• SpaceDweller

    But there is no reason as to why people exist?
    And similarly, there is no reason as to why dark mater exists?

    There is no reason for many things, but this does not imply nonexistence, people do exist, and dark mater does exist.
  • Jackson
    There is no reason for many things, but this does not imply nonexistence, people do exist, and dark mater does exist.SpaceDweller

    Every reason has another reason behind it. At some point we just have to accept that we are here and the world exists.
  • 180 Proof
    How would you apply it to non material things such as dark matter and physical laws, is following valid?:SpaceDweller
    You dont. One applies rules grammar and logic to one's descriptions / explanations of e.g. "dark matter and physical laws".
  • Hillary
    But there is no reason as to why people exist?
    And similarly, there is no reason as to why dark mater exists?

    There is no reason for many things, but this does not imply nonexistence, people do exist, and dark mater does exist.

    What then is the reason people exist? Or any other creatures? To spread genes or memes? What's the reason for that? If the reason fir life is to procreate life we're back to square one. Is evolution the reason? Then what's the reason for evolution? Are we a collection of particles with their origin at time zero? Then whatever the reason for those particles and time zero? Is the reason just to love, live, and do nice things? Sing, dance, paint, work maybe?
  • Jackson
    What then is the reason people exist?Hillary

    Why does there have to be a reason?
  • SpaceDweller

    reason is subjective in this context.

    And for resolution of existence or non-existence welcome but not necessary.
  • Hillary
    Why does there have to be a reason?Jackson

    Without reason life is meaningless. It has to have evolved for some intelligible reason. Only if eternal heavenly intelligences have created the universe's basics, life has a reason why it evolved. The eternal heavenly intelligences don't need no reason.
  • Jackson
    Without reason life is meaningless. It has to have evolved for some intelligible reason. Only if eternal heavenly intelligences have created the universe's basics, life has a reason why it evolved. The eternal heavenly intelligences don't need no reason.Hillary

  • Hillary
    reason is subjective in this context.

    And for resolution of existence or non-existence welcome but not necessary.

    What kind of resolution you look for? You look for the nature of existence?
  • SpaceDweller
    What kind of resolution you look for? You look for the nature of existence?Hillary

    I seek a definition of existence of anything, ex. how do we know something exists.

    You dont. One applies rules grammar and logic to one's descriptions / explanations of e.g. "dark matter and physical laws".180 Proof

    Therefore according to you grammar and logic is not the tool for the problem because we know upfront physical laws and dark matter exist, I find this contradictory to your previous suggestion:
    Grammar (semantics). Logic (LNC).180 Proof

    You seem to suggest that there must be 2 or more ready "formulas" to the problem, and then applying formula based on the problem present?
  • 180 Proof
    I'm not following you. We make maps of the terrority. We don't make (determine) the territory itself; thus, there are no "set of rules" for making (determining) the territory only for making (via grammar-logic) maps of the territory.
  • SpaceDweller

    I'm not sure I follow you either.

    Do you consider physical laws and dark matter to be invalid territory and thus no point to create grammar-logic maps around such things?
  • 180 Proof
    I'm saying your question
    How would you apply it to non material things such as dark matter and physical laws, is following valid?:SpaceDweller
    is incoherent. "Rules apply" to maps (e.g. theoretical models) and not to the territory (e.g. "dark matter and physical laws").
  • SpaceDweller

    My attempt is to categorize entities.
    You think analysing dark matter and physical laws individually would produce different result?
  • Hillary
    My attempt is to categorize entities.
    You think analysing dark matter and physical laws individually would produce different result?

    Sorry for intruding between you and 180Proof, but why you mention dark matter? It's just matter. Same as what the Sun is made of.
  • 180 Proof
    The Sun is made of baryonic matter. Whatever dark matter is made of, it's not made of baryons.

    My attempt is to categorize entities.SpaceDweller
    Thus, grammar & logic are indispensable.

    You think analysing dark matter and physical laws individually would produce different result?
    A question for a physics forum.
  • Hillary
    The Sun is made of baryonic matter. Whatever dark matter is made of, it's not made of baryons.180 Proof

    The sun is also made of electrons. It would be a huge proton! Imagine that! Who says dark matter is not made of them too? Condensed in small black holes?
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