• NOS4A2

    And Riley champions the state and boss’ orders. Nothing much has changed.
  • James Riley
    And Riley champions the state and boss’ orders. Nothing much has changed.NOS4A2

    Unlike you, my choices are nuanced, which allows me to think without boxing myself into absurdities like you do all the time.
  • jorndoe
    Do they. I though only diabetics who don't take their meds die. I didn't realise a mental sate was so deadly.Isaac


    Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi S.A. = pharmaceutical industry, kind of big too.

    I don't trust the pharmaceutical industryIsaac

    Say, how distrusting would you be if you caught meningitis and/or syphilis and/or rabies? And a kid (of yours)? (Consulting immediately with the family doctor / whoever at a local hospital, is realistic in our case, pharmaceuticals/vaccinations :gasp: might be involved.)
    Are we still talking (blanket) "Big Pharma", Machiavellian profiteering, creating dependents, hoaxery, Nazi manipulation, lies by "them", creeping authoritarianism, or whatever, and a couple quotes that exposed some problems?

    There's no magic SARS-CoV-2/pandemic cure. There is some number of responses that each can do theirs, and so we do, or responsible adults do anyway. Some are rather commonsensical (except to some incorrigible "skeptics" apparently). By now, there are a few reports weighing effectiveness versus risks, some (historical, textbook) case studies, whatever, and so we learn and act accordingly, we'd be fools not to.

    Then there was that 3rd Japanese fellow (RIP):
    Third person dies in Japan after taking contaminated Moderna coronavirus vaccine (Sep 8, 2021)
  • Isaac
    Eli Lilly and Company, Novo Nordisk A/S, Sanofi S.A. = pharmaceutical industry, kind of big too.jorndoe

    Distrusting pharmaceutical companies != not taking any of their products under any circumstances.

    You've heard of nuance!

    Say, how distrusting would you be if you caught meningitis and/or syphilis and/or rabies? And a kid (of yours)? (Consulting immediately with the family doctor / whoever at a local hospital, is realistic in our case, pharmaceuticals/vaccinations :gasp: might be involved.)jorndoe

    Depends entirely on the circumstances, the severity of the disease in question, the urgency of the situation.

    Why are you deliberately acting dumb, as if you couldn't possibly understand anything except all or nothing principles?
  • jorndoe
    You've heard of nuance!Isaac

    I have. So ...

    I don't trust the pharmaceutical industryIsaac

    ... wasn't a blanket statement? (Far from it, perhaps?)

    Depends entirely on the circumstances, the severity of the disease in question, the urgency of the situation.Isaac

    Explicit examples have been given.
  • Isaac
    I have. So ...

    I don't trust the pharmaceutical industry — Isaac

    ... wasn't a blanket statement? (Far from it, perhaps?)

    No, that one was pretty much a blanket statement.

    Explicit examples have been given.jorndoe

    I can't think why you'd want to know about my personal judgements in that much detail, but (answers in bold)...

    how distrusting would you be if you caught meningitis not very and/or syphilis no idea and/or rabies not very ? And a kid (of yours) depends on the pathogen? (Consulting immediately with the family doctor generally not immediately, no / whoever...

    Your point is...?
  • jorndoe
    personal judgementsIsaac

    Checking double standards.
  • Isaac
    personal judgements — Isaac

    Checking double standards.

    Seems rather uncharitable. Why would you do that?
  • Mikie
    COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support approval or authorization of a vaccine. CDC

    That's good enough for me.

    And good for almost everyone in any other area of life, including vaccination. But because this is a "big deal," in the age of polarization and social media, it's not enough for a good portion of society. Suddenly they become the experts -- overnight. They scan desperately for anything that justifies their stupid, stupid choices.

    They will never be satisfied. They openly admit they will never change their minds.
  • Mikie
    Unlike you, my choices are nuanced, which allows me to think without boxing myself into absurdities like you do all the time.James Riley

    NOS is well known as the forum idiot. Don't expect much consistency.
  • James Riley
    NOS is well known as the forum idiot. Don't expect much consistency.Xtrix

    He reminds me of me when I was young. LOL! I want all the benefits of society but I don't want to contribute and you can't make me.
  • Wheatley
    They openly admit they will never change their minds.Xtrix
    Then force is the only option on the table. Plain and simple.
  • James Riley
    Then force is the only option on the table. Plain and simple.Wheatley

    Force by cancel culture consequences, ostracization. Don't want to play! Stay home.

