• PseudoB
    "Good" and "evil" are mostly just arbitrary terms we give to different things according the metrics our morality/systems of belief tell us to assign to them. But beyond our preexisting systems of belief there is no clear way to explain why something is good or evil.

    Take for example the cells in our body. When they are behaving in the way we want them to they are generally considered "good" but when they do not (like when they are cancer cells) they considered "bad" or "evil". However such cells don't really choose whether they either help or hinder the body since they are not really conscience of what they are doing nor are they aware of how their behavior either helps or hurts their host nor if their actions really benefits them or not. this is more or less true of all any and all animals who are not sentient and can not really be "moral agents".

    In essence anything that isn't human or sentient (or even human but not really sentient) falls into a category or problem called "natural evil".


    However the existence of natural evil begs the question, if man is influenced by most of the same problems and limitations of as other animals, cells, forces of nature, etc. how can we are considered "objective moral agents" when pretty much everything in nature is not. Is it or is it not considered wise to expect human beings in many ways as fallible (or perhaps sometimes more fallible) then the cells in our body which can be expected to go "bad" from time to time?
    — dclements

    Wow.... Truly am grateful for your time and response, as I am everyone in this feed, really. Thank you all for thinking this out with me. There is some underlying thing driving the need to understand and have an answer to, what it is I see here.

    .... You take me to the very point I have been trying to build to with all this weaving around. I needed the basis laid in order to makebetter sense of what it is I see, without being discarded as absolutely nuts, lol.

    Behind the evil and the good, is some metadata of some sort, that presents us with a version of our Belief/s. From here, we add colour.

    Data comes in, we give it colour, and "it" fills in the Forme, that our Belief gives it.... This is my hypothesis, after deciphering many things written in stone, written for Posterity. These things, along with the alchemists of old, as Fulcanelli clearly states, were not looking for gold in the form of the metal we all know and love.

    I see, after all these years, the Path to the island Hesperides, and much more than even this. Four and Three and Two and One.... Two Waters, made One....

    Perspective alone assures us of the experience of belief. Knowledge and belief are two different things. Knowledge is based on forms, the letter of the spirit behind the form. But belief is the invisible that takes form, depending upon the ingredients provided by said belief.

    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.
    — PseudoB
  • SpaceDweller
    Some will say that evil is evident, and preexisting.PseudoB
    Evil is evident but surely not preexisting.
    Evil is rather product of free will, or more precisely, a wrong choice.

    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.PseudoB
    If you don't believe evil exists then what's the point to acknowledge good exists?
    evil is the opposite of good.
  • Varde
    Adam and Eve.

    Adam and Eve want to be beautiful to God, obedient and pure, and they are in perpetual harmony themselves.

    God puts them in a Garden of Eden where there is the apple which is knowledge of beauty, and this tempts Eve because she wants to please Adam.

    When she eats the apple, she understands what beauty is, causing her to become obsessive and Adam, infatuated. The two understand what it is to perfect their beauty for God, but beauty is powerful, making them tire and sinful.
  • SpaceDweller

    Your interpretation of Adam and Even and the garden of Eden seems misinterpreted.

    for example:
    Adam and Eve want to be beautiful to GodVarde
    No they don't want to be pretty, it's God that wanted to make them in the image of God (himself)

    God puts them in a Garden of Eden where there is the apple which is knowledge of beautyVarde

    No it's knowledge of what good and what's evil.
  • unenlightened

    No it's knowledge of what good and what's evil.

    Yes, it helps to get the story straight. I read the story as a psychological explanation of the human condition, and a pretty insightful one. We start in paradise, in which humans are king of the beasts, as it were, but still innocent in the sense of offering neither praise nor condemnation. Everything is what it is and nothing ought to be otherwise. This is the state of nature, where cancer cells thrive and grass springs up and is eaten and trampled, and so on, without complaint, and predators eat prey or starve.

    Now the story itself constitutes the definition of good and evil that folks want, and it is perfectly clear that it is a function of the mind; that is to say, the opening of possibilities. Possibilities are not realities. Possibilities give rise to choices, not just immediate choices of fight or flight or whatever, but premeditated choices between possible futures.

    If my wife has had a good night's sleep, then it would be good if I take her a cup of coffee, but if she has been up half the night, it would be good if I let her sleep. If I also knew how she had slept, I could be certain of doing good, but alas...

