• Hanover
    You're just painting the future you want to see in the spirit of tracht gut vet zein gut, but I'm seeing into the soul of America and just reporting what stares back at me.

    Blame the Democrats for running a corpse for President.
  • 180 Proof
    :lol: The MAGA-rot is not (yet) "the soul of America"; if it was, then Loser-1 would not have lost the popular vote in 2016 & 2020 as well as his MAGA candidates would not have lost most, if not all, the elections and special elections since 2016.
  • Mr Bee
    No one is getting out of bed to vote for Joe, not even Joe.Hanover
    To be fair I don't think anybody did that in 2020 either.
  • jgill
    Blame the Democrats for running a corpse for President.Hanover

    I thought the problem was he was asleep at the wheel. :roll:
  • Hanover
    There is no soul of America, but a few groups here and there that sort of share the same soul until they figure out how they're different and then they can divide into different groups.

    I do actually think Trump will win.

    Not sure if you're following the prosecution of Trump in Atlanta over the Georgia election. The DA hired her lead prosecutor, not by doing a nationwide search for the best and brightest to take on the man who is vying for the most powerful position in the world, but by rolling over in bed and finding the guy that just fucked her and asking him if he'd be interested in the job. She then pays him over $600,000 (which no ADA makes ever, and is more than she makes) and then they use that money to go on trips.

    Then she goes in front of her church and tells them the scrutiny over this guy is because he's black and not over the two white guys she appointed also, as if this might have more to do with selecting your secret boyfriend for the job and not much to do with race. And she still hasn't admitted or denied the allegation she's fucking her chief prosecutor.

    It's just so disappointing to have these unforced errors and to feed right into the Trump narrative that everyone else is more fucked up than he is. Trump calls the Georgia Secretary of State and asks him to go get him a bunch of votes, and Trump is going to get away with it because the hacks can't keep the train on the rails.

    I don't know where I am anymore on any of this. They all live lives so different from me I can't compute any of this. I wouldn't let my wife work in my law firm and I'm a partner here. Can they not compute that a sexual partner will control the entire work environment and will be entirely unmanagable if allowed authority? And can't you be self-aware enough to know that your belief in the brilliance of your boyfriend might not be an objective evaluation? My rule is that if you call someone your boo boo or punkin, you can't hire them to lead your battle against the potential next leader of the free world.

    It's so fucking stupid. Trump's going to win and she's going to lose whenever she is up for election. Follow that bullshit: A guy will try to steal an election for the highest position in the world and the prosecutor against him is going to pay the highest political price for it.

    Part of me says that the world deserves Trump.
  • Tzeentch
    Part of me says that the world deserves Trump.Hanover

    In terms of foreign policy he can hardly do worse than the Biden administration.

    An isolationist America might actually produce a peaceful putting asleep of the American empire, rather than a world war which is what the US is coursing straight towards under this clownshow of an administration.
  • RogueAI
    No one is getting out of bed to vote for Joe, not even Joe.Hanover

    I don't want to vote for Biden, but I'll crawl over broken glass to vote against Trump, and I'm not going to throw my vote away on a hopeless third party candidate.
  • RogueAI
    Blame the Democrats for running a corpse for President.Hanover

    Biden is one health emergency away from being pressured to drop out. All it would take is one McConnell-esque freeze up.

    The DA hired her lead prosecutor, not by doing a nationwide search for the best and brightest to take on the man who is vying for the most powerful position in the world, but by rolling over in bed and finding the guy that just fucked her and asking him if he'd be interested in the job.Hanover

    Do we have confirmation on that, though? CNN ran a story on that, but it was skimpy on details.
  • NOS4A2

    Sorry, but Trump was looking for illegal votes, which if found would have put him in the lead. He wasn’t telling the governor to fabricate votes or find hidden Trump votes. So Not only are they corrupt, but they’re misinforming you, persecuting innocent people, and making a mockery of the justice system while doing so.
  • Hanover

    I accept your apology.
  • AmadeusD
    It's just so disappointing to have these unforced errorsHanover

    This is why it isn't reasonable to get such an arched back over these things. Everything is f'd. LOL

    I don't want to vote for Biden, but I'll crawl over broken glass to vote against Trump, and I'm not going to throw my vote away on a hopeless third party candidate.RogueAI

    I respect that position. I would waste my vote though, if I chose to.
  • jgill
    Denver Hospital System may fail due to Treating Migrants

    Thank you, Mr Surge the Borders President. :roll:
  • AmadeusD
    Very much agree, though I'm not a partner.

    Even Harvey Specter left Specter Litt Wheeler Williams when he got with his secretary :lol:
  • jorndoe
    Thank you, Mr Surge the Borders Presidentjgill

    I'm wondering though, would this be sufficient to vote Clown?
    From my spot, nope, but I'm no Denverite.
  • 180 Proof

    — NOS4A2

    I accept your apology.

