• James Riley
    It's awesome that nobody mentions that Sanders is a Jew. If he'd been the Democratic candidate, we would have heard about that over and over. It would have been so disgusting.frank

    Baby steps. Democrats played hell getting a Roman Catholic in, over the kicking and screaming of the WASP Plutocracy.
  • frank

    Race baiting still works. That's why it's perennial.
  • James Riley
    Race baiting still works. That's why it's perennial.frank

  • ssu
    I am less pessimistic. Not all is well, by no means, but not all is terrible either. Never before did so many people enjoy a comfortable life. We have miracles at our disposal people 100 years ago could only dream about.Tobias
    Who cares if povetry at the global level has gone down. It's still me myself and I just hidden in the outrage against the filthy rich, somebody else.
  • Tobias
    Not if we win :blush:StreetlightX

    We are not on different sides. Just remember not to take part in any executions without regard for due process of law. They tend to take place uring revolutions an awful lot. ;)
  • James Riley
    Just remember not to take part in any executions without regard for due process of law. They tend to take place uring revolutions an awful lot. ;)Tobias

    I know, right? Revolutions and insurrections and insurgencies.


  • ssu
    When interviewed in MSNBC, a D.C. Policeman Michael Fanone said it well:

    "I don't believe Donald Trump was responsible for bringing us to where we are at, the divisiveness that exists in our country. He just exploited it for his personal gain."

    Fanone had a lot of trouble to hide his disgust on how the police is drawn to partisan politics. He clearly understood he was on MSNBC and hence being an object to that (even if not so openly as he would be at Fox). Yet he couldn't restrain himself from bunching up those that either assaulted him and his fellow officers with or under a "Blue lives matter flag" and those that are against the police, until they personally need them.

    And of course it isn't just the Metropolitan Police. The FBI got the first political pummeling with it's director trying unsuccessfully to do his job and first ended up being the villain first to the Democrats and then immediately afterwards to the Republicans. Funny how instantly the accusations changed and nobody remembered what had been said just couple months ago. Then came absolute mess that happened in the Justice Department in general during the Trump administration. And in the last occasion, it was the armed forces and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that was hurled into the limelight of partisan politics with having to answer a phone call of Nancy Pelosi (and, of course, the phone call went public).

    Yes, I personally think the Trump Presidency was a disaster. But this disaster is continuing and spreading and as Fanone remarked, not just because of Trump. The divisiveness isn't going away, it's the new thing in town. Alex Jones, even if barred from mainstream media, has become mainstream in US politics as conservative politicians have surrendered to the conspiracy crowd. Yet if the voters were alienated from the political leadership, likely now the discontent is spreading to crucial parts of the government itself. At least officer Fanone didn't hide his distaste of American politics in the following interview.

  • James Riley

    A good summary, as far as I'm concerned (and worried about):

  • Streetlight
    The only problem was Jan 6 was that it was carried out by elements of the right.
  • Maw
    Someone get me out of this shit country
  • frank
    Someone get me out of this shit countryMaw

    You can do it by yourself. Just start walking northward
  • Wheatley
    It's time for Canada to build a wall.
  • Maw
    Canada sucks too
  • Wheatley
    There's nowhere to go.
  • Tom Storm
    There's nowhere to go.Wheatley

    It's so infuriating.. nothing left to do then but take control, let's storm the Capitol Building... oh... oops...
  • frank
    Canada sucks tooMaw

    Which country doesn't suck?
  • James Riley
    My country is only partially the state: a small part in my heart, but huge in it's footprint on my back. My country is only partially the people: a small part in my heart, but huge in it's footprint on my back. My country is largely the land. The land is a huge part in my heart. It's welcome footprint on my back is getting smaller all the time. When I sing "God Bless America" I'm thinking of the dirt where I was born. The grass. The bison. The hawk.

    I've left before and I might leave again. But I'm not going anywhere for ever. This is my land.

  • Wheatley
    Which country doesn't suck?frank
    Saudi Arabia.
  • James Riley
    Saudi Arabia.Wheatley

    I've never been there. But I will say, fuck a monarchy.
  • Wheatley
    It's so infuriating.. nothing left to do then but take control, let's storm the Capitol Building... oh... oops...Tom Storm
    Doesn't seem like the smartest idea...
  • Wheatley
    But I will say, fuck a monarchyJames Riley
    I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with monarchs. A little backwards, yes. So is the US.
  • James Riley
    A little backwards, yes. So is the US.Wheatley

    At least we have the myth we tell ourselves that no one is above the law. I know, I know, that's a lie. But having the myth lets us run around talking shit. And our women aren't our women. And they can show more skin.
  • Wheatley
    And our women aren't our women. And they can show more skin.James Riley
    Yeah, it sucks for women. :confused:

    Saudi Arabia is definitely patriarchal.
  • Streetlight
    The only appropriate patriotic attitude under capitalism is extreme and unabiding shame.
  • GraveItty
    It seems to me, though, that you may miss the sheer size of the US and its history of having mostly two and only two major parties, third-party candidates only occasional spoilers.tim wood

    Why is that? As a European I always wondered. In fact there is a two party system here too though. It takes centuries sometimes before a coalition is formed. The old situation is clung to until the formation is complete, but when installed there is the usual division between left and right. Why has the green party never got hold in the US? Are there mechanisms to prevent this, or the people just don't want them. How does Trump think about that green party? As he thinks about a tea party? What (hypothetically), if there would be more voters for Nader than Trump? Could Trump stop his March to the Capitol? I dreamt that Trump won the American elections and got scared in my dream. What influence that man has! Like I dream like exploding atom bombs sometimes. Luckily there are (still) dreams only!
  • frank
    The only appropriate patriotic attitude under capitalism is extreme and unabiding shame.StreetlightX

    I don't see why. It's not appropriate to feel shame for things you didn't cause or create.
  • Streetlight
    You enjoy its fruits. But then, the answer is to laugh in the face of patriots.
  • Wheatley
    If I complain, the proud boys will just beat me up.
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