• Joshs
    Women just got the right to vote in the US 101 years ago. And that was not the beginningT Clark

    That’s right. So what’s all this fuss about homosexuals demanding equal rights? People just aren’t ready for it. Oh, wait…
  • Michael
    Do you believe that your vagina makes you attracted to men rather than women , and makes you feel and act feminine? Or do you think this happens in the brain? I. other words, do you accept the concept of psychological gender , apart from physical gender?Joshs

    To add to this; if you (a cisgender woman) had your brain transplanted into a man's body, would you identify as a man or a woman?
  • Iris0
    they are talking passed me!!
    If someone would steal my identity and pose as if they were me I would drag them to court --- that is identity theft no less no more.
    And you see they are not males even when they resemble such a bit, as you see the males who resemble women. I have seen cases that almost looked like a woman- but there is something that is in every cell of our body - so you see it anyway... even when they had hormones when young.

    I find that offensive that they want to dictate to me who I am and what I am - that is really really offensive.
  • T Clark
    I can sort of understand that objection, but I don't think that that's Harry's objection. His objection seems to be that his definition of "woman" is the correct one, and so people who use the word differently are incorrect and delusional.Michael

    I think you and I agree at least on what the issues are and what the right questions are. Part of the reason these discussions rarely go anywhere is that people are arguing completely different issues, as you note.

    Whether the initial evaluation for hormones is done by the hormone prescriber or by a mental health professional, criteria for starting hormones are the same: the presence of persistent GD, the ability to give informed consent, and relative mental health stability.

    If I were certain that all these criteria were being applied effectively in the great majority of cases, a lot of my concerns would be addressed.
  • T Clark
    That’s right. So what’s all this fuss about homosexuals demanding equal rights? People just aren’t ready for it. Oh, wait…Joshs

    How does this apply to what I wrote?
  • Michael
    I find that offensive that they want to dictate to me who I am and what I am - that is really really offensive.Iris0

    They're not dictating to you who or what you are, but you are dictating to transgender people who and what they are.
  • Iris0
    before I came into puberty I always - ever - liked men. The feeling towards them is within me completely different - as was my father completely different from my mother and the feelings I had to them were different. I have not - and that is close to revolting for me - imagined having a woman's body in an intimate act with me. So there has never in my life even been curiosity for that because the males are - entirely - attractive for me.
    I was born like that and still am and will not change because there is no attraction in a female body for me. At all.
  • unenlightened
    they are at the very depth of who we are it is more than just an identity it is the entire being we areIris0

    That is what identity is; the entire being as identified by the being. I wonder, if you can share a little, what it is about a transsexual that is a threat to your own identity? I'm thinking I suppose that if I have achieved something - some social recognition, a PhD or whatever, and someone else gets the same accolade for nothing, it devalues my identity. Is it something like that?
  • Iris0
    it is the knowledge of that every cell in my body from conception to birth and after during my entire life - I know I am a woman. And I love being that - so a copy of what I am and other women - a lookalike but without the complete structure of what a female is - is not a threat but some sort of mockery of who I am.
    It feels like when someone behind your back imitates you for the fun of others who laughs at you. This is what I feel.
  • Iris0
    I'm not dictating to you who or what you are, but you are dictating to transgender people who and what they are.Michael

    Really??? So my nature and the fact that I am who I am dictates what really to someone who is a wannabe?
  • Joshs
    there has never in my life even been curiosity for that because the males are - entirely - attractive for me.
    I was born like that and still am and will not change because there is no attraction in a female body for me. At all.

    Yes but why are you attracted to men but some
    women are attracted to other women? Can the brain be ‘wired’ to produce same-sex attraction? Can the brain be wired to produce masculine or feminine behavior. Have you ever met a man who’s behavior , gestures, walk or way of talking sounded extremely feminine to you? Do you think this was a deliberate act , or is it possible that they were born this way and cannot help their behavior?
  • Michael
    Really??? So my nature and the fact that I am who I am dictates what really to someone who is a wannabe?Iris0

    You calling them a "wannabe" is you dictating to them their gender.
  • Iris0
    yes I have friends who are homosexuals - and not all who are gay have that sort of behavior --- women do not normally have that sort of acting.
  • Iris0
    they are, regardless - if they would not be then they would stay male or female
  • unenlightened
    Mockery, yes I think I understand. In my youth, I think many men felt rather the same way about gay men. Being accused of being gay was the one insult that absolutely demanded a fight by way of denial. How could one be a man and not attracted to women? It was a contradiction. Ridiculous. A mockery.

