• Wayfarer
    MAGA commentary on the verdict: a ‘mirror universe’, a world of ‘alternative facts’, whereTrump is the aggrieved and cheated legitimate president, and Biden the vicious dictator and subverter of the rule of law. Except that mirrors invert and image along a horizontal axis, while the Trumpworld mirror actually inverts it or turns it upside down. Hence the appropriateness of the upside-down flag motif.

    “Pick a side, or YOU are next,” wrote conservative talkshow host Dan Bongino on the Truth Social media platform in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s 34 felony convictions.

    The replies were even more so.

    “Dan, seriously now,” one user wrote in response to Bongino. “I see no way out of all this mess without bloodshed. When you can rig an election, then weaponize the government and the courts against a former President, what other alternative is there? I’m almost 70 and would rather die than live in tyranny.”

    That’s a common version of how many people on the US right reacted to the ex-president’s verdict, drawing on a “mirror world” where Trump is seen as the selfless martyr to powerful state forces and Joe Biden is the dangerous autocrat wielding the justice system as his own personal plaything and a threat to US democracy.

    Calls for revenge, retribution and violence littered the rightwing internet as soon as Trump’s guilty verdict came down, all predicated on the idea that the trial had been a sham designed to interfere with the 2024 election. Some posted online explicitly saying it was time for hangings, executions and civil wars.


    Again, I question that this outlook is 'right wing' or 'conservative'. It's no longer 'Conservative v Liberal', but those attacking the rule of law vs those attempting to uphold it, which include at least some Republicans. But then, the Republican Party as a whole has bent the knee to Trump so they bear culpability for the consequences.
  • Mikie
    Violent protesters were let off easy for razing city blocks, but if you take a lectern or put your feet on Pelosi’s desk your thrown in the gulag for years.NOS4A2


    These stats from the Gaza Health ministry?BitconnectCarlos

    Someone’s obsessed with defending genocide.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    When you cite stats it would be nice if you had a source.
  • Mikie
    Biden is attempting to imprison Trump.NOS4A2

    Trump never committed any [crimes]NOS4A2


    Stop! My abs hurt.
  • Mikie

    Unlike spouting bullshit, which need not be cited. Leaves you off the hook.
  • NOS4A2

    Stop! My abs hurt.

    It might be the soy shots, Xtrix.
  • Mikie
    It might be the soy shots, Xtrix.NOS4A2

    Xtrix is my old screenname. And what’s “soy shots”? You mean steroid shots?

    Does literally everything you write have to be absurd and incoherent? It’s like a natural law.

    Anyway, stick to the stuff where Trump has never committed crimes and the real issue is Hunter Biden, etc. Much funnier than when you try to be.
  • Fooloso4
    a ‘mirror universe’, a world of ‘alternative facts’,Wayfarer

    An apt description. Each side suspecting the other of the same things. One result of this rhetorical
    tactic is that reasoned argument is defeated.
  • NOS4A2

    Trump hasn’t committed any crimes, nor could you name where he did. All I get is emojis.

    Biden family corruption is the real problem. 10% to the big guy. But thanks for the tip.
  • Wayfarer
    Each side suspecting the other of the same thingsFooloso4

    But don't fall for the 'equivalence' fallacy. Only one side is based wholly on lies, even though the other side might also not always be truthful.
  • Mikie
    Trump hasn’t committed any crimesNOS4A2


    He’s a felon. Just convicted. Maybe you didn’t hear about it.

    Biden family corruption is the real problem.NOS4A2

    Yes! Lol. Thanks for getting back to your funniest material.

    Wait let me do one: “Trump is the greatest president in history and had the biggest inaugural crowd ever.”
  • NOS4A2

    Oh dear. And before the appeals, too.

    There are plenty wrongly convicted felons. Should the various appeals overturn the results and rebuke the sham trial you fell for you might have to admit the same, I’m afraid. But I’m sure you’ll be quite reticent at that time, won’t you. At least we have you on record.
  • Mr Bee
    Trump hasn’t committed any crimes, nor could you name where he did. All I get is emojis.NOS4A2

    Here's another "emoji" for you: Trump heard on tape discussing 'highly confidential, secret' documents
  • NOS4A2

    And? You realize the president has the highest declassification powers in the entire US government. Would it worry you if Biden stole and held classified documents for decades, even though he lacked the declassification powers to do so?
  • Mikie
    There are plenty wrongly convicted felons.NOS4A2

    :rofl: Yes yes!!

