• BlueBanana
    Rules: keep your comments short and brief. No explaining one's own comments unless asked. The purpose of this thread is to share ideas to give each others something to think about, and being unnecessarily vague to give space for unreasonably complex and far-fetched interpretations doesn't hurt.

    I'll start with:

    In its uncomfortability, the chair was surprisingly comfortable.
  • Nils Loc
    The comments competed for attention, like Daniel Dennett's memes, and one now reads: 'whether it is wise to explore what is given or to start anew'.

    When in Xia do as the Xians do.

    The Xians inherit an uncomfortable chair from their elders which is the only chair they are allowed to sit in by law until a certain age. After a period of seven sitting revolutions the chair is abandoned and put in a glass case, to be gifted to the closest of kin who haven't yet been inducted into the sitting period of PainOhw. Older Xians pride themselves on keeping very comfortable chairs for their age appropriate guests. From an outsider's point of view, Xian chairs have become an cultural obsession. Those who have not completed the ritual of PainOh age are discouraged from sitting at all in the houses of their elder peers, unless an uncomfortable chair is present.

    Young Xians are known to proclaim outloud, as they sit in their uncomfortable chairs, 'this chair is surprisingly comfortable'.
  • praxis
    I noticed the cage of course, but not explicitly. Now seeing what it's made of and what it surrounds, I'm uncomfortable.
  • unenlightened
    It is a waste of time trying to comfort the uncomfortable, but those who are merely discomforted can readily be comforted. Uncomfortable chairs in particular should be put out of their misery.

    Guns should be upholstered for everyone's comfort.
  • Pierre-Normand
    “When I came home I expected a surprise and there was no surprise for me, so of course, I was surprised.” -- Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Cavacava
  • BlueBanana
    Damn, that was a good one. I'll have to remember that.

    Note: good luck trying to guess who I answered to.

    Note 2: neither of these notes are part of the thought, do NOT interpret them! :-}
  • Pierre-Normand
    "Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana" -- Confucius (or maybe Buddha or Groucho Marx)
  • BlueBanana
    Is the colour of the fruit relevant? I wouldn't like being thrown around to confirm the claim :D
  • S
    Like a stream. Here it is. I'm sharing it. But is it the same?
  • CasKev
    The whole time I was picking, I was getting ready to defend myself.
  • Nils Loc
    I was sifting through this trash heap with CasKev and all I could find that I liked was a sparkly sequin.

    Also, there is something (an agent) hunting us on the trash heap (I hear it over the ridge), so get ready to defend yourself.

    Someone post directions to a trash heap worth sifting through so we can get outta here.

    Sapientia was peeing into the wind (always here to lighten the mood with his antics, or is he trying to lure the thing over the ridge by scent marking).
  • BC
    Surely it's Groucho. And fruit flies would like a banana.
  • BC
    You can never land in the same pile of shit twice.
  • Nils Loc
    "The critic's symbol should be the tumble-bug: he deposits his egg in somebody else's dung, otherwise he could not hatch it." ~ Mark Twain

    A tumble bug often lands in a pile of shit twice, unless it is the shit of Heraclitus (diarrhea).
  • TheMadFool
    Gold is cold and hard. Yet people say ''She had a heart of gold''
  • Jamal
    Gold is pretty soft, as metals go.
  • TheMadFool
    When people say ''I love you'' do they actually mean ''do you love me?''
  • Jamal
    Sometimes, and mostly partly.
  • S
    Take the second left. Give it to the time flies to gain entry.
  • The outlaw Josey Wales
    Clumsy sheep, confidential feat, farmers wish, wools a method, madness, floundering artists, flying carpets, around the wheels, secrets kept, lessons talk, chalked, blue bananna, nurse that goat, float disguised, robbery of youth, bong before song, long before small, intro after, laughter as casper.
  • Harry Hindu
    "I've got a monocle of the greater space and time. Some would like to get my monocle, try and use it for a crime. No success in that category, you see, it derives naturally, from the sublime, and that's where I broadcast me."
    -Telekinetic Walrus
  • Nils Loc
    This is how life began. Memes replicating in a thread over many millions of years blindly corroborating to swim against the flow of entropy.

    There are some features of this replication you can't break, unless you are a hacker of sorts.
  • Pierre-Normand
    "What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind."
    (Attributed to George Berkeley)
  • Wayfarer
    Materialism is simply and only the mistaking of methodological naturalism for philosophy. But once inside that perspective, any real philosophy becomes unintelligible, for reasons that are impossible to articulate, as they have been forgotten. It is like being locked in a room due to forgetting the key in your pocket. And because everyone you know is in the same place, then you even forget that it's a problem. All of which is exactly what was predicted in the Allegory of the Cave.

    Buddhist analysis here

    Neo-thomist analysis analysis here

    Find the thread out of the labyrinth. There's nothing else worth doing.
  • Nils Loc
    What about the Allegory of the Ship, what with the steering wheel and the way finding and the division of labor.

    Whether you sail for God or the nation, or a nation under God, for the captain chasing the white whale on the Sophia, or with your humble friend the Victorian Naturalist, Arwin, it doesn't change the science and adventure of way finding and the body of organization it requires.

    No amount of wishful thinking is going to change the ending to Moby Dick...

    Everything else is worth doing.
  • CasKev
    Just when I thought the bullshit would never end, she's getting replaced, and I might have a way out.
  • CasKev
    One leg sure. But a hundred virtually identical legs at the same time? Unlikely.
  • 0 thru 9
    Regarding the question, the definite and extremely conclusive answer is absolutely and positively NO. It is matter-of-factly impossible and inconceivable. All scientific evidence ever studied and demonstrated by every brilliant mind ever proves this indisputable and undeniable fact! Unquestionably and in all circumstances. The answer can only ever be NO. NO,NO,NO. End of story and discussion. A lead-pipe cinch. Rarely is the answer so clear and universally agreed upon!

    Unless... Except however though but maybe in the only unlikeliest outside impossibility it is very very extremely far-fetched that the answer might somehow under miraculous and incredible situations be in fact... possibly perhaps could be... MAYBE. Extremely unlikely, but at least theoretically possible. And since there is at least a millionth of a billionth of a chance of it possibly one day occurring, that then makes its eventual likelyhood practically guaranteed, so therefore it is overwhelmingly obvious that the only possible and logical answer is an unqualified YES! Everyone has known this since the beginning of time.
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