    Thus good and evil enter the world in the form of the implementation of choices of imagined possible futures. Such is the human condition, for example, that we currently see the possibility of destroying the environment, whereas the buffalo do not see that they transform nature, or imagine that they could do otherwise; we do, and thus are condemned to choose. Our world is a moral world because it is a world of future possibilities, whereas the rest of nature is innocent, and remains in the present.

    We have fallen out of the world of what is, into a world of thought and imagination, of what could be or might have been - out of the present, into time.
  • Varde
    The Bible is good art to me, religion to you, perhaps we have different interpretations.

    Though my story of Adam and Eve isn't exactly the same it's synonymous.
  • SpaceDweller
    The Bible is good art to me, religion to you, perhaps we have different interpretations.Varde
    I believe there is nothing wrong with attempting to interpret the bible as an art rather than trough faith.

    If we try to interpret the Genesis with many possibilities, ex. several possible truths (or messages), then the issue is with the rest of story (whole bible), which simply won't fit in.

    This is what taking out of a context means, it makes the whole story not fit into any of possible interpretations however true they may sound like on it's own.

    I would keep that in mind to develop my own interpretation, which would take a lot of time.

    Thus good and evil enter the world in the form of the implementation of choices of imagined possible futures. Thus is the human condition, for example, that we currently see the possibility of destroying the environment, whereas the buffalo do not see that they transform nature, or imagine that they could do otherwise; we do, and thus are condemned to choose.unenlightened

    How do you define human condition? Is it something that includes conscience and soul?
    Or is it based human desire and instinkt?
  • GraveItty
    I believe there is nothing wrong with attempting to interpret the bible as an art rather than trough faith.SpaceDweller

    Indeed there isn't. It's a piece of literature that expresses a system of knowledge, a worldview. The major part expresses an abstract moral system with rather dramatized scenes and examples from life.
  • unenlightened
    How do you define human condition? Is it something that includes conscience and soul?
    Or is it based human desire and instinkt?

    By the 'human condition' I simply mean the state we humans are more or less all in that is peculiar to humans, which is primarily a state of mind.

    If you would like to define conscience and soul and desire and instinct I'll try tell you how I think they relate to what I have said. But really, it would be better just to try and understand each other as though we already speak the same language to a great extent.
  • PseudoB
    I believe there is nothing wrong with attempting to interpret the bible as an art rather than trough faith.SpaceDweller

    This is what u "believe", and this "belief" is acquired by "faith" is ur own interpretation of the Scripture, rather than using Scripture to justify Scripture. I'm not trying to be rude here, as much as just pointing to an apparent error that u may not have considered.

    Now, to interpret the Scripture as Art, tell me, what is Art? As I understand it, Art gives Form to things with no Form.... "ideas", etc.

    To reach this Manifestation, the Properties of the "invisible" must be the Focus, which is a Choice. Hence the Free Will option, which opposes the Forceful option, need not rest on the outward appearances, as do the Forceful. This to me is the proper application of the "spirit behind the letter".

    My point is basically that when presented with solidity, the only way to alter this state is by Faith first. Faith is what is needed to reach Belief, just as the Seed needs Grown in order to bear Fruit. The Seed is not the Fruit, and is buried in the earth, before external manifestation can be Experienced.

    Perspective alone validates this Truth.
  • SpaceDweller

    Sorry no, my sub question wasn't to set you a trap, I get your point that human condition is intellect, which is what makes us humans.

    You said:
    Thus good and evil enter the world in the form of the implementation of choices of imagined possible futures. Such is the human conditionunenlightened

    We can have many choices in specific situations, some are better than the others, however no matter how many choices we have all of them can be grouped as either good or bad.

    I'll say within single group of multiple good or multiple bad choices is where human intellect takes place but not between good and bad on it's own.

    For example we can examine which of the available options would be most good or most bad, but knowing what's good or evil is separate and already known, independent of intellect.

    For example evil vs good choice is subject to examination of conscience, while multiple possible solutions (and which one to choose) is subject to intellect.
  • PseudoB
    We can have many choices in specific situations, some are better than the others, however no matter how many choices we have all of them can be grouped as either good or bad.SpaceDweller

    The issue I see here is quite simple, yet extremely hard, lol. Who/what decides "Right" or "Good"??

