden
    Imagine having the star-defying audacity to criticize posters for not having sympathy for Trump when you've told people to relax and not worry about a disease that then killed them in the hundreds of thousands. Anyway, done taking out the trash now.
  • Outlander

    You have relatively influential people saying, repeating, and so instilling this idea. Do you really think he knew in all absolute terms he was repeating a lie and not just what he believed as truth? Even so, you may not know.

    My understanding is as follows, coronavirus is "the flu", an evolved version sure, but this version is not even necessarily more deadly in an intrinsic sort of way simply it is pragmatically due to the fact it is more resistant to what would stop earlier versions of the flu in it's tracks- or at least slow it down tremendously. Basically, it's only more deadly due to the fact the recent immunity built up over generations doesn't "defeat" this evolved version as it would earlier versions. If I'm mistaken about any of these assertions please tell me as it's simple ignorance. And if not, aside from ignorance (ie. just being wrong), and flat out lying (which I couldn't imagine why an average person would do so), if someone is less advanced than you, whether in mind or logic, I mean. What's with the name calling? lol
  • frank
    This time will be different, we will leave a lot of pollution, a destabilised climate and a mass extinction event.Punshhh

    A bacteria evolved in Japan that eats plastic. It was found at a plastic bottle recycling plant.

    But true, this time will be different. I agree there's a lot regretable things happening. That doesnt change the story though. We're probably too far in to hold the temp increase below 2 degrees. We need to start long range planning for a different world independent of fossil fuel (as China is doing).
  • Punshhh
    A bacteria evolved in Japan that eats plastic. It was found at a plastic bottle recycling plant.
    Yes, I heard, really interesting.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    My understanding is as follows, coronavirus is "the flu", an evolved version sure...Outlander

    You clearly have a misunderstanding. They are not even in the same family.
  • ssu
    Anyway, done taking out the trash now.Baden
    One expects the person who wrote the forum guidelines to be consistent with them.

    I've never been a supporter of Trump, yet what I think feeds the support for Trump is the condescending and hostile attitude toward his supporters. Or now I guess it's also those that don't attack him viciously. In the larger picture the hostility just increases the polarization, which just plays out to those in power. Better have the voters deeply divided and hating each other for the status quo to limp on: cannot have the opposition uniting! And you are sure your supporters will be on your side, as they hate the other side so much.

    Yes, Trump is a very incompetent president and his actions (or rather inactions) has made it worst, but I wouldn't assume all deaths in this pandemic to him. If the US would have been as successful as Canada in the fight against the pandemic, about 83 000 Americans would have now died. Which just leaves 130 000 or so to the administration response. But if you couldn't use the Obama or Bush playbooks what to do at a time when a pandemic hits, then you couldn't.
  • Outlander

    Oh, see. There you go. All you needed to say.

    I mean, for debate sake I will point out it's unlikely you're a virologist with access to an advanced laboratory or hang out with people who are and do but, yeah that's your source and obviously there are plenty. Misunderstandings are to be expected.
  • Tzeentch
    Funnily enough, where I live (Netherlands) covid has been put on the same level as the somewhat severe influenza epidemic of last year by the statistics of the National Institute of Public Health itself, and with deaths being almost exclusive to the elderly with underlying health issues.

    Turns out I was right. Overblown hysteria, fueled by corrupt media.
  • Baden

    Nice of you to prove my point that you're a politically motivated liar and not just simply ignorant. Here's the context, the post you were responding to.

    Coronavirus, COVID-19, is spreading exponentially.
    Should we be worried, or should we just wait until a vaccination is developed so that we can irradicate it through a vaccination programme?
    Or is this the beginning of a deadly pandemic?

    A million dead.

    Anyway, as I said, done taking out the trash.
  • Michael
    Funnily enough, where I live (Netherlands) covid has been put on the same level as the somewhat severe influenza epidemic of last year by the statistics of the National Institute of Public Health itself, and with deaths being almost exclusive to the elderly with underlying health issues.

    Turns out I was right. Overblown hysteria, fueled by corrupt media.

    The flu is responsible for 290,000 to 650,000 deaths per year. There have been 1.03 million COVID deaths since the first death 9 months ago, and that's with extensive lockdowns, quarantines, mask-wearing policies, etc.

    It's not overblown hysteria fueled by a corrupt media. The pandemic is serious and (most) governments are taking it seriously for a reason.
  • ssu
    (Netherlands) covid has been put on the same level as the somewhat severe influenza epidemic of last year by the statistics of the National Institute of Public Health itself,Tzeentch
    By this logic, I wonder where the South Koreans put the pandemic with their little death toll of 420 deaths from covid-19 in a country of 51 million population. If the Netherlands would have been as "successful" as the US, you would have now over 10 000 dead from the pandemic and not just over 6 000. Where would that put the statistics?

