• Mikie
    Whoever you are reading this right now -- are you happy?
  • jgill
    At 85 not feeling bad means happy :cool:
  • Shawn
    I set myself up for failure too often to be happy.
  • Mark Nyquist
    I cycle,
    I'm happy, then people annoy me and I get cranky, then they leave me alone and I'm happy. Sometimes I just need to find solutions involving others and can't worry too much about happy.
    Not happy all the time but when nothing is too bad I'm happy.
  • Andrew4Handel
    I am the happiest I have been as an adult.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Happy! When I'm reading The Philosophy Forums I'm happy. Enough said!
  • Vera Mont
    Mostly, yes.
    Whatever may be going on out there, my personal life is good.
  • Banno
    No. My tea cup is empty.
  • Metaphysician Undercover

    Fill your cup and join the brigade of happiness. Its a joyful time of year.
  • T Clark
    I'd be happier if this was in the Lounge where it belongs.

  • Mikie

    I'm surprised no one asked "What do you mean by happiness?" So I'll ask it of all of you who so far responded. If it a feeling, like joy and pleasure, or something else?
  • Andrew4Handel
    "What do you mean by happiness?"Mikie

    Its hard to define but maybe an absence of sadness and a level of contentment.

    The absence of sadness is pleasurable in itself.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Definitely a feeling for me. I feel happy. I would also say that there is a deeper state, a disposition, or something like that, which often allows me to overcome the inclination toward negative feelings and maintain, or restore happiness, like tuning in to TPF for example as a diversion. Diversions are very useful.
  • frank
    There was a time when I didn't know what it was. I remember one guy told me that a baby is born with his fists clenched tight, but an old man dies with his hands open. I thought that sounded great, but it was meaningless.
  • Vera Mont
    I'm surprised no one asked "What do you mean by happiness?" So I'll ask it of all of you who so far responded.Mikie

    General satisfaction with one's life, work, environment and relationships. I'm unhappy about the world at large, anxious about old age and physical frailty, frustrated at what I can't do anymore and disgruntled at the aches and pains. But I have a safe place to sleep, a solid marriage; we can still talk, laugh and enjoy things together; we have a comfortable enough home in beautiful countryside; we have enough material wealth for our needs, and we keep our minds and hands busy.
  • tomatohorse
    Yes, I'd say so. I am generally speaking able to do the things I want, so that is a source of happiness.
  • magictriangle
    I sometimes believe my life satisfaction rating has gone up, so I am going to say that I am pretty happy. The sources of my life's upward arch have been seeking medical treatment, not falling into debt, and not delving into romantic relationships. Sometimes as I am contemplating this question, I think that I am rather bleek on my outlook. It could seem like my satisfaction with my life is stagnant or worsening, but overall I am beginning to have the 'I am complete now' outlook.
  • jgill
    If it a feeling, like joy and pleasure, or something else?Mikie

    Ineffable. See the appropriate thread for an explanation.
  • Moliere
    I'm surprised no one asked "What do you mean by happiness?" So I'll ask it of all of you who so far responded. If it a feeling, like joy and pleasure, or something else?Mikie

    I think it's complicated, and somewhat relative. There's enough overlap between people who seem happy and what they say about it that there's something worthwhile in thinking about it. But I'm not sure the path after meaning would help as much as hinder -- I basically know what happiness is, even if it's not just joy or even if it doesn't follow a particular regimen prescribed for happiness. So I said "Yup"
  • Vera Mont
    We each know what we mean by it. But there are factors that seem more more nearly universal.
    Good documentary.
  • Benj96
    Yes I am.

    But perhaps "Happy" isn't the exact term I'd use depending on what you mean by it.
    For me "content" is a better one because for me:. "Happy" is a brief temporary emotion. Situational and transient.

    "Contentment" on the other hand is a long standing general positive mood, sense of well-being, peace and resilience.

    I say resilience because bad shit happens regularly, and you may feel temporarily frustrated, unsettled or upset. That doesn't mean you aren't generally content. As "unhappy" is also a short term brief emotion.

    Sad to happy is as contentment is to depression/hopelessness.

    Its a matter of duration.
  • Benj96
    At 85 not feeling bad means happyjgill

    Haha fair enough. And long may it last :) Health and staying active/able is everything really at the end of the day.

    Chronic pain I think is perhaps the most debilitating thing, a lot else is tolerable but pain is a toughy.
  • BC
    When asked whether she was happy, the opera diva Beverly Sills said, "Let's just say I'm cheerful."

    I am happy. I am either at peace or resigned to the inevitable. I don't let doomsday bother me; do you let it bother you?

    The drummer in Elvis Perkins' band makes me happy,

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