    To say that it is only Correct for Good to be chosen, the way I see it, one needs to ask if it is Good for the whole, or merely good for self?

    Here I find an easy solution, as self can only consume, being insufficient in the understanding of "who art thou"? Once the understanding is Enlightened, only then does one have the Legal Right to dissolve the opposition. This dichotomy is a construct, built upon "some thing", however metaphysical.

    Once one has reached an understanding of Reality not being Physical at all, the only way to justifiably affect our Experience is to make us as nonphysical as we now understand Reality to be.

    In the words of the Philosophers, "make two Waters One", "make the outside like unto the inside", etc, etc.

    But the "will" is the problem, as I understand it. Willing the deletion of the Experience of evil seems only legitimized by Way of Truth. Truth being Absolute, cannot contain any lies, and therefore the Experience of lies, and a science based on such Experiences, is circular, gaining momentum, to become more forceful.

    But hopefully you can see the same applied to the Truth, theoretically stands to not only affect the Experience-r, but also that which is POSSIBLE at all to Experience.

    I hope I have been clear enough.
  • PseudoB
    To specify here, I see the choice of giving Life to either Good or Evil.... our life. Our Perception of the Experience is then governed by our Agreements with Good or Evil, Right or Wrong, and all this governed by Life itself. Life "grows", Death "consumes", putting Self initially on the "wrong side".
  • PseudoB
    The "choices" we are faced with, regardless how seemingly small, are still founded on Life or Death, but when we are trapped in the world of Experiences, alone, then the appearance of what we desire to Experience is governed by the Screen, and we find ourselves in a forceful war for dominance. Whereas Belief is not forceful, if approached by Way of Faith in the Truth. The Experience of Truth is validated by Way of a Chosen Perspective. Once purified, is said to be Returned to the earth....
  • TheQuestion
    Evil in Biblical terms
    As it appears to me, after years of research, and aligning with Hebrews 11:1-3, saying that the things we sense are made of things we cannot sense, that Genesis actually reveals some much more foundational things than is acknowledged even by the Church. If we consider that in the beginning all was perfect, then this negates the existence of evil.... That is of course until we are presented with the knowledge thereof.PseudoB

    Things were perfect in the beginning but you also have to acknowledge how the angels Rebelled and that could be interpreted how evil was manifested. I am referencing the book of Enoch. How the fallen manipulated humanity.

    The snake in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a fallen angel that manipulated Adam and Eve.

    The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is more of a symbolic representation of the human condition and the human heart than literal knowledge. Is an explanation of acquiring Knowledge without Understanding or Wisdom. The Wisdom would come from God which is the Tree of Life. God wants us to have Knowledge but without Love, Knowledge would become corrupt and suffering and death will happen.

    Is the misuse of Knowledge that promotes suffering by omitting Love from the human heart. When you remove Love, human beings will "Do was right in there own eyes" which is following your own moral code through selfish intentions.

    Like saying I will do what make me feel good even though it will hurt other people.
    "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." - Judges 17-6

    You would also have to understand the mechanics Sin, Iniquity, and Transgression to understand evil.

    "Sin" would be defined as Moral failure
    "Iniquity" would be defined as a Bad behavior or bad Character
    "Transgression" would be a violation of trust or broken relationships.

    How these three overlap creating suffering or Evil in the world and how God is trying to save us through his Love and Wisdom. Why Jesus was sent to save us and went to the cross. He was the perfect human being who would pay the ransom for our Sins and go to the cross cause of it.

    I understand that "Sin", "Iniquity" and "Transgression" is described differently in the Webster dictionary but you also have to know that words in the Bible change depending on the literary style and how the story is being told. Is like trying to understand Shakespearean literature. It has its own style.

    Like the word "Nephesh" meaning Soul and how you structure the sentence changes its meaning.

    To analyze the Bible is a lifetime endeavor, you can make an entire career just exploring a few verses of the bible. And is like you would need to have a understanding Psychology, Anthropology, historical understanding of the Middle East Culture and how the interpretation of the bible changed throughout its' various translation. Also learning Hebrew, Greek and Arabic so you can understand the original literary style of the bible as it was intended.