    Strangely, or perhaps obviously, the same did not apply to women and lesbians. Because to a sexist society, what women wanted was of no importance. Even to themselves.
  • NOS4A2

    I’ve only ever claimed I’m a liberal.

    It’s not unlike Body Integrity Identity Disorder, where people have urges to amputate healthy limbs or sever their own spinal cord. The crux of the question for me is whether one should go so far as to disfigure his body in such a way so as to satiate a mental urge. Maybe the urge is the problem and not the body.

    But yes I think mutilation is barbaric and goes against the hypocritical oath.
  • Iris0
    if you (a cisgender woman) had your brain transplanted into a man's body, would you identify as a man or a woman?Michael

    But being a woman is not an issue of the brain - it is the ENTIRE BEING my complete and total body and all I am and feel --- that is me. Who I am as a complete...
  • Iris0
    no - no not at all. What you talk about is not at all the issue. Because sex and wanting to have sex is up to everyone - but it is an issue of deep inner identity that is confirmed and reaffirmed exterior - who I am. What I am.

    That is in my chromosomes in every part of my being, in all I am.
  • Joshs
    have friends who are homosexuals - and not all who are gay have that sort of behavior --- women do not normally have that sort of acting.Iris0

    Do you mean lesbians do not normally act that way?
    Why do some gays act that way?You never answered my question.
  • Michael
    If you had your brain transplanted into a man's body then your "entire being" would be different, as you'd now have a man's body. So would you identify as a man or a woman (or other)?
  • Iris0
    but that is a fictive story that has nothing to do with reality - in my mothers womb I evolved - every cell within me to become a woman not a man. My brother who was born 18 moths before me evolved into a male. Every cell in his body. As every cell in mine.
    our brains evolved into different sexes - his male with less connection between the two parts and mine into feminine - with more connections between the two parts.
    And thus - due to the evolvement of the cells who made us male and female and thus also the difference in brains and hormon systems - we are male and female - and if his brains were to be in my head it would NEVER EVER make my body male.
    Not in the wildest dreams - because nature is not according to magic - but according to the processes that makes us who we are. We are thus - entirely - all included - formed into being a male OR a female - and if it were not the case - then there would be no idea - CHANGING the sex.
    Now would there?
  • Iris0
    And I might add that my homosexual male friends LIKE MEN...and they know how to distinguish between a male and a female - thus.
  • Iris0
    why do some - SOME - gay men act in ways a normal woman would never ever act?
    I do not know... it looks exaggerated and utterly silly to me. And our behavior is something we can control - so if they are not out of control they must act it and play it.
  • Michael
    but that is a fictive story that has nothing to do with realityIris0

    We currently don't have the technology, but it's conceivable that it's possible. So would you identify as a man or a woman if your brain was transplanted into a man's body?

    our brains evolved into different sexes

    So are you saying that you have a female brain, and that if your brain was transplanted into a man's body then you would still identify as a woman?
  • unenlightened
    That is in my chromosomes in every part of my being, in all I am.Iris0

    Well then I am confused. How can that be troubled by another? If your identity is secured at the cellular level, then it is secure and untroubled by another's odd behaviour, surely?
  • bongo fury
    their gender identity or expressionMichael

    Shirley, philosophers should be dismantling cultural myths, not mantling them, or encouraging psychiatrists to mantle them.
  • Iris0
    of course because my entire being is female with an alien brain what does not fit the rest because some moron put it where it does not belong by some Frankenstein operations.

    Your question is quite silly actually... and if you believe that me being who I am is in my brain - think again... my entire body is a proof of it and my entire hormon system too
  • Baden
    @Michael You're asking the right questions of the wrong person.
  • Michael
    of course because my entire being is female with an alien brain what does not fit the rest because some moron put it where it does not belong by some Frankenstein operations.

    Your question is quite silly actually... and if you believe that me being who I am is in my brain - think again... my entire body is a proof of it and my entire hormon system too

    I don't know what you mean by you having an alien brain. I'm saying that your brain is transplanted into a man's body. So, if anything, you have an alien body. Or do you have some different view of consciousness where consciousness isn't "carried" by the brain? Something like a "soul" that inhabits the body and the brain is incidental?
  • Iris0
    did you actually skip all biology classes? Or do you just pretend you do not know how a child grows in the womb of a woman after that the sperm of a male hit the egg?
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