• Arcane Sandwich
    Do you really think you can get consistency between 3 citizens picked at random from each of the world's countries ( so, less than 600 citizens of the world) as to their demands and expectations regarding compatibility of monarchies as a form of government? 600 out of 7-8 billion people? Good luck!kazan

    Thanks, I'll need it. The luck, that is.

    if you restrict your statistical base to those that are interested in this area of governance and choose by the same method i.e. 3 at random that are interested per country, you may get lucky....kazan

    Hmmm... do I agree with this? It sounds like a reasonable thing to say, but I should test it to accurately quantify its degree of scientificity.

    In short, the 21st Century worldwide public has more pressing interests in their own neighbourhood.kazan

    I know, that's true. But I'm asking you (I'm asking everyone, really) how does that make sense? It makes no rational sense.

    Not having a shot at youkazan

    Republics, autocracies, oligarchies etc. etc, all have executive problemskazan

    Which is why monarchies exist to "dignify" the three efficient powers: the executive power, the legislative power, and the judicial power. Argentina has the latter but not the former: we have the three powers (executive, legislative, judicial) but no fourth power (the royal power) to dignify them (the three efficient powers). It's an odd thing, is what I'm saying.

    Maybe,the question to ask is "What governance works best for which country's people at any given time?" and give it a name or categorize it when it's working.kazan

    Right, but then you end up with scientific problems, because maybe (for example) slavery worked better than capitalism in some specific town of the 19th century in the state of Tennessee or whatever. That doesn't mean anything to me, I'm against slavery on purely moral and Ethical grounds.

    The realization that politics/policies in some/most countries have world wide effects is another whole bowl of goldfish teetering on the edge of the ledge as well.

    Just a thought.

    It's a nice thought.

    Will leave it up to Banno to explain the position/relationship of the Gov - General, Charlie and the Aust parliaments in this constitutional monarchy.... that is what we still call it, isn't it?
    Banno's more verbally cost/time efficient.

    Tolerant, but not superior, smile

    Yeah but he doesn't wanna talk about it, "mate".
  • Arcane Sandwich
    Pfft... there are a lot of things that are "incompatible with the demands and expectations of the worldwide public of the 21st century," and I think a king or queen is less harmful to the people, honestly.javi2541997

    Sure. And you're right. Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, generally have no actual influence in efficient matters. Except for Lady Di, also known as Diana, Princess of Wales. Not only was she "less harmful to the people", as you say, I would go even further: she was more beneficial to the people.

    Ethics and a Republic either. :wink: --javi2541997

    Hmmm... Well, it's the Royalty vs Republic debate, isn't it? Man, that one is really tough just from a philosophical standpoint. Is it possible for one to be both a Republican and a Royalist? I don't think so, that doesn't make sense to me. You're either a Republican or a Royalist, you have to choose. Right? Or am I wrong about that? It's an "either, or" type of thing. (O lo uno o lo otro, como decía Kierkegaard).

    Is Maduro an ethical politician to his own people?javi2541997

    No idea. I don't think so, because Republicanism is not the only type of political philosophy that characterizes the situation of Maduro, politics, and his own people.

    It is an old classic debate. Yes, there are strong republics such as Germany or Ireland, but also monarchies that represent the welfare like Denmark and Japan. I mean, it is obvious that the Japanese system (a monarchy) is by far more ethical than Ecuador or Mexico. But, at the same time, our royaltyjavi2541997

    But see that's my point. Argentina does not have a royalty. Let me ask you this: in your honest opinion, should every country in the world have a royalty? Should there be, for example, a "King of the Planet"? Or should every country have its own royalty?

    EDIT: La última parte, en Castellano. Ves, ese es mi punto. La Argentina no tiene una realeza. Así que permitime preguntarte esto: en tu honesta opinión, acaso debería cada país en el mundo tener una realeza? Debiera haber, por ejemplo, un "Rey del Planeta"? O debiera cada país tener su propia realeza?
  • javi2541997
    Is it possible for one to be both a Republican and a Royalist?Arcane Sandwich

    I agree that it is not possible to be a Republican and a royalist at the same time. Each of those systems would depend on the idiosyncrasy of the peoples. I guess—and understand—that one of the pillars' of Argentina's soul is the Republic, and Belgrano, as one of the heroes of the independence, is the collective consciousness of Argentine people.