    And when reading the bible there is a lot of symbolism, metaphors, expression of feelings and hidden meaning that requires a esoteric perspective.

    Not saying this to discourage reading the Bible I try my best to read it when I can and encourage anyone to read it to whether your believer or not. The teaching is very enlightening and healing.

    Start by understanding how "Sin", "Iniquity" and "Transgression" that plagued the ancient Israelites in the Bible and you'll start seeing a pattern. And you'll get your answer to "Why?"
  • TheMadFool
    Good & Evil are, all said and done, joy & sorrow. The scope of morality extends in all directions, like a ripple it expands outwards. In one sense, bringing into its fold everything that there was, is, and will be - from a certain angle it feels like God's benevolent light illuminating the universe - but in another sense, its behavior mimics that of an imperial army - from another angle, the accompanying oppressive heat is unbearable. We are to make a trade - our freedom for our lives. Bow to the empire or perish as rebels! Terrorist and freedom-fighter have been interchangeable terms for as long as I can remember. :joke:
  • PseudoB
    The snake in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a fallen angel that manipulated Adam and Eve.TheQuestion

    First things first.... Who "named" the serpent? Was it not Adam??

    Yes, I understand the serpent is a manifestation of the fallen one, ha'satan, but here again I have to ask, what is an angel?? Is it not a "messenger"? So, this is the core play on the Agreement issue, the play on the free will choice of who/what to believe. At least, this is my Perspective. But ths Perspective unlocks access to a ton of spiritual things that have been "hidden", and dare I say, deliberately, as per Scripture:
    46 But some of them went their ways to the Pharisees, and told them what things Jesus had done. 47 Then gathered the chief priests and the Pharisees a council, and said, What do we? for this man doeth many miracles. 48 If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.
    -- John 11:46-48
    And validated by [link] https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/israelites-ask-for-a-king_bible/ [/link]

    1Samuel 8 states exactly what would happen.

    As to my interpretation of Scripture, I have searched this out for years now. As a certain class of people have repeatedly said, to separate God's Word from God's Work, is a quite serious Blasphemy.

    I know there are opposing views, and that is fine, but I have seen none to cause me to alter my position. I do appreciate your response nonetheless. The "church-ianity" just does not fly with me anymore. We have been told in 1 Thessalonians 5:21 KJV to "Prove all things". 3 in 1, 1 in 3. This understanding does in fact allow for the Experience of Belief, by Way of Perspective, which indeed points to a Science of Manifestation.
  • TheMadFool
    A realistic scenario

    "That's impossible! It cannot be Smith who did this."

    "Then who did it?"

    "It has to be Brown!"
  • TheQuestion
    Yes, I understand the serpent is a manifestation of the fallen one, ha'satan, but here again I have to ask, what is an angel?? Is it not a "messenger"? So, this is the core play on the Agreement issue, the play on the free will choice of who/what to believe. At least, this is my Perspective. But ths Perspective unlocks access to a ton of spiritual things that have been "hidden", and dare I say, deliberately, as per Scripture:PseudoB

    I can show you a link that can explains it better than I can.

    I call it the Bible Project is very informative and I think is up your ally.

    "Introduction to Spiritual Beings in the Bible"

    Intro to Spiritual Beings


    The Divine Council

    Angels and Cherubim

    Angel of the Lord

    The Satan and Demons

    The New Humanity

    It is just a Introduction there is more details that require higher education. More than I can provide but I hope it leads you to the right direction. And gives you a path to the right direction.
  • PseudoB
    A realistic scenario

    "That's impossible! It cannot be Smith who did this."

    "Then who did it?"

    "It has to be Brown!"

    Just because of your reply..... Why who? Why should "who" said what even matter? So what if it was Bejon King? Why should "who" come before "what"?? What they SAID should matter, not who they are, the position they hold. But that's only if you were answering seriously.

    I can show you a link that can explains it better than I can.

    I call it the Bible Project is very informative and I think is up your ally.

    "You" call it The Bible Project??
  • boagie
    Knowledge of good and evil.

    "There is no such thing as right or wrong, only thinking makes it so." Billy Shakespeare
    In other words, the knowledge of good and evil, is no knowledge at all.

