• Merkwurdichliebe
    But it is important that you also point out that Chinese society doesn't see Biden that way because some media and Trump supporters consider Biden a communist as well as Pol Pot.
    — javi2541997

    It seemed odd to me because why would he be? Is there evidence or is that most things people spread nowadays misinformation?

    There are a few reasons Biden might be considered a communist or neomarxist. He supports queer theory, which was heavily developed in the ideas of Judith Butler, who was herself, heavily influenced by marxist philosophers such as Foucault, Lacan, and Gramsci. He also advocates and pushes for critical pedagogy in k-12, which was an educational program invented by Paulo Freire, an avowed communist.

    The real question is, given his position on many issues, how can it be shown that Biden isn't highly sympathic towards communism/neomarxism.
  • Hailey
    The real question is, given his position on many issues, how can it be shown that Biden isn't highly sympathic towards communism/neomarxism.Merkwurdichliebe

    Should you also analyze aspects of him that is anti-communism, then compare both the pro- and anti-communism part of Biden before drawing the conclusion that he is a communist? Don't we all believe in things that belong to different ideologies?

    Speaking of your examples, what is wrong for critical pedagogy? In China, the education in critical thinking is sorely lacking and we admire that in American education. Chinese consider critiacl thinking as part of the explaination of the prosperity of America, expecially its advancement in science and technology.

    There are a few reasons Biden might be considered a communist or neomarxist.Merkwurdichliebe

    Is it possible that this stems from the similarities between communism and democracy? I myself have such speculations because I see some of the goals overlap here. So I ask an AI bot and here is its answer:

    Yes, there is some common ground between communism and democracy.

    Both systems are based on the idea of equality. In communism, this is achieved through the abolition of private property and the means of production being owned by the state. In democracy, this is achieved through the principle of one person, one vote.

    Both systems emphasize the importance of the collective. In communism, this is seen in the emphasis on the common good and the importance of working together for the benefit of society. In democracy, this is seen in the importance of civic participation and the idea that the government should be accountable to the people.

    Both systems can be used to promote social justice. In communism, this is seen in the emphasis on equality and the redistribution of wealth. In democracy, this is seen in the protection of human rights and the rule of law.

    However, there are also some important differences between communism and democracy.

    Communism is a centrally planned economy, while democracy is a market economy. This means that in communism, the government controls the production and distribution of goods and services, while in democracy, the economy is largely controlled by private individuals and businesses.

    Communism is a one-party state, while democracy is a multi-party state. This means that in communism, there is only one political party that is allowed to exist, while in democracy, there are multiple political parties that can compete for power.

    Communism is often associated with totalitarianism, while democracy is often associated with freedom and individual rights. This is because communism has often been implemented in authoritarian regimes that restrict individual freedoms.

    However, it is important to note that not all communist regimes are totalitarian, and there are also democratic communist movements.

    Ultimately, whether communism and democracy are compatible depends on how they are implemented. In theory, they could be combined to create a system that is both egalitarian and democratic. However, in practice, this has proven to be difficult to achieve.

    I then asked about ideologies of the Republican and Democratic party, and it says:

    Here are some of the key differences between the ideologies of the Democratic and Republican parties:

    Economic policy: The Democratic Party generally supports a more interventionist role for the government in the economy, while the Republican Party generally supports a more limited role for the government. Democrats tend to favor policies that redistribute wealth, such as social welfare programs and progressive taxation. Republicans tend to favor policies that promote economic growth, such as tax cuts and deregulation.

    Social policy: The Democratic Party generally supports social programs that promote equality and opportunity, such as affirmative action and same-sex marriage. Republicans tend to favor social programs that promote traditional values, such as school choice and opposition to abortion.

    Foreign policy: The Democratic Party generally supports a more interventionist foreign policy, while the Republican Party generally supports a more isolationist foreign policy. Democrats tend to favor policies that promote democracy and human rights around the world. Republicans tend to favor policies that protect American interests, such as military intervention and trade protectionism.

    Environmental policy: The Democratic Party generally supports environmental protection policies, such as regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy initiatives. Republicans tend to favor policies that promote economic development, such as deregulation of the energy industry.

