• Merkwurdichliebe
    Sweet Jesus! It started with him, not since him!tim wood

    That's what I said, its obvious that if it started with him, it has been "since him". I thi k you are thinking too much. I'm glad Reagan's dead.
  • ssu
    It's all been steadily going downhill since Reagan. Nothing in our present field of view remotely indicates the slightest desire to alter direction. I see nothing short of radical violent revolution as a viable means for actual reform in the government. Unfortunately, judging from the current attitude of the youth in America, it is likely such a thing would propel the US into a Soviet-esque nightmare. Shit is bad, and ain't nothing Biden or Trump can do.Merkwurdichliebe
    That's nice to hear positive things about the Reagan era. Unfortunately you might get that violent revolution (or something like it), which just makes things worse.

    I think it was even better when Republicans had a President like Eisenhower.
  • NOS4A2
    The famed “anonymous” has been revealed to be Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s chief of staff Miles Taylor, who is now a CNN contributor.

  • Harry Hindu
    Yeah, but these losses are not the same - it's the difference between amputating both your legs (Sleepy Joe) and cutting off your head (Donny Bone Spurs).180 Proof
    It may be more like the cutting out your tongue and cutting off your fingers if voting for Biden. Voting for an old racist white guy that has been in power for nearly fifty years after you've been complaining about systemic racism and white privilege just relegates your words into meaningless dribble. Everyone reading your words would have a difficult time believing anything you say or type, so your tongue and fingers basically become useless appendages.

    Actually voting for either one is like cutting out your eyes and ears as people in both groups just dont bother to listen or read what others and each other are saying and are becoming more divisive every election cycle.
  • NOS4A2
    After making sure I wouldn’t see anything illegal, I I finally took a look at the Hunter Biden images leaked by the Chinese dissidents, and for the most part they are just nude selfies and pictures of himself banging young hookers while smoking crack. Accusations of pedophilia and incest linger, but cannot be published for obvious reasons. Apparently the laptop was sent to the FBI back in Dec. 2019 with no action take as of yet. Guilliani brought his own copy to the Delaware police recently, claiming there was illegal images on there. The Delaware police sent the copy to the FBI. My guess is we’ll hear nothing of it.

    As a matter of principle I don’t like how Bannon and his friends are leaking Hunter Biden’s private affairs. His degeneracy, as ugly and predictable as it is, is his own business.

    What we can say is that any claims of “Russian Disinfo” is complete horseshit, itself the wildest disinformation, and spread by the most useful of idiots. But the most staggering of blows is the media blackout on the subject. A media who spent weeks searching through Brett Kavanaugh’s year book or Trump’s tax documents will not touch this story.
  • Benkei
    Hunter isn't running for president. Nobody cares.
  • NOS4A2
    Hunter’s father is running for president, and he’s implicated in his son’s dealing. Cry about it.
  • NOS4A2
    U.S. economy rebounded strongly in the third quarter

    The U.S. economy grew at a record annualized rate of 33.1% between July and September, clawing back much of the ground it had lost during the coronavirus-fueled shutdown earlier in the year, the Commerce Department said Thursday.

    Expect the president to gloat about these numbers in the coming days, to the chagrin of fear-mongers everywhere
  • Streetlight
    I quite like the pathetic focus on Hunter Biden. At this point it's the biggest plank of Trump's campaign for, um, *checks notes*, president of the United States, and has been for a while. It's hilarious.

    The only thing more pathetic than it are the supporters he's duped into pouring time and energy into puffing it up.
  • Benkei
    Now we have them pretend a 3.5% contraction in GDP is a good thing because it isn't 10%. :rofl:
  • fdrake

    the least big it could've been, the least big. nobody could've prepared for this, you think democrats would've done better sticking with the WHO? china..sfdhidfsdsbdf
  • Benkei
    You misspelled ChyNa.
  • Baden

    The fucking retard has no policies and doesn't give a shit about policies. All he's capable of doing is saying everything will be great. It is a crying sin that this giant turd of nothingness will get even one vote but he'll probably only lose by about 10 points.
  • Baden
    Accusations of pedophilia and incest lingerNOS4A2

    Yes "accusations" by right-wing sickos projecting their own disgusting fantasies exactly as they did with Hillary and pizzagate. Not one scintilla of evidence beyond that. Anyway, it all failed. Biden's numbers haven't moved. America has told you to take your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory and shove it up your ass.
  • NOS4A2

    I’m not going to pretend that your media-informed ignorance is an accurate representation of anything, especially after pretending, without evidence, that it was Russian disinfo.
  • ssu
    Accusations of pedophilia and incest lingerNOS4A2

    Might be few years before Ivanka comes out with her tell all book. Yet there can be a time when she needs the money and the victimhood points.

  • NOS4A2

    Yes, I’ve heard it all before. I guess we’ll wait for that to come out. Any time now.
  • ssu

    Nope. Read what I wrote.

    It will take years.

    Likely after Donald has passed away and everybody has forgotten about Ivanka.
  • Streetlight
    At this point Joe ought to be thanking Hunter every day for providing an infinite energy sink into which Trump and sacks of manure like NOS can pound sand over.
  • NOS4A2

    Nope. Read what I said.

    It will take years.

    Likely after Donald has passed away and everybody has forgotten about Ivanka.

    Right. And then she’ll do the Washington book circuit and become a CNN contributor, where the press and their obsequious readers will fawn all over her. You should write a quatrain about it.
  • ssu
    Something like that. And people will wonder how utterly crazy people were in the 2010's and 2020's.

    Yes, I'm an optimist.

    What I really would want to see (if I live so long) is to see the movies made about this time 20 or 30 years from now. People always have this condescending view of looking at the past, which is painted as a caricature.
  • Baden

    fAkE nEWs.

    Six more days and you clowns are history. Enjoy your final act.
  • Mr Bee
    At this point Joe ought to be thanking Hunter every day for providing an infinite energy sink into which Trump and sacks of manure like NOS can pound sand over.StreetlightX

    They honestly think that they can make this into the next Clinton email scandal. Unfortunately given the pandemic, the economic crash, and the social unrest, it's just not gonna resonate with people.
  • Benkei
    Something is resonating with about 40 to 50% of voters.
  • ssu
    I think many Americans aren't extremely enthusiastic of voting for either of the two, even if they know who they will vote.

    And let's see how well the US goes with the elections. Hope it isn't going to go like the 89th Oscars. Besides, Americans have had experiences of similar situations. I'm not sure how well people will take similar things now?

    (Remember the good old times?)
  • Pfhorrest
    I think many Americans aren't extremely enthusiastic of voting for either of the two, even if they know who they will vote.ssu

    To wit: a left-wing YouTube channel I watch recently had an episode titled "Vote! (For Joe Biden! (Who Sucks!))"
  • Ciceronianus
    We here in God's favorite country have proven ourselves to be Yahoos, with no Houyhnhnms to guide us. Ora pro nobis.
  • Benkei
    when did you move to Israel?
  • Ciceronianus

    Well, God didn't choose us, true, but he thinks we're cool.
  • Benkei
    Oh, you're Dutch? Cool.
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