• dclements
    This afternoon I came across the following video

    It basically about how Xi Jinping is trying to run his country through a cult of personality, and since he has gotten rid of anyone and everyone who is able to say anything about how he runs things he has effectively turn the rest of the leadership in China into nothing more than a bunch of bobble heads. I'm no expert in history or sociology, but to the best of my knowledge this can spell disaster for a country as large as China trying to deal with modern day problems when their isn't enough clear thinking heads to deal with the various issues that a country such as China will have to deal with. If you have a hard time imagining some of the problems it might help to imagine someone like Trump but even worse and NO WAY to really resolve the issues he creates nor any way to stop him (of course that is if you are not a Trump supporter).

    Immediately while thinking of this problem it brought to my mind the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes" and how the "experts" that served the king in the story were too afraid of saying what they really thought was going on during the story. My question for fellow forum members is what are your thoughts on this issue and/or if you think Peter Zeihan is correct.

  • javi2541997

    China is and will never be done. They survived the revolution of Mao, the starvation crisis of 60's, and the financial problems of the 80's and 90's. Sooner or later they end up searching a solution for the problems. We should not say "they will not last this decade". It is extreme. Keep in mind that despite they are not a democracy at least the National People's Congress is responsible. This is why they always survived from all the problems: Because their philosophy is being courageous in hard times and the principles points of Confucianism and Taoism. These doctrines are centuries years old they still remain.
    Xi Jinping has something that no Western leader does: Rectitude.
  • javi2541997
    Mature Maoist period (1935–1940)

    Intellectually, this was Mao's most fruitful time. The shift of orientation was apparent in his pamphlet Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War (December 1936). This pamphlet tried to provide a theoretical veneer for his concern with revolutionary practice. Mao started to separate from the Soviet model since it was not automatically applicable to China. China's unique set of historical circumstances demanded a correspondingly unique application of Marxist theory, an application that would have to diverge from the Soviet approach.

    After Mao Zedong's death

    The Chinese economic reform or reform and opening-up, known in the West as the opening of China, is the program of economic reforms termed "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" and "socialist market economy" in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Led by Deng Xiaoping, often credited as the "General Architect", the reforms were launched by reformists within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on December 18, 1978, during the "Boluan Fanzheng" period. The reforms went into stagnation after the military crackdown on 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, but were revived after Deng Xiaoping's Southern Tour in 1992. In 2010, China overtook Japan as the world's second-largest economy by nominal GDP and in 2017 overtook the United States by becoming the world's largest economy by GDP (PPP)

  • dclements
    China is and will never be done. They survived the revolution of Mao, the starvation crisis of 60's, and the financial problems of the 80's and 90's. Sooner or later they end up searching a solution for the problems. We should not say "they will not last this decade". It is extreme. Keep in mind that despite they are not a democracy at least the National People's Congress is responsible. This is why they always survived from all the problems: Because their philosophy is being courageous in hard times and the principles points of Confucianism and Taoism. These doctrines are centuries years old they still remain.
    Xi Jinping has something that no Western leader does: Rectitude.
    I think you are misinterpreting some of what I'm trying to say. It isn't about the END OF CHINA but more about the END OF THE CURRENT WAY CHINA DOES THINGS. Or in other words China will some time in the future need some kind of paradigm shift in order to properly adjust to the way things are done in the modern world. This isn't all that shocking when you think about it since both the US as well as other countries will likely need a kind of paradigm shift in order to operate effectively in the modern world as well as things become more complicated in the future.

    How dramatic the shift will be is up to debate, but my guess is that almost all countries/ societies/ cultures/etc. need about one or more paradigm shifts every hundred years or so in order to be as competitive as other countries or perhaps even more if something unusual is happening such as in Germany before and after WWII when they became fascist and then became a non-fascist state.

    My guess is that when only a handful of people control things, the country is ruled through plutocracy and/or cronyism, and the people in power waste a lot of the nations resources in order to remain in power it is about time for a new paradigm shift to happen since it is all but a given that the old systems isn't working anymore. While it is possible for the people that are ruling using a corrupt system can hold on to power for some time, it is likely they do so at risk of having a revolution or civil war break out if too many people become too disillusioned at the way things are being done.

    This is why they always survived from all the problems: Because their philosophy is being courageous in hard times and the principles points of Confucianism and Taoism. These doctrines are centuries years old they still remain.
    Xi Jinping has something that no Western leader does: Rectitude.
    Rectitude? Following the principles of Confucianism and Taoism? I disagree with your assessment of Xi Jinping and those following him.

