• Benkei
    What is? So far I've only seen inferences, which is mostly wishful thinking from GOPhers. The DNC would've had options during their convention to sideline Biden within the rules as well.
  • Benkei
    BTW, excellent commentary from two Dutch comedians back in the 80`s which has only become more relevant:

    if only the Indians would've had a more stringent immigration policy, the US wouldn't be such a mess today.
  • NOS4A2

    A lot more are calling it a coup than are claiming the earth is flat. What would you call it? The Dems lied for three years to hid Biden's infirmity, then stabbed him in the back. When Nancy Pelosi comes to you and says, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way," and a letter is put out that you clearly didn't write, that's a coup.

    I wager that this little story is not over. The 25th amendment is invoked by the vice president and the cabinet. The vice president is Kamala Harris. Now she is the candidate for president. That’s a real, third-world coup, and that’s how desperate they are.
  • Tzeentch
    What is? So far I've only seen inferences, which is mostly wishful thinking from GOPhers. The DNC would've had options during their convention to sideline Biden within the rules as well.Benkei

    Imagine Rutte saying something along the lines of "We can do this the easy way or the hard way" to get Yesilgöz to drop out of the seat of party leader. (Doesn't translate perfectly to Dutch politics, but I think you catch my meaning)

    Basically unthinkable. It would be political suicide if something like that became public.
  • Echarmion
    Basically unthinkable. It would be political suicide if something like that became public.Tzeentch

    Why? What do you think "the hard way" implies that makes it unthinkable? Power struggles within parties do happen, and they do often get pretty ugly, though not as often publicly ugly.
  • NOS4A2
    I thought it was annoying when Harris' critics panned her as a "DEI hire" when they should perhaps focus on her horrible politics. But in trying to discover whether in fact Kamala Harris was chosen for reasons of DEI, one can't help to find that "racial diversity" was a big concern for Biden when selecting a vice president, but only after promising he was going to select a woman.

    Harry Reid, the former Senate majority leader, said race had been essential to Mr. Biden’s decision.

    “I think he came to the conclusion that he should pick a Black woman,” Mr. Reid said. “They are our most loyal voters and I think that the Black women of America deserved a Black vice-presidential candidate.”


    The demands to pick a black woman are growing louder, and not just from black voters. Polling from a Politico/Morning Consult survey this week found 46% of Democrats say it's important for Biden to choose a candidate of color as his running mate. That's up from 36% in early April.

    Former DNC Chair and 2o04 Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean said he's witnessed an evolution in his own thinking in just the past two weeks.

    "I haven't lived through a time like this since 1968," he said. Dean said prior to the past few weeks, he thought having a black running mate "would have been nice." Now he thinks it's critical.


    Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden committed Sunday to picking a woman for his vice president if he were to win the party’s nomination.

    Speaking during a CNN-hosted primary debate with fellow candidate Bernie Sanders, Biden said: “There are a number of women who would be qualified to be president,” and that he would choose a woman as his running mate.


    She was, in fact, a "DEI hire.
  • frank
    She was, in fact, a "DEI hire.NOS4A2

  • NOS4A2

    People should not be appointed to office based on their race and gender.
  • frank
    People should not be appointed to office based on their race and gender.NOS4A2

    Why not?
  • NOS4A2

    It's racist and sexist.
  • AmadeusD
    Why not?frank

    You cannot be seriously encouraging hiring practices which are overtly racist and sexist, diminishing the value and achievement of those marginalised groups in the crosshair? Tbf, you openly wish Trump had been assassinated successfully. It's a shame that otherwise intelligent people let their brains fall out their ass and become moral monsters within politics.
  • frank

    You can't.
  • frank
    It's racist and sexistNOS4A2

    They don't think so. Why does your opinion matter when it's not even your county?
  • NOS4A2
    Someone remarked about the similarities between the upcoming DNC convention and the 1968 one.

    Back then Johnson backed out of the race, supposedly due to his poor showing in the primaries. The assassination of potential candidate RFK had left supporters disillusioned with the prospects. Given the recent statement of BLM’s opposition to the way Harris was coronated, against their democratic principles, can we expect to see some fireworks at the convention like they had in 1968?


  • NOS4A2

    You don’t care about a race and gender-based selection process in politics?
  • AmadeusD
    Well done; have a cookie.

    Once again, proving the above. At least attempt not to be ethically disgusting.
  • frank
    You don’t care about a race and gender-based selection process in politics?NOS4A2

    Why do you care? It's not even your country.
  • frank
    Once again, proving the above. At least attempt not to be ethically disgusting.AmadeusD

    You could stand to grow a sense of humor, Amadeus. :razz:
  • NOS4A2

    I have a conscience. What does yours say about giving people power on the basis of their race and gender?
  • frank
    I have a conscience. What does yours say about giving people power on the basis of their race and gender?NOS4A2

    Your conscience is telling you to be outraged at American politics? For real?
  • AmadeusD
    This is... quite rich.
  • NOS4A2

    I am outraged that people are given power based on race and gender, yes. You’re not?
  • frank
    I am outraged that people are given power based on race and gender, yes. You’re not?NOS4A2

    So you're outraged. Why should other people live by your rules?
  • NOS4A2

    I didn’t say they should. I’ve never imposed any rules. Why do you think it is ok to give someone power based on their race and gender?
  • frank
    I didn’t say they should.NOS4A2

    Cool. You're quite ready to live and let live.
  • NOS4A2

    No answer, then?

    The evasion is only a sign that you do not want to answer, but I suspect it is to hide a contradiction. The dissonance you feel occurs when two contradictory values are colliding, and I suspect these values are your love of power and party versus your sense of justice. In order to rid yourself of that dissonance you need to align them, either by ridding yourself of one of them, or to continue lying to yourself. The change will occur, but I hope it benefits your sense of justice more than your love of power and party. You only really need one of them.
  • frank

    And you're happy to let Americans live however they like. :up:
  • NOS4A2
    A sign of things to come in Biden’s little presser tonight. Biden didn’t step down for health reasons.

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