• BC
    How do you know this?

    You didn't answer. I prodded you - this isn't a rhetorical question.
    karl stone

    It is as good as a rhetorical question, and it depends on various factors. You know that.

    Read enough history and sociology and you will see patterns in how decisions get made.
  • BC
    Look at this shit:karl stone

    Stupid, idiotic proposals are made and actions taken that defy human reason. As H. L. Mencken said (allegedly) "No one ever went broke underestimating human intelligence."
  • BC
    Question: Are you banging on in the right places? TPF is a good place to bat around ideas, but as a starting point for industrial change, it's a terrible place to bang on about anything,

    I can sort of understand why you think I've been dodging your question about "how do I know that". OK: I'm speculating. But it's speculation based on experience about how decisions get made. There is a lot of human thinking and behavior that is just not very rational. People in groups have even more problems making decisions rationally. Then there are the problems of implementation--another can of worms.

    Samuel Johnson said, "Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully." That lots of people know we are facing an existential threat hasn't done the trick of concentrating our minds. Yet anyway; hopefully soon.
  • BC
    The problem with writing engineering solutions on toilet walls is that the bandwidth is so narrow, and you have to get into the right toilets in the first place. The best toilets in the various towers of power scattered around the world are generally locked. These days one is very lucky to find a toilet for ordinary purposes that isn't locked or permanently closed. Then people are arrested for urinating in alley ways.

    You have fought a good fight, though you may not have finished your course, yet, you have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness.

    Of course, you don't want to just fight the good fight, you want to succeed -- to see good results. But you stand-in a long lie of people who have 'fought the good fight" and didn't see success in their time.
  • Agent Smith

    You're right on the money Bitter Crank - I was offering an explanation as to why the world hasn't been able to give up carbon. I believe it isn't due to any advantage fossil fuels have over other greener sources of energy; it's because the world has become psychologically and physically dependent on black gold.
  • Agent Smith
    Magma makes me think of (man-made) volcanoes. :scream: Supervolcanoes have been posited as possible causes of global catastrophes - The Year Without a Summer (1816) caused by the 1815 eruption of mount Tambora - and also mass extinction. The problem with nuclear energy isn't that we can't tap it, it is whether or not we can control it. There seems to be some sorta cost to viable energy sources that are (comparatively) clean/green i.e. non-carbon based - they have immense destructive potential. We're gonna havta play with :fire: ,literally speaking.
  • Agent Smith
    :up: My fears then were unfounded!
  • Agent Smith
    that can operate in a high temperature environmentkarl stone

    That's where they'll run into problems. Heat destroys - maintaining the structural integrity of equipment will be a major issue. Maybe all we need is the heat which, thankfully, can be harnessed at a safe distance from the magma. The idea is to access the heat but not puncture the magma chambers, a tightrope walk by all accounts.
  • Agent Smith
    Love?karl stone

    Sabrá Mandrake!
  • Agent Smith
    If you're not interested in the subject could you leave me alone please.karl stone

    I'm experiencing a dopamine crisis! Apologies. Please carry on and also, very informative posts by you. I pray your efforts won't be wasted. Good luck!
  • Agent Smith
    I regret to inform you that you're contradicting yourself; you must be tired.
  • Agent Smith
    Do you imagine anyone will see my post now it's buried beneath a heap of your misunderstanding and regret?karl stone

    Confiteur, I misunderstood the following post by Karl stone.

    If only mine were; you don't see it of course - but they're stalling. I mentioned earlier KMT cannot achieve what NASA reported they could do 40 years ago regarding locating magma deposits, materials survivability etc - and here Quaise want to drill using "millimeter wave drilling technology" to depths of 20km.

    In Janurary 2020 - a paper reviewing experimental achievements in the development of high-power gyrotron oscillators wrote:

    "The world record parameters of the European tube are as follows: 0.92 MW output power at 30-min pulse duration, 97.5% Gaussian mode purity, and 44% efficiency..."


    Less that 2 years later this technology has been perfected, and is in the hands of a geothermal energy drilling start-up run by a former oil company executive? More astonishingly still they either imagine a machine slim enough to lower down a bore hole, that can operate in a high temperature environment, or that can be focused into a cutting beam at a distance of 20 km. In short, they have phasers worthy of the Starship Enterprise, and are using them for domestic purposes. Yeah, right!
    karl stone

  • Agent Smith
    millimeter wave drilling technologykarl stone


    I wasn't off-topic.
  • Agent Smith
    Having demonstrated your inability to comprehend what you read, may I suggest you go to bed before you become too stupid to write english words!karl stone

    No, no, he has a point!

    "They" (conspiracy theory undertones, paranoia) are stalling! To what end, may I ask?
  • Janus
    The problem with writing engineering solutions on toilet walls is that the bandwidth is so narrow, and you have to get into the right toilets in the first place.Bitter Crank

    Toilet walls are best reserved for toilet humour. I used to drive cabs night shift back in the early seventies, and one of the best bits of toilet poetry I ever saw was in the toilet of the taxi base. It read:

    The modern cinematic emporium
    is not just a super sensorium,
    but a highly effectual,
    mutual masturbatorium

    There was about a 300 mm gap under the doors of the toilets, and on one of the other doors this was written:

    Watch out for limbo dancers
  • Agent Smith
    Magma energy technology was proven viable by NASA 40 years ago - I've shown you proof of that. In that report, NASA claimed to be able to do thing KMT (iceland) say now they are unable to do. I've shown you proof of that. Now I'm saying that Quaise are drilling to unnecessary depths; twice as deep as the world's deepest hole, using a drill that cannot concievably exist. Are you saying that sounds at all like they're keen to develop this source of energy? Or are they throwing obstacles in the way?karl stone

    Most interesting. — Ms. Marple

    How do you reconcile these two - that the tech was developed 4 decades ago by NASA and that KMT is lying about the tech they claim they possess?
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