• Daniel

    Relations do the exact opposite, they unite separate objects.Metaphysician Undercover

    Relations would require space since they occur among/between? separate objects.
  • hypericin
    Change can be thought of as a meta property, a property of properties. My weight, a property, has the property of being in constant flux. My age has the meta property of linear change. My species, on the other hand, has the meta property of fixedness.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Relations would require space since they occur among/between? separate objects.Daniel

    There are all sorts of different relations, and some are not between objects, like the relation between hot and cold.

    Why not just agree that divorce and marriage are relationships so that you don't contradict yourself in saying that a divorce is a type of unity. What you mean is that it is a type of relationship.Harry Hindu

    No that's not what I meant. I meant what I said. The word refers to the state, or condition of a certain type of unity. The type of unity being marriage, and the condition, that it has been ended. And if you cannot understand this without seeing it as a contradiction, I don't think it's worthwhile to say anything more.
  • Harry Hindu
    There are all sorts of different relations, and some are not between objects, like the relation between hot and cold.Metaphysician Undercover
    Well, there is the relationship between hot and cold, and then there is the relationship between your body temperature and the air's temperature. The difference is what you feel as hot or cold. Hotter bodies will feel cold, while colder bodies will feel hot. Everything is a relationship.

    No that's not what I meant. I meant what I said. The word refers to the state, or condition of a certain type of unity. The type of unity being marriage, and the condition, that it has been ended. And if you cannot understand this without seeing it as a contradiction, I don't think it's worthwhile to say anything more.Metaphysician Undercover
    Ask any individual that has been divorced and they won't use the word "unity" to describe their current status, or relationship, with their former partner. If I can substitute the word "unity" with the word, "relationship" and it not take away from or unnecessarily add more to what you are actually saying, then we are both saying the same thing. It is now up to you to show how the two words have different meaning in what you are trying to say.
  • Agent Smith
    Change is a property of space and objects; however, it isn't clear whether this is true of all objects and, furthermore, what's the scope of the word "space"?
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