• L'éléphant
    I’m the one that posted the video of Trump. Because I think it’s funny— it was a joke, not an argument. Grow up.Xtrix
  • javi2541997
    Thanks for understanding me friend. That's the word I was looking for: maturity. Excellent. She is a damn 36 years old PM of Finland not an university student...
  • javi2541997
    Is having sex "unprofessional" or beneath the dignity of the office?Xtrix

    Yes. As I said previously. If you cannot avoid "private" affairs, you are not ready for public responsibility.
  • javi2541997
    Imagine being offended by a woman dancing at a private party. How truly pathetic.Xtrix

    We are not speaking about a random woman. She is the public representative of Finland.
  • javi2541997
    You mistake the illusion of a staid public image for statecraft. Appearance over substance.Fooloso4

    That's what politicians are. Appearance...
  • Mikie
    Is having sex "unprofessional" or beneath the dignity of the office?
    — Xtrix

    Yes. As I said previously. If you cannot avoid "private" affairs, you are not ready for public responsibility.

    I can’t prove that you’re joking, but I’ll assume you are. No one can really believe such idiocy.
  • javi2541997
    I can’t prove that you’re joking, but I’ll assume you are. No one can really believe such idiocy.Xtrix

    I am not joking. Why am I call a mad man when I only pretend to establish purity?
  • Benkei
    Personally, I'd be worried if a 36 year old woman couldn't dance like that, didn't drink and didn't do drugs. It would mean she has no idea about life, no experience interacting with others and therefore totally unqualified to rule because she has no idea about what actual people get up to. I'm a bit disappointed the drug test turned out negative to be honest.

    I love the word "racy". Jugdmental much? What are you? A fossil? Obviously I raised "worse" behaviour from men that was never used against them. Eg. a double standard.

    I'm saddened about the fact that pretty smart people have the moral intuitions of medieval peasantry.
  • Agent Smith
    Reminds me of the recent Batman movie (2022). :snicker:

    A title for a research paper: How movies shape mindsets.
  • Agent Smith
    I'm a bit disappointed the drug test turned out negative to be honest.Benkei

  • javi2541997
    It would mean she has no idea about life,Benkei

    Here is we disagree and it is fine. We have totally different concepts of life. What I wanted to say in your thread is the fact that we should expect more righteousness from a public representative. If she loves to be a young lady (despite she is already 36 years old) is ok but please do not be a politician then.

    I'm a bit disappointed the drug test turned out negative to be honest.Benkei

    I personally think is not funny at all. There are a lot of young people who die because of overdose every year...
  • Agent Smith
    We have totally different concepts of life.javi2541997

    Most interesting. — Ms. Marple

    Something ... something ... going on here.
  • Benkei
    I personally think is not funny at all. There are a lot of young people who die because of overdose every year...javi2541997

    There's millions of people who do drugs and never die. There's millions of people who don't drown when swimming. There's billions of people who don't crash their car. All this reflects is a bias for negative deviation of the norm.

    Here is we disagree and it is fine. We have totally different concepts of life. What I wanted to say in your thread is the fact that we should expect more righteousness from a public representative. If she loves to be a young lady (despite she is already 36 years old) is ok but please do not be a politician then.javi2541997

    I know how it is to use and not use drugs because I used some drugs at some point in life. As a result I have experiential knowledge in understanding drug use and to a lesser extent addiction. I know for instance that Oxycontin is far more addictive than most commonly available drugs and that's after a single use dosis against pain. If you don't understand drug use and addiction, you can't regulate it in a manner that makes sense.

    What we should expect from our representatives is to manage political problems, manage a country, solve socio-economic issues and possibly have a vision about where we should go to. Nothing about dancing influences this and it certainly says nothing about their "righteousness". That's all about you projecting a boat load of assumptions on a dance.
  • Agent Smith
    I personally think is not funny at all. There are a lot of young people who die because of overdose every year...
    — javi2541997

    There's millions of people who do drugs and never die. There's millions of people who don't drown when swimming. There's billions of people who don't crash their car. All this reflects is a bias for negative deviation of the norm.

    You're only looking at mortality stats; what about morbidity? Dying of an overdose is just the tip of the iceberg, oui monsieur?
  • Seeker
    Personally, I'd be worried if a 36 year old woman couldn't dance like that, didn't drink and didn't do drugs. It would mean she has no idea about life, no experience interacting with others and therefore totally unqualified to rule because she has no idea about what actual people get up to. I'm a bit disappointed the drug test turned out negative to be honest.Benkei

    So people that dont drink, cant dance (like 'that') and dont do drugs have no idea about life and are by definition unfit to rule. Thanks for clearing that up.
  • javi2541997
    What we should expect from our representatives is to manage political problems, manage a country, solve socio-economic issues and possibly have a vision about where we should go toBenkei

    Fully agreed. But not any person can manage such complex responsibility. How can we expect from the PM to solve inflation or unemployment if she is not responsible with herself? This is what I wanted to mean with my points.
    Probably I am wrong but I cannot imagine a politician taking care of big problems if she/he is involved in private parties. It is not related to drugs or dance it is about rectitude and maturity.

