• NOS4A2
    Trump plans to end taxes on overtime if elected. Who would've thought he'd fight for the American worker?

    "As part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime," Trump said in remarks at a rally in Tucson, Arizona. "Your overtime hours will be tax-free."


    Kamala's political triangulation suggests she will be stealing this pledge in due time.
  • Mr Bee
    Why didn't he do this during his first term? Unlike Harris he was actually president and actually did a big tax cut bill for the ultra wealthy.
  • 180 Proof
    Today in Trumpenfreude

    NASDAQ (DJT :rofl:)

    4Sept24 – $16.98 per share (-36% past month)
    (NASDAQ 17,084.10)
    180 Proof
    13Sept24 – $16.12 per share :down:
    (NASDAQ 17,395.53) :up:
  • jorndoe
    Conspiracy theorists claim that "They" are looking for destruction, referencing:

    The strategy aims to utilize "militant anti poverty groups" to facilitate a "political crisis" by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and "redistributing income through the federal government".Cloward–Piven strategy · Wikipedia

    But while the image of the libertarian potential of advanced industrial society is repressed (and hated) by the managers of repression and their consumers, it motivates the radical opposition and gives it its strange unorthodox character. Very different from the revolution at previous stages of history, this opposition is directed against the totality of a well-functioning, prosperous society – a protest against its Form – the commodity form of men and things, against the imposition of false values and a false morality. This new consciousness and the instinctual rebellion isolate such opposition from the masses and from the majority of organized labor, the integrated majority, and make for the concentration of radical politics in active minorities, mainly among the young middle-class intelligentsia, and among the ghetto populations. Here, prior to all political strategy and organization, liberation becomes a vital, “biological” need.An Essay on Liberation · Herbert Marcuse · 1969
  • L'éléphant
    Trump plans to end taxes on overtime if elected. Who would've thought he'd fight for the American worker?

    "As part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime," Trump said in remarks at a rally in Tucson, Arizona. "Your overtime hours will be tax-free."


    Interesting! I work overtime. So, that's great!
  • jorndoe
    Former CBC host Carol Off wants to take the word 'freedom' back from the far right (— Sheena Goodyear, Kate Swoger · CBC · Sep 3, 2024)

    Why do they lie? (— Carol Off · Human Rights Hub @ Instagram · Sep 13, 2024)

    We've probably all heard it, "But they all lie", hence the worst can keep getting away with it.

    Random paraphrases of the day...
    To a hammer everything is a nail.
    To a radical much else is a radical problem.
    Choosing the right battles matter.
  • praxis

    If democrats had majority control of congress Trump could pass legislation supporting workers.
  • NOS4A2

    Yeah right.
  • Mikie
    If democrats had majority control of congress Trump could pass legislation supporting workers.praxis

    True— but that’s assuming he wants to help workers; his entire business and political life says otherwise.
  • praxis

    It’s obviously an act of desperation. Next week he’ll be promising to eliminate taxes altogether.
  • Mikie

    Yes. Fun to watch the corporate-owned trickle-downers try to navigate all this.

    Yeah, he’ll pretty much say anything at this point. Taxes, abortion, electric cars (now that Elon is on his side, he likes them), anything.

    And always remember: they’re EATING the DAWGS.
  • Eros1982
    The guy who lost his job because he called Trump incompetent is now saying that Kamala may be even more incompetent lol


    With regard now to what are you saying about eliminating overtime taxes, it seems that you have missed the point. The point is not preserving inequalities, the point is making people to work more.

    A Green New Deal promised by the democrats would have brought more jobs and innovations to the USA and to the whole world, but since the democrats spent more money in covid relief and armaments, the only countries that have really seen some kind of green/electrical revolutions lately are China and South Korea. Harris seems to have totally forgotten the democratic green hive of the previous elections and her only pledge about improving economy is to help single mothers with the groceries.
  • praxis
    the point is making people to work more.Eros1982

    Yeah, eight hours a day isn’t enough. Make America healthy again!
  • Eros1982
    I like to listen to NPR in my working hours, but its producers can't stop promoting Kamala and insulting Trump. They even called a psychology professor to explain Trump's narcissism. I wonder if someone would have paid that professor to explain Kamala's negative traits, how easy would have been for him to invent some "psychological science" on Kamala also :grin:

    NPR is supposed to be a public radio, but since August it has become like another democratic parrot. With this kind of daily coverage, many public and private media will keep making people suspicious that this country is really controlled by the democrats and anti-Trump billionaires.

    Most of the liberal media (viz. the majority of the US media outlets) have found nothing wrong with Kamala the last two months, and they won't bother to fact check her. The same media are implying that the election has been already decided from the presidential debate on Sept 10th, though very little substance was seen on that debate (i.e. Trumps' constant rambling on immigrants, Kamala's strong support for cheap groceries and US made oil, and the candidates' views on Israel & Ukraine.... all other issues were left to the imagination of the voters).
  • 180 Proof

    Another "assassination attempt"(?) today. I hope The Old Fat Fascist Clown lives long enough to see Kamala Harris sworn in as the 47th POTUS on 20January25. :victory: :party:
  • Fooloso4

    If the investigators, reporters, and producers at NPR have, based on the facts, concluded that he is a serious danger to the US democracy and groups of people don't they have a journalistic responsibility to say so?
  • Mikie


    Who said the above?

