• creativesoul
    The fact that someone like Trump could even be elected is a disgrace on the effectiveness of our government... particularly since the early seventies.
  • Mikie
    uals that the plan was “highly confidential” and “secret.” TRUMP also said, “as president I could have declassified it,” and, “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”creativesoul

    What a buffoon.
  • creativesoul

    Read that indictment in it's entirety...

    He's done.
  • creativesoul
    Trump is a product of the power and privilege of wealth, white privilege, systemic racism, and the monetary corruption of American government.

    He's not the problem. Rather, he's a symptom thereof.
  • Mikie

    Personally I don’t care. It’s obvious he’s a criminal, based on evidence accumulated long before he was president. He’s also a sociopath and rabid narcissist, which is why our resident Trumpist will defend him to the bitter end, having similar qualities.

    But no, I don’t think he’s done. That’s been said forever. I’ll believe it when I see it. He’ll be done when he’s dead— which, thankfully, is probably not too long, given his age. In the meantime, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. In any sane society, he would have been “done” long ago.
  • creativesoul

    I do care. I have children and grandchildren.
  • creativesoul

    Those charges are ones that they are certain that they can convict him of by showing the evidence to a jury of citizens. That evidence, the prosecution believes, proves his guilt beyond all reasonable doubt.

    Trump was elected not because the US is not sane. Rather, it was because the US is chock full of historically misinformed rude inconsiderate people who find it entertaining to make fun of others at the others' expense.
  • NOS4A2
    4 years of trying to nullify Trump’s presidency with lies and conspiracy theories that reached the highest echelons of the intelligence community and the world press, but Trump does a little rally at the National Mall and it’s a threat to “our democracy”. :rofl: So good.
  • Mikie
    So funny to watch the con man’s little followers become con men of their own. Listening to their explanations (satirical rationalizations) I’m reminded of Erwin Mainway, aka Dan Akroyd on SNL:

    Equally believable.
  • creativesoul
    But no, I don’t think he’s done. That’s been said foreverMikie

    By those whose main motivation was to garner the attention of as many people as possible in order to increase the value of commercial time....

    The department of justice is not profit driven.

    He's done. Read the indictment in it's entirety. Do not be like NOSBOT and neglect to carefully consider the actual relevant information in lieu of rhetorical drivel.
  • creativesoul

    Not intended to 'go low'. Rather, given it seems you care enough to not be like NOSBOT, I figured you may like to know that some of what you're doing is the same as what 'they' are doing...

    Making fun of others in this situation trivializes the severity and real danger.

    It's completely unhelpful to ridicule Trump supporters.
  • creativesoul
    Well timed satirical expose of the current mindfuck that sooo many Americans are suffering from.
  • NOS4A2

    Ridicule me all you want. Call me any name. Pretend I’m a bot. Use emojis if it helps. I believe you guys need it for catharsis and I genuinely care about your mental health.

    As for the indictment, I don’t care. The FBI, the DOJ, are some of the most corrupt institutions ever created. Trump is just another victim of its malfeasance.
  • creativesoul
    I said I “genuinely care”. It was a polite way of saying I think you’re nuts, and I do not want you to hurt yourself or others. Just take it out on me.NOS4A2

    You did.

    I think it's nuts for someone to claim - on the one hand - to genuinely care about others not hurting themselves or anyone else whilst - on the other hand - fomenting and fostering situations and parroting misleading and false narratives that tremendously increase the likelihood of people getting hurt.

    So, what does it mean when someone does that?

    It means that they are inconsistent. It is a performative contradiction. It could be that you're unaware of it, or it could be that you do not believe what you write.
  • Mikie
    Let’s plug in what is now claimed to be the case and see how well it holds up:

    Talk about no self-awareness.
    — Mikie

    Mirror, mirror... = There’s a striking similarity between you and Trump supporters.

    Definitely makes sense in this context. :roll:

    I always love when people try to save face by resorting to such stupid contortions like this. Oh well.
  • NOS4A2

    What do you think is Trump’s egregious crime? One that could net him 100 years in prison?
  • creativesoul

    Are you aware of the similarity between your moral sensibilities and Trump's when it comes to what counts as acceptable treatment of those with whom you differ?

    You devalue others in much the same way he does for much the same underlying reasons(being different).

    Are you aware of the damaging role that the glorification of ridicule in American society played as it helped cultivate the ground for the rise of Trump?
  • praxis
    There’s a striking similarity between you and Trump supporters.