    Maybe I have be a bit "brainwashed" by western media, but I kind of find it hard to imagine Xi Jinping as a kind of nice/benevolent leader when he is constantly making threats at any and all countries who are not willing to any and all things he wants them to do. It is one thing to bully your own people around, it is another when you think it is "ok" to bully people who are not citizens of your own country.
  • ssu
    I think you are misinterpreting some of what I'm trying to say. It isn't about the END OF CHINA but more about the END OF THE CURRENT WAY CHINA DOES THINGS.dclements
    What is likely going to happen is that the population of China will get a lot smaller.

    Something what has happened to Japan.

    Otherwise, China will survive ....somehow. But likely it will have this crisis just as the "Asian Tigers" had far earlier. And then it will recover. Assuming it won't go to war with the US.
  • javi2541997
    Maybe I have be a bit "brainwashed" by western media, but I kind of find it hard to imagine Xi Jinping as a kind of nice/benevolent leader when he is constantly making threats at any and all countries who are not willing to any and all things he wants them to do. It is one thing to bully your own people around, it is another when you think it is "ok" to bully people who are not citizens of your own country.dclements

    It is a very complex context. To answer your opinion we have to understand Chinese history previously. Just as a brief reminder of how the Western world disrespected China and Chinese culture during XIX century and between 1900 - 1930. That dishonour still remains in the conciousness of CCP because they see their fight against the West as an act of empowering Chinese traditions and integrity.
    On the other hand... I am not trying to defend Xi Jinping but to understand the situation of China in Asian thought not in my European perspective. Because as I said previously it is more complex than just say: "they are not a democracy so they are bad and bla bla bla..."
    Well... what if this political context is the only which fits in Chinese administration? Imagine that you have to rule over 1.5 billion of citizens. Crazy right? Well they use rectitude mixed with Maoism in these cases.

    Rectitude? Following the principles of Confucianism and Taoism? I disagree with your assessment of Xi Jinping and those following him.dclements

    He literally holds a PhD on Confucianism. Also, he wrote a book about the administration of China which is clearly influenced by those philosophical doctrines: The Governance of China.
    This work is also related to: Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung inside the context of the so called "cultural revolution"
  • Agent Smith
    It basically about how Xi Jinping is trying to run his country through a cult of personality, and since he has gotten rid of anyone and everyone who is able to say anything about how he runs things he has effectively turn the rest of the leadership in China into nothing more than a bunch of bobble heads.dclements

    It is the beginning of the end, but it's too early to say! Criticism will mean certain death or life in a Chinese gulag or something like that! Yet, if you read the news, it doesn't look all that bad, but who trusts the media these days? We'll have to wait and watch, like always, oui monsieur?
  • javi2541997
    Yet, if you read the news, it doesn't look all that bad, but who trusts the media these days?Agent Smith

    Agreed. News and media are in their worst time. They spread lies without any type of consideration. I no longer trust on journalism and I feel sceptical about all the news which come from China or Xi Jinping
  • Agent Smith
    Agreed. News and media are in their worst time. They spread lies without any type of consideration. I no longer trust on journalism and I feel sceptical about all the news which come from China or Xi Jinpingjavi2541997

    Good for you! Be careful out there ... homo homini lupus.
  • ssu
    I think the basic flaw is this messaging of collapse. Yeah, it sells, get's attention, it gets hits, we know, but still...

    Now Peter Zeihan is an interesting commentator that I follow, but basically his trick is playing the "America is AWESOME, Others are DOOMED!" card for years now. China is finished, Europe is finished, but the US is awesome!!! That's something Americans want to hear and sometimes, some Americans ought to listen to (who think utter doom is just around the corner). But that's basically his shtick. (So when Zeihan would be gloom and doom about the US, that is the canary bird dying in the coal mine moment.)

    Yet how many years have there been this idea of that the European Union is finished? Or China is finished?

    The fact is, country simply aren't finished. They can have a huge crisis, but they aren't finished. I think even Sri Lanka isn't finished. Even Somalia isn't finished, it seems to just hang on there... somehow. And actually, might be more than just hanging on.

    Mogadishu in 2022, not the hellhole as portrayed:

    So China's going to have a recession. Yep.
  • javi2541997
    Yet how many years have there been this idea of that the European Union is finished? Or China is finished?

    The fact is, country simply aren't finished. They can have a huge crisis, but they aren't finished. I think even Sri Lanka isn't finished. Even Somalia isn't finished, it seems to just hang on there... somehow. And actually, might be more than just hanging on.

    :up: :100:

    South Korea is another good example about how a country is never really finished and they can flourish from the ashes!

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