    These are just some of the key differences between the ideologies of the Democratic and Republican parties. There are many other issues on which the two parties disagree, and the specific policies that they support can vary depending on the specific issue and the political climate.

    Don't you agree that ideologies of the Democratic party resemble some of the views of socialism? Maybe those bullets can help you think through whether Biden is more pro- or anti-communism or is just demoncratic.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Should you also analyze aspects of him that is anti-communism, then compare both the pro- and anti-communism part of Biden before drawing the conclusion that he is a communist? Don't we all believe in things that belong to different ideologies?Hailey

    Too many of his positions are touched by neomarxist philosophy for it to be a coincidence.

    It is hard to think the president of the United States would be ignorant of noemarxist philosophies that directly underly the very positions he supports. Perhaps I am wrong. However, I would think ignorance of that sort would make a person incaple of adequately fulfilling the role of potus.

    There is also the possibility that he is being manipulated, unwittingly, which case, it would make a person incaple of adequately fulfilling the role of potus.

    If he is aware of the philosophies underlying his political positions and decisions, then there is no harm in admitting it . US is a democracy after all, the people will ultimately decide what they want.

    Perhaps we all believe in things that belong to different ideologies, but we all are not potus either, and I hold that person to a higher standard than you and I, for good reason.

    Speaking of your examples, what is wrong for critical pedagogy? If he is against critical pedagogy, would it make him more pro-communism? Isn't critiacl thinking at the root of the prosperity of America? Critical thinking is something Chinese really look up to and emulate that is so advanced in American education. Do we really disagree on such fundamental issues or am I missing something here?Hailey

    Maybe missing something, no offense meant.

    Nothing is wrong with critical pedagogy as a pure philosophy. But when Biden appoints Miguel Cardona to secretary of education, it insinuates that Biden most likely supports critical pedagogy. And since critical pedagogy is based in Marxist philosophy, what else can we assume. If accidental, it is unacceptable. If purposeful, no harm, let the people decide.

    Critical thinking in the classic academic sense is one thing. Critical theory is another thing, and that is what critical pedagogy belongs to. Critical theory was originated by max Horkheimer, a founding neomarxist. Friere was directly influenced by his ideas.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    didn't see the addendum, allow me to read and respond
  • Hailey

    I see what you're getting at here. It is a fair point. Biden is supposed to be aware of the philosophies beneath his views and actions. Maybe be agrees with some of the maxism philosophies.

    Maybe missing something, no offense meant.Merkwurdichliebe
    Thank you for pointing it out. I appreciate it.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Yes, there is some common ground between communism and democracy.

    Both systems are based on the idea of equality. In communism, this is achieved through the abolition of private property and the means of production being owned by the state. In democracy, this is achieved through the principle of one person, one vote.

    That's a lot of stuff. You posted there.

    To be clear, I am not arguing about communism and its various applications, I am arguing that Biden supports neomarxism/communism in many ways which could make him appear communist.

    There is a Lenninist theory on democracy that elaborates on what you are speaking about here.
  • Merkwurdichliebe

    I also am compelled to point out that lennenist democracy is very different than the American version. The former is direct democracy, the latter is constitutional republic.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    I think the problems of American democracy can be solve simply through campaign finance reform.
  • Hailey

    I think perhaps Biden is more pro-communist than some of you but is still far from being a communist for real communists.
  • Hailey

    You're right. In this sense, the US and China share something in common. We also choose representives to goven.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    I think perhaps Biden is more pro-communist than some of you but is still far from being a communist for real communists.Hailey

    I totally agree.
  • Hailey

    What about political families? Even with finace reform, the family network and polotical heritage are still there.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    that's democracy for you, don't like it, you are free to oppose it. At least the playing field is levelled in the financial domain where most of the corruption lies.
  • javi2541997

    I think it is all about perspective. Here in Europe we consider Biden as a conservative, but more moderate than the average Republican candidate. Honestly, I think that socialism or "Neo-Marxism" don't exist in the U.S. at all, either ever existed. Your governments have always been the main image of the free market and capitalism, so it is your country. Sometimes the state as a public guarantee cares more than others, but in overall, the American state is only reliable on defence and military matters. The rest of the issues which every state has, are delegated to the free will of enterprises.

