• Relativist
    What if he tries to start some international crisis? What will the military chain of command do if Trump gives them some dangerous order? Remember, the military is all about chain of command, chain of command, chain of command. Who in that chain of command is going to stand up and say, "Nope, we ain't doing that"?Hippyhead
    A military officer needn't obey an unlawful order. I think this may provide enough wiggle room to refuse to nuke another country. Plus, Trump is isolationist to the core, and he still craves the love of his minions. Finally, he has this fantasy of running again in 2024.
  • Relativist
    If they further amplify the accusation of fraud, more and more people will believe it.Echarmion
    That's true, and it's why we should embrace their taking it to the courts, where actual evidence is needed.
  • 180 Proof
    Nearly 70 million American citizens have voted for Trump - and people want to talk about foreign interference? They can go fuck themselves.StreetlightX

    think we have to acknowledge that anyone who confuses obnoxious, whiny, and moronic with charismatic has had a fucked up upbringing.Kenosha Kid

    Will Trump run again in 2024?Hippyhead
    If the Trump Crime Family is not living in exile somewhere like Saudi Arabia or Turkey or Brazil or (Oleg Deripaska et al not withstanding) Russia, covIDIOT-1 aka "Individual-1" either will be convicted in (at least) New York State of multiple tax, banking, insurance & money laundering felonies by then or, more likely (hopefully), he'll be dead from COVID-19 and/or age & obesity related afflictions (or with a lone wolf MAGAt's full metal jacket).

    Trump will remain President until January 20 of next year.

    What kind of trouble might a humiliated narcissist cause during the transition?
    I suspect :eyes:
    • Putin's Bitch makes a 4th appointment to SCOTUS upon the dutiful resignation of 72 year old Clarence Thomas (like 82 year old Anthony Kennedy did to make way for the much younger, more rightwing Kavanaugh) - Moscow Mitch won't be able to resist :shade: ...
    • Putin's Bitch pardons his kids, Kushner & Pence ...
    • then Putin's Bitch resigns so that Pence (à la Ford :point: Nixon) can pardon him ("self-pardon", GOP lawyers & senate allies will advise, is too risky) ...
    • many US government systems across many agencies will undergo (are probably already undergoing) document-shredding and cyber-sabotage / hacking in order to intractably seize-up the transition to Biden's Administration

    Is the worst yet to come?
    Yes, according to Dr. Fauci et al. :mask:
  • Benkei
    then Putin's Bitch resigns so that Pence (à la Ford :point: Nixon) can pardon him ("self-pardon", GOP lawyers & senate allies will advise, is too risky) ...180 Proof

    Can you pardon someone if he hasn't been charged with a crime? Seems a bit weird to me...
  • NOS4A2
    What an election! It exceeded my expectations.

    The censorship, the suppression polls, the propaganda, the deceit, the threats and violence—it may have an effect on many, but not on everyone. I have regained faith in humanity.

    I hope Trump does something drastic during his remaining days, just so I can see an anti-Trumper’s head explode one last time.
  • 180 Proof
    Apparently - see Nixon. (And with 12 sealed indictments referenced in the Mueller Report plus being named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Cohen prosecution by the SDNY, it's quite likely that "Individual-1" has already been charged.)
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    I have regained faith in humanity.NOS4A2

    No need to reiterate, we already know how your faith lies.
  • praxis
    I hope Trump does something drastic during his remaining days, just so I can see an anti-Trumper’s head explode one last time.NOS4A2

    He’ll probably just continue to be an embarrassing sore...tenor.gif?itemid=13585895
  • NOS4A2

    Wall Street, CIA, Big Tech, military industrial complex, and Davos appreciate your vote.
  • Maw
    I hope Trump does something drastic during his remaining days, just so I can see an anti-Trumper’s head explode one last time.NOS4A2

  • Changeling
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  • NOS4A2

    enjoying your meltdown?

    I’m quite good, actually. Trump can run again.
  • Changeling
    at least you accept his defeat.
  • Baden
    Celebrating the demise of Trump and his minions along with my winnings at the bookies the American way. :yum: :party: :party: :party:

  • praxis
    Wall Street, CIA, Big Tech, military industrial complex, and Davos appreciate your vote.NOS4A2

    And Russia appreciates your efforts in the last few years. Still a lot of work ahead though, stoking resentment over a stolen election and whatever else that will help to destabilize the nation.
  • NOS4A2

    I resigned to a Biden win long ago. But projections are just projections. There will still be recounts and litigation, not to mention another two months of left of President Trump.
  • Kenosha Kid
    I hope this inspires the Republicans to start backing other than the bent idiots and feckless facades they seem mostly addicted to these past several decades. In a sane world, Biden would not be the most powerful man in the west. This really is only a slice of optimism in a world where a racist, misogynistic, fraudulent, fascistic, infantile, corrupt lunatic fantasist moron is being led out of the White House. People like Trump lower everyone's standards.
  • NOS4A2

    Jyna called and the CCP are happy you devoured their propaganda platter.
  • tim wood
    What an election! It exceeded my expectations.

    The censorship, the suppression polls, the propaganda, the deceit, the threats and violence—it may have an effect on many, but not on everyone. I have regained faith in humanity.

    I hope Trump does something drastic during his remaining days, just so I can see an anti-Trumper’s head explode one last time.

    Biden's won. No longer any entertainment value in nos4's poison. I vote ban nos4, this last post of his by itself ample justification.
  • tim wood
    Really? Tennessee? In trust you will add some Kentucky to your cabinet!
  • Benkei
    What a waste of money. I have an 18 year Glenfiddich, 12 year Cardhu and an 18 year Highland Park waiting if you care to visit.
  • Baden

    ... Can those get you drunk too? :starstruck:
  • Baden

    :100: If there's one thing America hates more than a loser, it's a sore loser. Trump is destroying himself better than any of his opponents could.
  • Benkei
    Philistine. Invite rescinded. You can visit but no whiskey for you.
  • tim wood
    The trouble with this lies in granting a substance he never actually had. He has always been the empty image of the possibility of a man that should have been, but that in never being, never was. Not less harmful but more, for the emptiness that we call a him.
  • ssu
    I guess this thread won't reach 500 pages.

  • NOS4A2

    Don’t give up so easily, ssu. There are still 75 days left of the best American presidency to have graced this earth.
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