    "To god, all things are right and good, only to man. somethings are, and somethings are not." Heraclitus
  • TheQuestion
    "You" call it The Bible Project??PseudoB

    The name of channel on you tube "The Bible Project"

    That is a series of video by academic scholars who take an in depth look of the Bible. Not just spiritually also as an analytical perspective of its content.

    It explain from the literally style of the bible like how it is divided in Narrative, Poem and Discord.

    A good example is the book of Exodus and how in one section it explain the historical account of the Israeli people leaving Egypt in Narrative then re-telling of the story in poetry.

    Elaborating in two perspectives the chronical telling of the story and another through emotional expression.

    Than it explains the symbolic nature of each book. Like the vocabulary doesn't follow Webster dictionary is more symbolic in nature and how the word is used in a sentence changes its definition. Like the word Nephem. Many don't realize it is an art form and sort of mental discipline in studying the bible, you can't read it as a casual book like you would a normal text book.

    If you read it as a normal book it can be very confusing, but if you understand the symbolism and I guess emotional understanding of its teachings. It reveal itself the answers.

    Not to compare apples and oranges but is like in any religion like for instance Buddhism.

    You need to meditate through prayer, practice mental discipline not just intellectually but emotionally as well. I always preach that knowing the holy spirit is a paradigm of emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical understand is a balancing act like the Yen/Yang.

    That is why they say practicing Christianity is a very hard faith to practice and requires a lot of dedication to its teachings. That is why we say "There is no such thing as a good Christian except for Jesus."

    But anyway....

    Like said reading the bible is like you would have to read lets say Book of Exodus than you would reference the Book of Deuteronomy because what you read in Exodus would not be made clear unless you read the Book of Deuteronomy. Because there would be a verse in Deuteronomy that explains clearly a verse in Exodus.

    So I guess if you think about is a little like a Treasure Hunt to keep the reader engaged. You have to jump from one book to another to understand the verses from the previous book. And is important to read the whole book to understand the faith appropriately.

    Like I said is a life long endeavor.
  • PseudoB
    And I could say the very same things toward you. I could disrespect your understanding, just because it is not the same as mine. You have the audacity to say how hard the bible is to understand, yet you make claim to having something I apparently do not have? Simply because you don't "get it"?? Whatever dude. Go be all puffed up and thinking u have it all figured out. I am trying to DO the Truth. Not telling you that you are not, because I have been there. That's a bit offensive, isn't it?? You spent 2 long posts and my time to read both, "correcting" me. I have not brought anything but Scripture to the table, aside from showing how "science" is all through my understanding, now. It did not used to be. There was always a separation between science and spirituality. But not for me anymore. Now, I see another Science, and omG, once you can see it, one cannot unsee it. Am I out here preaching to stupid people that just don't get it? No, ur not calling me stupid, but u assume my revelations are not from God simply because they do not align with yours. My understanding opens up doors of Christianity that have long been locked. I understand you could also be coming from a "loving" heart, but look again at how you are approaching me, and look at Hebrews 11 again. I would gladly "explain", but u don't seem to want to hear anything else, like you have it all figured out? Again, whatever dude. I have been a believer all my life, and have been studying all my life. The Label of "academic scholar" could just as easily apply to me, but without being forced to believe a certain way, under the threat of academic failure or incurring debt. The threat of being seen and heard by others seems to outweigh the search at that point, but one cannot even see it, blinded by pride and self-desire. Just as your comments, don't take this offensively.

    "Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" -- Matthew 18:7

    Now consider with this Scripture another....

    "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." -- John 14:30

    Therefore, if "offense" is not in us, we cannot Experience offense. That is what the Scripture claims. And Yeshua walked it. Lived it. Shoot over to Hebrews 11:1-3 . These "offense" is an "invisible", from which the Matrix of the World is Made from. He would have said, I am quite sure anyway, that if "offense" is not in me, I could not be offended. I could not Experience "offense", anywhere "the soles of my feet go" (Joshua 1 reference).

    If you care at all to search this out, the "flipping" of that which appears "offensive" is done by Genesis 50:20, and the Process follows Genesis 1:1-10, at least.

    The Pharisees of old were worried about losing their place in society, according to John as well...

