• Jamal
    But you only see it if you go to "Mentions" in your profile menu, don't you? Or is it that you're not clicking on the notification and it's still telling you in the title bar that you've got mentions?
  • m-theory
    Anyway great work on the site...I was reluctant to migrate over at first because I was already accustom to the PF layout.
    But PF has pretty much crapped out these days constantly one problem after another with little maintenance it seems.

    I am glad I made the move and now that I am used to it I really appreciate all the work put into this site.
    Again great work and thank you so much for doing this for all those involved of the dev and maintenance.
  • m-theory

    As far as I can tell it is working as intended I was just wondering if clearing the board was a feature and I simply could not find it.
    I was basically asking the question if it was a feature.
  • Jamal

    Note that we use a hosted service called PlushForums, which is based on some kind of fork of Vanilla Forums, so I'm not actually a developer of the software. However, the developers do respond to feature requests.
  • m-theory

    Oh cool thanks.
    I thought this was put together from scratch so I was really impressed.

    Well thanks everyone that had the foresight to start a new place for the community to migrate to then.
  • Jamal
    Well thanks everyone that had the foresight to start a new place for the community to migrate to then.m-theory

    On behalf of the original TPF crew: you're welcome. @Hanover was our guiding light, of course. Now there's a true visionary.
  • Baden
    Hanover was our guiding light, of course. Now there's a true visionary.jamalrob

    Excuse me while I take shelter to avoid the imminent tsunami of Hanoverian ego.
  • Baden
    The quote function doesn't work for me on Chrome. This seems to be a recent thing. Anybody else have this problem?
  • Michael
    Works fine for me.
  • Michael
    The "Share" link doesn't work properly. It's just the URL in the browser, e.g. http://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/9/missing-features-bugs-questions-about-how-to-do-stuff/p8 rather than a direct link to the actual comment, e.g. http://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/comment/18796#Post_18796

    And if you use the latter then every comment's "Share" link on the page links to that exact comment.

    Edit: Actually, it works if you click the link which then provides a modal box containing the correct link, but if you right click and "Copy link address" then it uses the browser URL. I'm guessing most (normal) people don't do the latter much.
  • Baden
    Strange. I think I'm up to date. Does work for me on Firefox at least.
  • Michael
    This post isn't showing. Appears in my recent comments list and still shows me as the latest post in the discussion info. It'll probably appear when someone else posts, but for now it's invisible.
  • Baden
    That link takes me to one of Wayfarer's posts (with one of yours just above). I don't see any posts in your comments list that aren't in the discussion anyway. So, maybe it did appear later. Did you try multiple devices, browsers when looking for it?
  • Michael
    As I predicted it appeared after someone else posted. It seems to be that it believed there to be only 9 pages when in fact there should have been 10.
  • Baden
    I've noticed my posts sometimes appearing at the bottom of one page first and then later at the top of a new page that has suddenly appeared. Never disappearing though.
  • Michael
    When @Harry Hindu quotes me in a post I don't get the usual notification. I seem to get notifications from everyone else. Is he broken? Am I?

    Although, to be fair, I might not have noticed if others had quoted me without me being notified, given that I wouldn't be notified. Either way, notifications ain't working right.
  • Agustino
    I noticed the same thing as well.
  • Michael
    Just with him or in general?
  • Agustino
    ?? For him? Oh I see what you mean. No. I referenced a different post

    This post isn't showing. Appears in my recent comments list and still shows me as the latest post in the discussion info. It'll probably appear when someone else posts, but for now it's invisible.Michael
  • Michael
    Oops, my bad. :-*
  • Baden
    I've missed several notifications (and thus replies) too lately, particularly when there's been a couple of replies in a row. This happening to anyone else? Also, might as well use this opportunity to tell you that we've discovered if you edit into your post a tag to someone else after initially posting without one, it seems they won't be notified. Maybe it was that.
  • Baden
    When Harry Hindu quotes me in a post I don't get the usual notificationMichael

    Odd. That was the most recent example for me too. :chin:
  • javi2541997
    I do not know if this is the correct place to share my struggle with cleaning up the memory of my computer. There appears to be a file called 'Garry's Mod,' which was a game from Steam. It takes up 12.5 GB, and it is a good idea to uninstall this game, archive, or whatever it is.

    However, when I click on the uninstall button, the window says: 'This file cannot be found.' How can this happen? A file with 12.5 GB seems not to exist, but at the same time, it occupies space in the memory of my computer.

    UPDATE: Don't worry, folks. ChatGPT already helped me find the file on my computer, and now it has been deleted forever.
  • BC
    What would we do without chatgpt?

    Heard a music program about Chanukah (commemorating the alleged miracle of 1 day's oil burning for 8 days) in the newly sanctified temple in Jerusalem). Was it a miracle? On the one hand, God could have made one ounce of olive oil burn for 8 days--grossly violating the number of BTUs in the oil at the bottom of the bottle, but with God all things are possible. On the other hand, maybe God located some oil that Judah the Maccabee had overlooked in his inventory. God, after all, sees all, knows all, and maintains a detailed list of all. Like as not He knew about an unopened bottle of cooking oil that was under some loose planks. Large bottle -- good for at least 192 hours of continuous burn in the Menorah.

    At the time, Jerusalem was ruled by the Seleucids, ethnic Syrians who were part of the Greek empire. The Seleucids tried to impose Greek values on the Jews and pressured them to stop worshipping God and following the tenets of their faith.

    Many Jews went along with this plan and assimilated into Greek culture, but a feisty minority refused to comply. Led by Judah the Maccabee, these faithful Jews with only primitive weaponry managed to defeat the mightiest empire in the world. They drove the Greeks from the Holy Land, reclaimed the Temple in Jerusalem, and rededicated it to the service of God.

    I suppose the Seleucids were bitter and resentful about losing a war with the Jews. Probably accused them of war crimes.

    The program focused on the Ladino tradition -- Ladino is old Spanish still spoken by Jews from the Spanish diaspora.

    In 14 hundred and 92
    Columbus sailed the ocean blue
    While Isabel and Ferdinand,
    Total creeps those two,
    issued an edict expelling the Jews)

    Ladino preserves many words and grammatical usages that have been lost in modern Spanish. It also has a more conservative sound system—for example, f and g sounds still occur where modern Spanish has an h (not pronounced), as in Ladino fijo, fablar versus Spanish hijo, hablar, and Ladino agora versus Spanish ahora.

    If you see a candelabra in a window, that's what it's about.

    On the one hand, zero percent of this information was supplied by ChatGPT. On the other hand, I didn't make t up either. The part about God's mysterious ways is straight from the Horse's mouth.

    @Hanover -- you got your Menorah going yet?
  • javi2541997
    for example, f and g sounds still occur where modern Spanish has an h (not pronounced), as in Ladino fijo, fablar versus Spanish hijo, hablar, and Ladino agora versus Spanish ahora

    The English subtitles are available in this video. Please watch it. I think you would like it.

  • BC
    Thank you. It is interesting, but it is also very late here in Central Standard Time Land, so I'll watch it tomorrow.
  • javi2541997

    All I can say is, wish you a good night, then!
  • jorndoe
    I've been getting some "502 Bad Gateway" errors lately.
    Also a "System error. Please contact us for assistance." today.
    Are the forums under heavy load?
  • Jamal

    The site was down for a while some time in the last 5 hours due to a lack of disk space. I'll have to solve this by deleting lots of file uploads and blocking or restricting further uploads.
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