    Not really. I’ve read the comment sections on sites like Brietbart and Fox and have watched many interviews with Trump supporters, and there’s the template of Trump himself. All mind-numbingly stupid, too stupid to be funny.

    You devalue others in much the same way he does for much the same underlying reasons(being different).creativesoul

    Trump strategically devalues others for personal gain.
  • Mikie
    You devalue others in much the same way he does for much the same underlying reasons(being different).creativesoul

    No I don’t. But coming from a guy claiming those he disagrees with are “bots”, which is the very definition of dehumanizing, I’ll take it for what it is. But I’ll leave it at that.
  • creativesoul
    What do you think is Trump’s egregious crime?NOS4A2

    There's more than one. Care to discuss?

    Counts 1 through 31. Willful retention of national defense information
    Count 32. Conspiracy to obstruct justice
    Count 33. Withholding a document or record
    Count 34. Corruptly concealing a document or record
    Count 35. Concealing a document in a federal investigation
    Count 36. Scheme to conceal
    Count 37. False statements and representations
    Count 38. False statements and representations
  • creativesoul

    You cherry pick one example. I'm not certain that NOS is not a bot driven source of information. This situation is the only one where I've thought that. So, your claiming that I accuse others of being bots is misleading at best.

    I could also be wrong about that.
  • frank
    Are you aware of the damaging role that the glorification of ridicule in American society played as it helped cultivate the ground for the rise of Trump?creativesoul

    I'll butt in because this issue has been on my mind lately. I believe the reason ridicule of Trump and his supporters energized his base was because they already tend to feel inferior. There's angst among them toward the coastal intellectual crowd.

    I don't know if there's really much of a glorification of ridicule. People who are over-flowing with ridicule just aren't particularly emotionally mature, you know? You jerk!
  • creativesoul
    There’s a striking similarity between you and Trump supporters.

    Not really.

    Glorifying ridicule of someone who disagrees with and/or is different...

    Yeah, that really is a striking similarity.
  • creativesoul
    You devalue others in much the same way he does for much the same underlying reasons(being different).
    — creativesoul

    Trump devalues others for personal gain.

    That is true as well for Trump... I see no reason to attribute that to Mikie.
  • creativesoul
    I'll butt in because this issue has been on my mind lately. I believe the reason ridicule of Trump and his supporters energized his base is because they already tend to feel inferior. There's angst among them toward the coastal intellectual crowd.frank

    This is true, and that sort of thing was increased and perpetuated by many trusted sources in media. Still is to this day.
  • 180 Proof
    What do you think is Trump’s egregious crime?
    — NOS4A2

    There's more than one. Care to discuss?

    Counts 1 through 31. Willful retention of national defense information
    Count 32. Conspiracy to obstruct justice
    Count 33. Withholding a document or record
    Count 34. Corruptly concealing a document or record
    Count 35. Concealing a document in a federal investigation
    Count 36. Scheme to conceal
    Count 37. False statements and representations
    Count 38. False statements and representations
    Only 'Trump supporters' are stupider than Trump himself. There are millions of MAGA morons who love to be lied to – lying to themselves – and many who are locked-n-loaded (some radicalized) too. Apparently, @NOS4A2 is a card-carrying member of that cult. Pathetic if he isn't a bot. :mask:
  • creativesoul

    I'm wondering if correlations can be drawn between specific documents in Trump's possession... and certain activies by foreign governments and/or adversaries.

    National defense information.

    That case, if there is one(or more) would need more time to be made. Meanwhile, this one seems to have already been.
  • frank
    This is true, and that sort of thing was increased and perpetuated by many trusted sources in media. Still is to this day.creativesoul

    I was also disappointed that even outlets like CBS would occasionally spin and report falsehoods with the aim of ridiculing Trump. And MSNBC and CNN? They lost whatever integrity they ever had. But that's capitalism for you. Money over integrity.
  • creativesoul

    Look Mikie, here's what seemed to have happened...

    I strongly suspect that NOS is bot driven and bot informed, at the very least, mining from a treasure trove of pro-Trump data. I do not believe that that profile is a person and nothing more.

    On the other hand, you seem to strongly believe that NOS is an actual person.


    When I mentioned the unhelpfulness of ridicule, from your vantage point, I was being hypocritical, and did not see it. Thus, you attempted to ridicule me for such with the sarcastic "no self-awareness" comment. Which makes perfect sense, if I believed NOS was a human, and nothing but.

    I did not, and do not.
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