    Is Biden against NATO? No.
    Is Biden against free market? No.
    Is Baden in favour of more State intervention? No.

    That's how a real communist should act, and we have plenty of those in the European Parliaments. For instance, in Spain our politicians are having a crucial debate on expropriation of Oil and Gas companies to have a public management in the future. I think this is impossible to be in Biden's mind.
  • flannel jesus
    Is Biden against NATO? No.
    Is Biden against free market? No.
    Is Baden in favour of more State intervention? No.

    That's how a real communist should act,

    This is a very confusing sequence of words
  • RogueAI
    We also choose representives to goven.Hailey

    How do you choose your representative in China?
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    Honestly, I think that socialism or "Neo-Marxism" don't exist in the U.S. at all, either ever existed.javi2541997

    It's hard to agree with that when we can clearly see neomarxist philosophy underlying many of the positions Biden holds or has shown support for (eg crt in systemic racism, queer theory in lgbtq activism, critical pedagogy in the department of Education). These philosophies all have neomarxist roots and are the driving ideas behind their respective movements/institutions. How are we not to think Biden is greatly sympatico with communism?

    That's how a real communist should act . . . I think this is impossible to be in Biden's mind.javi2541997

    Communism is looked at very suspiciously by Americans, given the experience of the cold war, and it general historical track record of producing overwhelming death amongst its own citizens. It would probably be ill advised for Biden to come out as a real communist.
  • Hailey
    Yeah, I wonder how we choose them... People don't know about these representative candidates because there is no tradition that they would publicly talk about their political views. In the end, who will be elected is predetermined, thus people don't really have a say in it.
  • Merkwurdichliebe
    it's similar in US. But at least we know the people have some say since Trump was elected.
  • flannel jesus
    Trump's win, and subsequent loss, are actually pretty good evidence that American votes are in fact real, I never thought about it that way.
  • RogueAI
    Yeah, I wonder how we choose them... People don't know about these representative candidates because there is no tradition that they would publicly talk about their political views. In the end, who will be elected is predetermined, thus people don't really have a say in it.Hailey

    So you don't choose representatives to govern you.
  • Mikie
    To think there are still people hysterical about “communism.” :lol:
  • NOS4A2

    The only thing I can see clearly is that Trump has surely stepped into many people's ways. No wonder they want him removed and indicted him for so many times.

    That is true. Most of all he said things people didn’t like, single-handedly smashing the illusion of statesmanship, which for Americans is sacrosanct. One can spend days looking through indictments, criticisms, and books for any wrongdoing that isn’t verbal and come up empty-handed. Meanwhile, if you say the correct words and repeat the proper platitudes (or with Joe Biden’s method, plagiarize them or fabricate them), you can get away with pretty much anything.
  • praxis
    One can spend days looking through indictments, criticisms, and books for any wrongdoing that isn’t verbal and come up empty-handed.NOS4A2

    A jury found Trump liable for rape. You know that sexual assault isn't verbal, right?

    It's true what NOS says about America, that if you say the correct words and repeat the proper platitudes and don't rape women, try to overturn an election, and break other laws, you won't be prosecuted. No other president in American history sexually assaulted women (that we know of) or tried to overturn an election like Trump did so no other president was prosecuted.
  • NOS4A2

    Only because Trump didn’t show for the trial, not that he actually assaulted anyone. Liability isn’t guilt.
  • praxis
    Liability isn’t guilt.NOS4A2

    What do you mean?

    A jury found him liable or responsible for sexual assault.
  • NOS4A2

    Figure it out.
  • RogueAI
    One can spend days looking through indictments, criticisms, and books for any wrongdoing that isn’t verbal and come up empty-handed.NOS4A2



    ETA: Oops, Praxis beat me to it on the rape case.
  • praxis

    Being found responsible for sexual assault isn't being guilty of sexual assault? Okay, whatever.

    The point is that Jean Carroll didn't come up "empty-handed". She was awarded five million bucks because a jury was convinced that Trump sexually assaulted her.

    Note that Trump could afford the best lawyers, not that he ever had the good judgement to pick the best people.

    @Hailey Do your countrymen find rapists offputting at all?
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