    If you don't understand drug use and addiction, you can't regulate it in a manner that makes sense.Benkei

    You can take part in this issue through many ways. I guess it is not necessary to go to a party in Ibiza to understand that drug abuse is painful to your health...
  • Seeker
    It is not that 'crazy' when going through the variable 'outcomes' concerning various consumers of drugs ... Drugs-usage in general is known to destabilize people ... — Seeker

    Does this include alcohol?

    Is that a rethorical question? If not, alcohol is also considered a drug yes.
  • Seeker
    You can take part in this issue through many ways. I guess it is not necessary to go to a party in Ibiza to understand that drug abuse is painful to your health..javi2541997

    And will cloud one's judgement, during and after the abuse, which in the case of a head of state might have far-reaching consequences considering it could affect the political/economical fate of an entire state.
  • Benkei
    Pretty much. I'd trust a social worker with an actual drug history more to solve drug issues than someone that read it in a book. There's no replacement for experience where it concerns social issues. One of the reasons poverty is such a pernicious problem.
  • Seeker
    Pretty much. I'd trust a social worker with an actual drug history more to solve drug issues than someone that read it in a book. There's no replacement for experience where it concerns social issues. One of the reasons poverty is such a pernicious problem.Benkei

    I actually wonder how you relate that to a head of state.

    I have a very different opinion as by definition the role of the head of state, or anyone else in such a position, is very different from that of a(ny) social worker.
  • Benkei
    Life experience beyond the gilded cage most politicians grow up in seems to me essential to even conceptualise what's going on in society. Truss still thinks the poor are poor because they don't work hard enough. The US is a bunch of millionaires. The Netherlands has their own brand of white, male, straight, not openly religious, upper middle class ruling class that are largely blind to the problems people are actually dealing with. Marin's dance, while she probably had a relatively sheltered life, at least demonstrates not a total disconnect with what people typically do at 36.

    People arguing for a type of politician are arguing for elitism and a disconnect between politics and citizens. The worst kind of democracy. These are the typical politicians that are really good at telling regular people what they're doing wrong, while stacking the deck against those very people.
  • Seeker
    The Netherlands has their own brand of white, male, straight, not openly religious, upper middle class ruling class that are largely blind to the problems people are actually dealing with.Benkei

    I am from the town of Rotterdam (Netherlands) myself so I can somewhat relate to the things you say however I am of the opinion that most of the ruling class, which are ex-students in pretty much all cases, dont have a general clean slate when it comes to drug and alcohol abuse. On the contrary, the students are generally known for their excessive drinking and party habits. Relate those particular facts to the ruling class through the decades gone and one can easily conclude that their experience(s) with various substances and all sorts of parties have little to do with their socio-political 'prowess' (perhaps except for the fact that they dont seem to have any social connection whatsoever with the people they rule).
  • Agent Smith
    Pretty much. I'd trust a social worker with an actual drug history more to solve drug issues than someone that read it in a book. There's no replacement for experience where it concerns social issues.Benkei

    Street smarts trumps book smarts, eh? :up:
  • Benkei
    Very little, I'm sure. But when given a choice between a booksmart goody two shoes and someone with life experience, I will go with the latter. In fact, I'm all in favour of just pulling lots to decide who gets into parliament. Let's fully randomise it.
  • Seeker
    Let's fully randomise it.Benkei

    Russian roulette was never my thing.
  • Benkei
    They're still going to have to agree if they want to pass laws but at least we'll have decent representation instead of power coopted by political parties when negotiating the coalition. About 8 people decide what will happen for the next 4 years. I'll take needing 75 random people agreeing on a way forward any time over what we have now.
  • universeness
    Choose a better counter-example, not Trump, for christ's sake.L'éléphant

    How about this one from Norwegian politicians:

    This compilation made in America:

    Or this effort from UK's prime minister Teresa May?

    I think Sanna wins the dance off.
    I don't care if a politician enjoys themselves human style at a party, I care about what they do politically.
    I would care if they are shooting up heroin in the corner and getting involved in devient behaviour but not having a wee drink, splif and dance. I prefer my politicians to act human and not some fake archetype of virtuosity.
  • Agent Smith
    Fallacy wise what we have here is the association fallacy.

    Even so there's this old adage: A (wo)man is known by the company (s)he keeps.

    Man is known by the company he keeps is a proverb. We will examine the meaning of the proverb a man is known by the company he keeps, where the expression came from, and some examples of its use in sentences.

    A man is known by the company he keeps means that a person is similar to the people he chooses to spend time with; he will have the same character and moral standards as those he chooses to surround himself. A person usually associates with those he feels comfortable with and who are like him. The expression a man is known any the company he keeps is derived from a fable written by Aesop in the 500s B.C called The Ass and his Purchaser. In the story, a man takes an ass to his farm on a trial basis to see how the ass will fit in to his herd of asses. When the ass enters the pasture, he seeks out the laziest and greediest ass that the man owns to keep company. The man returns the ass because he knows it too will be lazy and greedy, based on the animal the ass chose to spend time with. The moral of the story is that a man is known by the company he keeps.
  • javi2541997
    I prefer my politicians to act human and not some fake archetype of virtuosity.universeness

    According to your thoughts, how is to "act human"?
  • universeness
    According to your thoughts, how is to "act human"?javi2541997

    To be true to your own nature, to be who you are, to be honest.
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