    Please continue your incomprehensible defense of this degenerate con man. It’s comedic gold.
  • Mr Bee
    Hear the fucking tape. Is it wrong or is it not? I don't care about whatever else you bring up with Biden. It shouldn't be that hard to see a crime as a crime when the facts call for it.
  • NOS4A2

    I’ve heard the fucking tape. Which classified document is he referencing?
  • Mikie

    Up is down and black is white. Don’t try to reason— just enjoy the show. Trump is perfect— the rest follows.
  • NOS4A2
    Up is down and black is white. Don’t try to reason— just enjoy the show.

    The most abject conjecture and persistent appeal to authority is their highest degree of evidence, ladies and gentlemen.
  • Mr Bee
    Don’t try to reason— just enjoy the show.Mikie

    I'd enjoy it if the stakes weren't so high.
  • Mikie

    Not that much riding on some rambling imbecile on the internet. Just come to this thread to laugh a little and go about your day.
  • Mikie
    The most abject conjecture and persistent appeal to authority is their highest degree of evidenceNOS4A2

    Says an election denier, a climate denier, and a Trump defender. :rofl:
  • NOS4A2

    I'd enjoy it if the stakes weren't so high.

    To answer your question, No, there is nothing wrong with what Trump or Biden did with so-called classified documents.
  • NOS4A2
    Says an election denier, a climate denier, and a Trump defender. :rofl:

    All the buzzwords in a row, well done. And an emoji icing on top. We’re racking up a fine record of insight here.
  • Mikie


    Carry on.
  • fishfry
    Another boring “both-sides” guy. How original— how interesting.Mikie

    That's funny. The other day you accused me of getting my world view from Sean Hannity. Today you're crediting me with openmindedness. I suppose that's an improvement.

    Actually if you read my post, I get my world view on this issue from A Man for All Seasons. I'd give the Devil the protection of the law for my own safety. A point that every single respondent has totally missed. @Wayfarer says, "I see what side you're on" as if I'd opened with partisanship. I went out of my way not to. J6! J6! J6! Complete with a picture. As if that bears on anything I said.

    I must say, nothing in this thread has impressed me about the assembled philosophers. Is it the Lounge, or just the Trump effect? Logic, reason and reading comprehension are in short supply.
  • Mr Bee
    I must say, nothing in this thread has impressed me about the assembled philosophers. Is it the Lounge, or just the Trump effect? Logic, reason and reading comprehension are in short supply.fishfry

    It's called politics. You'd be wise to stay away from it.
  • substantivalism
    And Trump never committed any. They literally have to conjure them out of thin air in order to maintain a delusion.NOS4A2
    Was he admitted into a greater political position within the U.S.? Then he had to do something to get there the same as all the others.

    Who did he mislead? What laws did he break/skirt around? What economic favors did he sign off on against the better judgements of its citizens? Etc. . .

    If you haven't found what they have committed wrong then you aren't thinking/looking hard enough.
  • NOS4A2

    It doesn’t follow, for me. The evidence shows that the wrongdoing was when the “intelligence community” and the media, in the US and abroad, defrauded their citizens into believing that Russia had an agent of the Kremlin, a dictator, a criminal running the country. The result of that charade is the total moral panic Trump’s detractors now find themselves trapped within. He has become a folk devil. As a result, they have become the petty despots they claimed to have feared. Every time they mention democracy, the rule of law, or some other bromide, we are only reminded of how quick they are to violate them.
  • Fooloso4
    But don't fall for the 'equivalence' fallacy.Wayfarer

    Right! It is a rhetorical tactic. There is no equivalence, but when the danger of Trump and the red tie sycophants is pointed out their propaganda machine accuses Biden and everyone else who tries to hold Trump to account of the very things that Trump is guilty of.

    The erosion of trust is likely to continue no matter who is elected. 'Us vs Them' leaves no common ground. Perhaps the disarray of coalitions falling apart will lead us to something better. Perhaps not.
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