    As said just above, If the ordinary seasonal flu kills half a million or so in the World annually and we are already at over one million deaths with covid, could we stop using the "it's as bad as the seasonal flu" argument?
  • Michael
    Also I should add that the number of deaths isn't the only issue. It's not some dichotomy between either no/mild symptoms or death. Lots of people getting very sick (but surviving) is a big problem as well, not just due to the burden on the health service but also to people's well-being (obviously).
  • Mikie
    Civilization may be doomed to collapse (though we truly don't know if it will). Humanity isn't doomed.frank

    Humans can't survive if the earth becomes like Venus.
  • frank
    Humans can't survive if the earth becomes like Venus.Xtrix

  • frank
    The climate science subreddit has a sticky directed to people who feel depressed or suicidal about climate change. That got me thinking about misinformation.

    Ive started to realize that the people who broadcast preductions that no climate scientist supports will continue to do so because they don't care about the truth. That's true on both sides of the issue.
  • _db
    Ive started to realize that the people who broadcast preductions that no climate scientist supports will continue to do so because they don't care about the truth. That's true on both sides of the issue.frank

    Definitely there are some people who say things contrary to science because they don't care about truth. But I think the vast majority are just idiots. Never underestimate a stupid person who thinks they're smart.
  • Tzeentch
    Do yourselves a favor and start being critical of the information you're receiving through media. I'll admit I cannot speak for the US, but covid deaths in the Netherlands have initially been grossly misreported, because covid was being stated as cause of death for any and all who had traces of the virus in their body upon death. Furthermore, many of such diagnoses were done with equipment that now is suspected of having great error margins. So make of those numbers what you will. But even if they were a multitude of what is being reported, it still would not justify the way our government has abused and is abusing its power to control the lives of people. Consider that there also exists a death toll of the measures taken against covid. People who are not being diagnosed or treated for serious diseases like cancer, elderly people dying of neglect, people developing serious depression or anxiety, etc.

    That covid isn't the killer virus that everyone had expected is painfully clear here, and the only ones still maintaining that it is, are in the sitting government who is being torn to shreds by the opposition for it. Meanwhile, the population has been in a state of lockdown for half a year, and legislation is being passed which gives the government power over people's private lives which is simply unconstitutional.
  • 180 Proof
    DJT has lived 3 years & 9 months too long already, long enough to have presided over - aided & abetted via deliberate negligence (as per Bob Woodward's 2/7/20 tape) of - to date, the mostly avoidable deaths of +210,000 (& counting) of his fellow human beings on his presidential watch, which amounts to mass murder. Along with his damn crime family & sychophant inner circle too. Death to all, or as many of, them by the very plague he & they have politically weaponized is eminently just. Other GOP COVID-survivors from the MAGA-junta administration & Congress will have to be removed from government by the voters and subsequently prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law with extreme prejudice. No tolerance for the intolerant. The most humane thing is the quick deaths of disgraced, inhumane, assholes. Beggar this gauche garish gaudy, and hateful, plutocrat and his brood of brats, grifters & golddiggers to the last penny. Fuck 'em. Every. Last. One.

    Go (re)read Edgar Allen Poe's "Masque of the Red Death" and see for yourself how the Amy Coney Barrett 'super spreader event' at the WH on Sept. 26, clearly in hindsight, was a farce (Hegel) imitating art. :mask:

    For over a year, before COVID-19 and before Impeachment and even before Mueller's public testimony, I've contended here and elsewhere that the 2020 general election would be a referendum on the incumbent, as it always is (no matter who the challenger would be), and not a "choice" between candidates like 2016, etc. No matter 'the status quo ante, neoliberal, shitshow' that follows, I look forward to the defeat, disgrace & demise of this incumbent (Russian asset), who is the clear and present "greater evil".

    That covid isn't the killer virus that everyone had expected is painfully clearTzeentch
    You're either a blissful ignoramous or disingenuous tRumpy troll. :shade:

    Here is a sample of apples-to-apples comparative facts illustrating how deadly a novel virus that's highly infectious, lacking therapeutics, three to five times mortality rate than influenza, inflicts lasting acute injuries to major organs in about one in ten survivors, and for which no reliable safe vaccine will be available for years (if ever e.g. HIV):

  • Benkei
    Jezus wat een domme opmerking. The Netherlands has passed several laws and adjusts its recommendations continually. Everybody that can work from home is. It's these measures that enable us to have statistics similar to other years for the flu. Meanwhile, our healthcare system is starting to creak again under the pressure of covid patients, causing regular health care to be delayed. That's the second time this year. Nothing in this is comparable to influenza.
  • Tzeentch

    Kijk eens wat verder dan het NOS journaal.
  • Punshhh

    Ive started to realize that the people who broadcast preductions that no climate scientist supports will continue to do so because they don't care about the truth. That's true on both sides of the issue.
    The issue is that humanity is not correcting the problem, the fossil fuel emissions are still going up. This may be why some folk start shouting about it.
  • Benkei
    Zoals mijn buren die in het ziekenhuis werk? Randdebiel.
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