    "If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation." -- John 11:48

    Please, "prove all things". -- 1Thes. 5:21
  • EnPassant
    "Good" and "evil" are mostly just arbitrary terms we give to different things according the metrics our morality/systems of belief tell us to assign to them. But beyond our preexisting systems of belief there is no clear way to explain why something is good or evil.PseudoB

    Generally speaking, good tends towards life and being. Evil tends towards nothingness. Augustine defines evil as an absence of good/being. The loss of God and being, brought about by the fall, leads to evil and nothingness.
  • PseudoB
    Generally speaking, good tends towards life and being. Evil tends towards nothingness. Augustine defines evil as an absence of good/being. The loss of God and being, brought about by the fall, leads to evil and nothingness.EnPassant

    I would have to agree with your final statement, but "tending toward" is not "absolute being", nor can it reach such a state. Simply because it remains divided. Consider, how does one remain divided if, "It is Finished"? How could a non-divided Realm be both, "to come" and "Finished", at the same time? Truth is not the same as Prophecy. I personally do not separate the Is-ness of Truth from the was and will be aspects of the same. It's impossible to do, in all Actuality.
  • TheQuestion
    You have the audacity to say how hard the bible is to understand, yet you make claim to having something I apparently do not have? Simply because you don't "get it"?? Whatever dude.PseudoB

    Not sure if this comment is directed to me or not but I was simply sharing my experience about my Bible study.

    Is up to you or anyone on here if you want to accept my post with a grain of salt or not.

    I didn’t mean to insult anyone’s intelligence but simply offer my own personal insight on things.

    And I am not undermining the Bible just stating that the Bible has more content than meets the eye.

    You have to take in consideration that the Bible has been revised countless time approximately 50 time from it original dialect over the years.

    So that in itself can be a challenge. If you read the Bible in its original dialect vs the NIV now. There would be some discrepancy. That is due to the language difference. You have to keep in mind it was translated from Hebrew, Greek and Arabic and the English translation may be a little off. And now you have modern vocabulary in the Bible that didn’t exist during ancient time. So the modern interpretation will come across as a little off so I try to stick with the Kings James Version since is more closely accurate. In my opinion.

    Like I mentioned before you have the biblical structure style like Narrative, Poetry and Discord. And Symbolic nature to consider when reading it.

    But I didn’t mean to offend. God Bless in your pursuit and I hope you find what you are looking for.
  • PseudoB
    But I didn’t mean to offend. God Bless in your pursuit and I hope you find what you are looking for.TheQuestion

    Bro, I think you greatly misunderstand me. You may have been responding based on one post maybe? Didi you not follow the entire conversation? For the record, I too am a KJV-only type of person, and for the very same reasons. But, if you would read my other writing, I was trying to point out there is a Cabal, a Secret Society of People, who were communicating, passing down secrets, all through that original 1611 KJV. Any KJV that has reformed the spelling, whether knowingly or unknowingly, is destroying secrets that need to be known for the times to come. I have explained that Alchemists were used in the translation of the original 1611, and I can prove it by their own writings. Not just this, but what this means for the True Church is beyond words. Revelation 2:19, my friend. 1611 version.

    The 1611 is what I was raised on, and studied through, and was even read to me by my Nanna every night before bed, as a child. Something always stood out about the language, but even more when I started reading myself. For decades, I just knew there was something else we were not seeing. So I prayed about it every now and then, just so when the time was right, I would get my answer. When that day came, a few years back, it was beyond astonishing, because He took me into the esoteric. I was SCARED as hell, because I had no idea what He was doing. But assured me He was guiding, every step of the way.

    But the Revelation itself is not something I can just "give", unless one has been Prepared. There is surely "work" involved in the Search.

    I am sorry my flesh responded to you so quickly. I am usually better at catching it before I respond. Forgive me? But please, if you want the shock and Freedom of your life.... search it out.
  • PseudoB
    And btw, TheQuestion, no, I am NOT a mason, a member of any secret society whatsoever. But, they are in my blood, for sure. As I am sure most by now have a connection somewhere. So that in itself allowed me to see some things. At first, diving into the esoteric utterly terrified me. One cannot just go down that path without a guide. They are sure to get lost. So, I had to be SURE I was being led, and by Whom? By Whom?! O M G was this terrifying. But always, ALWAYS followed by Comfort and Scripture. The connections to things every Christian has asked, all come together in this Revelation, and truly opens the Eyes.
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