    A) a random troll on Instagram
    B) a 9-year-old boy
    C) a young girl who couldn’t get tickets
    D) a 78-year old former United States president

    Any guesses?
  • Benkei
    trick question. E. All of the above.
  • Benkei
    Nothing burger. Considering the weapons carried, he wasn't even close to anywhere at an attempt.
  • Tzeentch
    400 yards is definitely within maximum effective range for a modern AKM-style rifle.
  • Benkei
    Nope. Designed for a range up to 300 meters and it's shit to aim with beyond distances of 200 meters. With a 3-4 MOA, you're talking about 17 to 22 cm deviation over 200 meters, which means a killing shot at 200 meters is nothing more than a hail mary, at 400 yards it's nonsense.


    But I see now they are describing it as an AK-47 style weapon, so could be a 103 or M version, which are a bit more accurate at longer distances but still not enough for 400 yards.
  • Tzeentch
    Here's a video of someone taking shots at up to 500 yards with a Type-56, which is a Chinese-made AK variant, using only iron sights.

    So yes, definitely within maximum effective range.
  • Benkei
    Still has an MOA of 3-4, so no. Hitting anything at such distances is a trick shot. Not realistic under real circumstances.
  • Eros1982

    Maybe it's their right to do so.

    To tell you the truth I think we will be better without Trump. But I do worry for our journalism. Turning Kamala into a hero overnight, crediting her with qualities she does not have, etc., will turn people away from liberal media outlets. These media do not sound serious or sincere every time that election approaches. There is a bigger probability to read something negative about Trump on conservative media, than reading something negative about Kamala on liberal media. The latter are really making Trump look like a victim in the eyes of millions of people.
  • Eros1982
    D) a 78-year old former United States presidentMikie

    That was very stupid of him. But, I am wondering: does this guy take any advices from other people?

    He used to be advised by Ivanka and Jared when he was in office, but now I am not sure whom he listens to. (If I remember well, when he was president there were a couple of times when Ivanka made him deactivate his Twitter --but I am not very sure on this).

    Three days before the presidential debate, a columnist in The Guardian wrote that Trump is so sure about himself that he won't bother to prepare for the debate with Harris. I laughed when I read those things, only to find three days later that the columnist was 100% right.
  • Tzeentch
    It's not a trick shot. You see the man in the video do it twice at various ranges in sequence, using a gun without a scope that is not his own.

    Say we were to give the man in the video a modern AK with a scope and several months to train with the rifle. Then you get to sit in the place of the 'torso-shaped target' at 500 yards.

    Would it count as a nothing burger to you?

    PS: I actually found a picture of the rifle he was carrying. Looks more like an SKS than an AK. Almost certainly longer-barreled than a regular AK.

  • Fooloso4
    Maybe it's their right to do so.Eros1982

    It is not a question of their right but of what is right.

    Turning Kamala into a hero overnight, crediting her with qualities she does not have, etc.Eros1982

    The public response to her campaign is news worthy. Perhaps there is some gushing from some sources but this is not as serious an issue as Trump's being unfit for office.

    These media do not sound serious or sincere every time that election approaches.Eros1982

    The line between news and entertainment has been blurred.
  • Benkei
    Did you watch it? Misses: 1 on 150y, 3 out of 5 at 350y, 4 out of 6 at 400y, 4 out of 6 at 450y, 5 out of 7 at 500y.

    And these are stationary targets, the gunman is stationary and in a supported position, where he knows the distance to the target and can adjust sights accordingly.

    Travel distance where the bullet can kill is several kilometers for an AK-47, but that's not what effective range is. Effective range is the maximum distance at which a weapon may be expected to be accurate and achieve the desired effect. Missing stationary targets more often than not means it cannot be expected to be accurate and achieve a kill. So 300y is more or less the max. for this type of AK-47, probably less since the targets were stationary and the gunman in an optimal position.
  • Tzeentch
    Of course I watched it. Seems like a perfectly decent showcase of marksmanship to me, that clearly shows 500 yards is well within the maximum effective range of a Type 56. His shooting is clearly accurate. And that's with iron sights.

    Again, say this person were to be given a modern AK platform with a scope and several months to familiarize himself fully with the rifle, would you think it a 'nothing burger' to take the place of the torso-shaped target? Would you say "Oh, don't worry, they can't hit us from here" (which is what you would be saying had you deemed yourself outside of the weapon's maximum effective range).

    No, clearly not. You'd be shitting thick bricks.
  • Benkei
    Of course I watched it. Seems like a perfectly decent showcase of marksmanship to me, that clearly shows 500 yards is well within the maximum effective range of a Type 56. His shooting is clearly accurate. And that's with iron sights.Tzeentch

    Not what maximum effective range refers to.

    Again, say this person were to be given a modern AK platform with a scope and a several months to familiarize himself fully with the rifle, would you think it a 'nothing burger'? Would you say "Oh, don't worry, they can't hit us from here" (which is what you would be saying had you deemed yourself outside of the weapon's maximum effective range).Tzeentch

    You don't understand what MOA is then because a scope doesn't change it. You can aim with a scope all you want, the bullets are simply going all over the place within the MOA.
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