  • AJJ
    Then force is the only option on the table. Plain and simple.Wheatley

    Do you acknowledge your own fear? I personally accept that fear plays a role on both sides - do you?
  • James Riley
    I personally accept that fear plays a role on both sides - do you?AJJ

    No. I know many who got the shot for others, even with the alleged risk. I think it's an old school thing that many folks today just wouldn't understand.

  • AJJ

    Do you deny that you’re fearful of the virus?
  • James Riley
    Do you deny that you’re fearful of the virus?AJJ

    Yes, I deny it, for me. I am concerned for others, but more from a civic duty standpoint. I'm no big fan of humanity in general, but this is not the hill to die on. And while I am not an expert, I roll the dice and bet on those who I think are experts.
  • AJJ
    Yes, I deny it, for me.James Riley

    I just don’t believe you. This is from one of your posts:

    I want to trade your will to spread your nasty, filthy germs with my will to not let you.

    I’m not very afraid of this virus and so I can’t imagine speaking of it in that fashion.
  • James Riley
    I’m not very afraid of this virus and so I can’t imagine speaking of it in that fashion.AJJ

    I'm not afraid of the virus and my language is not evidence of fear. What is fearful about this: "I want to trade your will to spread your nasty, filthy germs with my will to not let you." I want to trade your will to shoot me with my will to not let you. It's a matter of will, not fear. DOH!
  • AJJ
    It's a matter of will, not fear.James Riley

    A matter of quashing someone’s perceived will to do something you’re afraid of.
  • James Riley
    A matter of quashing someone’s perceived will to do something you’re afraid of.AJJ

    Nope. I want to quash your will because you are a POS. Not because I'm afraid of a virus. You went back and looked through my posts so you obviously saw where my motivations are political, not scientific.
  • AJJ
    I want to quash your will because you are a POS. Not because I'm afraid of a virus.James Riley

    I’m a POS because you perceive me as doing something you’re afraid of, i.e. spreading my “nasty, filthy germs”.
  • James Riley
    I’m a POS because you perceive me as doing something you’re afraid of, i.e. spreading my “nasty, filthy germs”.AJJ

    No, again, didn't you read what I wrote? You are a POS because of your politics. You aren't afraid of the vaccine, or Covid, or needles. You just don't like the politics of or the people who support it. You're a hater. That makes you a POS.
  • AJJ
    You aren't afraid of the vaccineJames Riley

    I am afraid of the vaccine. I believe the accounts (because why shouldn’t I?) of blood clots, heart inflammation, blindness, cognitive difficulty and so on; these things scare me far more than the virus does.
  • James Riley
    I am afraid of the vaccine. I believe the accounts (because why shouldn’t I?) of blood clots, heart inflammation, blindness, cognitive difficulty and so on; these things scare me far more than the virus does.AJJ

    I don't believe you. No one is that stupid.
  • AJJ
    I don't believe you. No one is that stupid.James Riley

    My fear is acknowledged and controlled; this is why I haven’t gone in for the wilder theories. The fear we’re seeing from those of your persuasion appears to be unacknowledged and uncontrolled; this is what motivates the hostility.
  • James Riley
    The fear we’re seeing from those of your persuasion appears to be unacknowledged and uncontrolled; this is what motivates the hostility.AJJ

    You're not seeing fear from those of my persuasion. You're seeing push-back against the inconsiderate, disrespectful, selfish BS of those of your persuasion. A parent doesn't fear and obstinate, petulant child.

    My fear is acknowledged and controlled;AJJ

    No, actually, it's not. You don't fear. Your just inconsiderate, disrespectful and selfish. If you had fear you'd get the shot.

  • AJJ
    If you had fear you'd get the shot.James Riley

    There it is, clear as day.
  • Mikie
    I’m a POS because you perceive me as doing something you’re afraid of, i.e. spreading my “nasty, filthy germs”.AJJ

    Reading comprehension is not your strength.

    I am afraid of the vaccine.AJJ

    No kidding.

    You’ve either been mislead or were an anti-vaxxer already. I’ll go with the latter.

    blood clots, heart inflammation, blindness, cognitive difficulty and so on; these things scare me far more than the virus does.AJJ

    (1) None of that is remotely common, if it exists at all. So far there’s very little evidence to support such nonsense. You’re more likely to get stuck by lightning. So your fear is completely ridiculous.

    (2) it’s not just about YOU, as will be repeated. I don’t give a damn about the virus— I probably had it already in February of 2020. This is largely about our COMMUNITY. Now I know that is also a scary thing for libertarian/republican fanatics, but it’s true.
  • Mikie
    You're not seeing fear from those of my persuasion. You're seeing push-back against the inconsiderate, disrespectful, selfish BS of those of your persuasion.James Riley

    Frustration and exhaustion of patience, for me.
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