• Mikie

    And racists like you make racist remarks.
  • Lionino
    Oh no... p-p-please don't call me racist... I am literally not Hitler.

    Anyway there was nothing racist about that post. It has more to do that someone calling for people's death looks foldable with one punch — besides being ugly.
  • Mikie
    looks foldable with one punch — besides being uglyLionino

    In that case, definitely keep your icon a skull. I hear the same is true of racist internet trolls.
  • Mikie
  • Mikie
    Anyway, leaving racist incels aside, this is interesting:

    Omar draws criticism for suggesting some Jewish students are ‘pro-genocide.’

    Fine to call any protest “antiemetic,” but being pro-genocide (which happens to be closer to the truth) is a bridge too far. Such consistency in the genocide apologist logic.
  • Lionino
    Broken image. Try Google links.

    Anyway, leaving racist incels aside, this is interesting:Mikie

    Don't you think a 35 year old such as you should not be emulating teenage girl vocabulary? You definitely have the testosterone of one but it is still a bad look.
  • 180 Proof
    There is nothing threatening about opposing occupation and oppression. That is not antisemitism; you can agree with it or not. Even being anti-zionist is not antisemitic. There are hundreds of thousands, if not more, of ultra-orthodox Jews, including some who are in the Israeli government, who are anti-zionist but they are not antisemitic. They see themselves as the epitome of Jewishness and Jewish tradition.

    So there is politics and there is prejudice, and if we don't make a distinction between the two, then what we are actually doing is enforcing a kind of silence over the policies that have been conducted by the Israeli government for a long time and that have ultimately culminated now in the utter destruction of Gaza.
    — Omer Bartov, Israeli-American Holocaust scholar

    ... There's been no strong response to these campuses protests which involve vandalism (and apparently now hostage taking) and protestors barring Jewish students from campus in scenes reminiscent of the 1930s in Europe.BitconnectCarlos
    Your willful ignorance or disinformation is pathetic, BC, especially since many of the protestors are Jewish students. :shade:

    @RogueAI @tim wood @Moses and other Crimes Against Humanity (zion-über-alles!) apologists :eyes:
  • BitconnectCarlos

    There were naive and weak Jew who sympathized with the Reich and the brown shirts in the 30s as well. It's nothing new. JVP is just a front, nothing more. There is a Jewish community and it has a voice and it's not with JVP.
  • Moses

    Some blacks were fine with slavery & with their roles under the confederacy. Jews are beginning to realize that all that “racial justice” and DEI only applies to some groups. Jews get barred from campus and not a pipe from that crowd.
  • 180 Proof
    Some blacks were fine with slavery & with their roles under the confederacy.Moses
    How do you know this? (Of course you don't.) Sounds to me like the "happy slaves" trope of white supremacist propaganda. 'Uncle Toms' (e.g. Clarence Thomas) were/are not ever just "fine with their roles" ... But don't worry, Moses, I won't link you again to videos critical of Israeli oppression and atrocities – clearly, you're just fine with your role. :shade:
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Ah yes, those Jews have been wicked since the time of Joshua yet other groups are just oppressed little angels. But those Jews don't deserve justice due to their own wickedness. They've forfeited that.

    You know we have a word for this.
  • 180 Proof
    Colonizer-settler. :shade:
  • Moses

    Some blacks fought for the Confederacy. May I introduce you to Mr. Jesse Lee Peterson?
  • 180 Proof
    So what? Non sequitur.

    So what? Besides, modern Ashkenazim certainly were not – they are European invaders and colonizer-settlers.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Jews are one family. No Jew would tell you that they are indigenous to Poland. Or do you know better than them?
  • 180 Proof
    Jews are one family.BitconnectCarlos
    :roll: Tell that to the non-Ashkenazim of color (Mizrani Jews, Sephardic Jews, Ethopian Jews, Indian Jews) in Israel who are racially discriminated against and treated as second-class Israelis.

  • BitconnectCarlos

    Thanks for your insight into Jewish racial issues, rabbi :lol: :lol: :lol: :death:

    Please tell us more about the various types of Jews and their oppression levels relative to one another.
  • 180 Proof
    GFY and watch the videos I've linked throughout this thread. Or go troll someone else with your ahistorical apologia and disinformation.
  • tim wood
    An interesting video - perhaps a little dated - or not.
  • Mikie
    a 35 year old such as youLionino

    Hey thanks!

    Now run along little incel girl.
  • Lionino
    Now run along little incel girl.Mikie

  • Mikie

    That is what we imagine you looking like, incel. Well done. (Having a cartoon ready on the occasion that someone accurately describes you as an incel definitely shows you’re not one. Guess this happens a lot to you. )

    Truly amazing that a racist imbecile like this — and likely returned banned member — has lasted this long on this site.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Where did your mod powers go? Did the zionists do this to you?
  • Mikie

    No no, they’re too busy defending a genocide. Oh I’m sorry, I mean murdering thousands of babies.
  • Mikie
    Demonstrators agreed to dismantle their encampment at Brown, which had been removed by Tuesday evening, and university leaders said they would discuss, and later vote on, divesting funds from companies connected to the Israeli military campaign in Gaza.

    That’s how easy it is. :clap:

  • BitconnectCarlos

    That's right, and don't forgot how those nasty little Zionists stabbed Germany in the back during the Great War in which 2 million Germans were murdered. And don't forgot those Christian children used for their Zionist sacrifices in the Middle Ages. Those Zionists have been at it for a while! Don't you think it's time we did something about them, Mikie?
  • Mikie

    15,000 murdered children and counting. A genocide right before our eyes. I wouldn’t compare it to the Holocaust myself, but thanks for reminding us of WWII and how Nazis could get away with such atrocities thanks to apologists like you. But it’s Jewish guys in government doing it now, so it’s cool. They have good intentions and all.
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