    I do actually think Trump will win.Hanover
    Whether or not Loser-1, if past elections & special elections (2016-2023) are prologue, Dems, Indies, Never Trumpers & pro-choice suburban GOP women voters will significantly out-vote "anti-women" MAGA-GOP voters all the way down the ballot this fall. Follow the numbers (like I did in 2020), my friend, they don't lie. :mask:

    Not sure if you're following the prosecution of Trump in Atlanta over the Georgia election ... It's just so disappointing to have these unforced errors and to feed right into the Trump narrative that everyone else is more fucked up than he is.
    I'm following like a hawk and it looks to me like another sideshow that's only fodder for cable infotainment talking heads. Yeah, "what the hell was she thinking?" Worse case scenario: DA Willis recuses and her office goes on with their slam dunk prosecution of Criminal Defendent-1 & co. What I'm really watching for is Judge McAfee scheduling DA Willis' RICO trial to begin in June after Trumper-stooge Cannon, in March or sooner, postpones the Mar-a-Lago Obstruction & Espionage trial until after the general election. "Wishful thinking?" TBD.

    Part of me says that the world deserves Trump.
    Part of me agrees with you.
  • jgill
    Thank you, Mr Surge the Borders President — jgill

    I'm wondering though, would this be sufficient to vote Clown?
    From my spot, nope, but I'm no Denverite.

    If you live in an area where children are removed from school buildings on occasion to make room for illegal immigrants, or hospitals shut down, then perhaps Clown doesn't look so bad.

    What was the worst thing he did in his first term, prior to January 6th?

    I am prepared for a deluge . . . . . . :scream:
  • jorndoe
    , maybe old Joe had coffee :sparkle: the other day...? :)

    Biden Accedes to Tougher Immigration Policy to Deflect Criticism, Secure Ukraine Aid (Tarini Parti, Michelle Hackman · WSJ · Jan 18, 2024)

    I'm admittedly still not seeing it, Clown because Mexican border...? Maybe it's just me.
  • AmadeusD
    I have to say this has hit the levels of entertainment already the ti didn’t think I’d get until April at least
  • Mikie
    Endless talk of politicians in January. Must be another one of those 4-year media extravaganzas.

    Seems easy enough: take one minute, see who the worst candidate is, vote against that candidate, and get back to doing actual work.

    The rest is sports-like political hobbyism.
  • baker
    Part of me says that the world deserves Trump.Hanover
    Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
  • Hanover
    True, but the counter to this is quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
  • baker
    @Hanover lol.
    Why do you think the world deserves Trump?
  • ssu
    So Trump isn't going into debates, which is a wise choice. And now Nikki isn't either, because Trump isn't.

    Yes, why on Earth would you have candidates debating in the first place? :wink:

    Wonder if this will continue forward, when it's Biden vs Trump: why even give the respect for the other candidate by debating him face to face?

    Perhaps both old men would like it that way.
  • jgill
    Wonder if this will continue forward, when it's Biden vs Trump: why even give the respect for the other candidate by debating him face to face?ssu

    I think Trump is eager for a debate with Biden. He's much more quick-witted and energetic than Slow Joe. Biden's cabal may keep him from debating.
  • Wayfarer
    You kidding? The last presidential debate between the two was a disaster for Trump. He completely derailed the debate, talked over everyone, including the moderator, and kept devolving into outright raves.

    Every time Trump speaks, he says the same things - the Government is evil/leftist lunatics, I'm victim of a plot/unfair persecution, all the charges against me are lies. He has no policies as such, only talking points which spill out of his constant monologue. And, he lost the election.
  • jgill
    You kidding? The last presidential debate between the two was a disaster for Trump. He completely derailed the debate, talked over everyone, including the moderator, and kept devolving into outright raves.

    I watched him for awhile in the recent town hall meeting in Iowa and he looked quick witted and vibrant. We'll see where all this goes. Curious times. I still think Michelle Obama could be chosen at the convention, with Biden retiring. She would have my vote.
  • 180 Proof
    I still think Michelle Obama could be chosen at the convention, with Biden retiring. She would have my vote.jgill
    Well, I hope the ticket of either Gavin Newsom & Gretchen Witmer or Gretchen Witmer & Gavin Newsom comes out of the Dem's 2024 convention. They would electrify this dead-ass electorate and blowout Loser-1 or any other MAGA-GOP stooge this fall. :victory: :smirk:
  • Mikie



    :lol: Come on.
  • Mikie
    And, he lost the election.Wayfarer

    Yeah— so much time is spent on election deniers that this significant little fact is often overlooked. Trump lost, and lost big. 7 million votes or so. Rather than question why, Trump made up fairytales which his cult swallowed and continues to believe/defend. Then the MAGA crowd failed in Georgia, then failed in 2022.

    They’ll likely fail again in the fall. But they won’t even scratch their heads about it— because they’ll claim it was rigged. The problem is obvious: even against a weak candidate like Biden, independents and most of the American electorate hate Trump, and for very good reason.
  • jgill
    quick-witted — jgill

    :lol: Come on.

    I might be wrong. I had just watched a clip from a Biden press conference.
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