    Should we try to be a republic as well? We tried it two times (1873 and 1931), and both were a complete catastrophe. It didn't work out well because the Republic was basically against Spain's soul. Thus, Catholicism, Unionism, Centralism... We currently have a very leftist government on, and it is doing its best to get a multi-national peninsula. The results are poor and mediocre. I feel like Spain under a republic loses its essence, but a monarchy represents the union between Spaniards. It is not the best option, indeed. There are many issues that still remain: What would happen when Juan Carlos I died? And then, how would Leonor's incumbent be? Etc. I don't see a Republic on the horizon; that's a fact.

    Republicanism is not the only type of political philosophy that characterizes the situation of Maduro, politics, and his own people.Arcane Sandwich

    I think Maduro is not a representative of anything. Yet he is the president of a sovereign nation, Venezuela, that is a republic. The way he acts is off of 21st demands, but we can't blame the Venezuelan constitution for having such a prick for the grace of the Lord. Then, a republic could also be backwards depending on who is responsible for the management.

    in your honest opinion, should every country in the world have a royalty?Arcane Sandwich

    No, no. Because not every nation is prepared to be a monarchy; as well as not all nations are ready to switch to a republic. But this is not necessarily an impediment to being friends. Look at the current diplomatic situation between Spain and Argentina. Javier Milei is clearly more fond of Felipe VI and monarchists than with Pedro Sanchez (a person who obviously roots for republican vibes). Well, as I said before, being royalist or republican would depend on the idiosyncrasy we were grown up with!

    La Argentina no tiene una realeza. Así que permitime preguntarte esto: en tu honesta opinión, acaso debería cada país en el mundo tener una realeza? Debiera haber, por ejemplo, un "Rey del Planeta"? O debiera cada país tener su propia realeza?Arcane Sandwich

    Sí, tío, te entendí genial y haces preguntas muy buenas. No creo que Argentina deba tener una realeza, pero España tampoco convertirse en una republica. Al final, las raíces y la idiosincrasia pesan mucha en el alma y la mentalidad colectiva de cada pueblo.
  • javi2541997
    -- Alas, an international organisation appears to be insufficient for the most relevant matters. Look at the attitude of the UN towards Palestine, for instance. Furthermore, if Australia would have a dispute with Spain because of the eucalyptus, both nations would resolve it bilaterally. No supranational entity can do anything.

    Why should Australia listen to the UN rather than the ambassador of Spain? So Spain has the Australian ambassador as well.
  • Arcane Sandwich
    it is doing its best to get a multi-national peninsula.javi2541997

    Hmmm... But Spain was always a multi-national peninsula, is what they would say in response to that. The most obvious example is the Basque Country. But then there are more subtle cases, like Cataluña. You cannot seriously tell me that Cataluña is better than El Reino de Aragón y Castilla. And so it becomes a very strange thing to talk about, especially in English. Especially in a Thread called "Australian politics". Hmmm... is it correct to talk about this, here? Well, they (the Australians) are part of a monarchy, so I would say yes.

    But that's not what we were just talking about, @javi2541997. What you and I were just talking about is Hispanidad, not Royalty vs Republic. Here in Argentina, there is a holiday (I can't remember what type of holiday it is, I don't want to say something barbaric), that is called "Día de la Hispanidad". I do not celebrate it myself. Because you said the following:

    Al final, las raíces y la idiosincrasia pesan mucha en el alma y la mentalidad colectiva de cada pueblo.javi2541997

    Yo no siento que la Hispanidad sea parte de mi idiosincrasia. Ni que decir del alma, en la cual no creo. ¿Mentalidad colectiva? ¿Y que sería eso, buen hombre? Que yo sepa, la única mentalidad que tengo es la que está en mi cerebro, disculpe usted mi materialismo. Que existen pueblos, se lo concedo. Es que es una trivialidad decir eso. Ahora, si usted me pregunta "¿Existe la Hispanidad?" Yo que se, buen hombre. Que eso es cosa de poetas, podríamos decir. Que yo sepa, científicamente, ni siquiera está bien definido ese concepto.
  • Arcane Sandwich
    -- Alas, an international organisation appears to be insufficient for the most relevant matters. Look at the attitude of the UN towards Palestine, for instance. Furthermore, if Australia would have a dispute with Spain because of the eucalyptus, both nations would resolve it bilaterally. No supranational entity can do anything.javi2541997

    Well, there is one possible solution, among other possible solutions: what I call "continentalism". Continentalism is the "highest stage" of nationalism. For example, if you are a Spanish nationalist, then you can also be a European continentalist, because Spain is part of Europe. If you're an Australian nationalist, then you can be an Oceanic continentalist, because Australia is part of Oceania. If you're an Argentine nationalist, you can be a Southamerican continentalist, because Argentina is part of South America. So, you see javi, the "Hispanicidad" has nothing to do with this part of the discussion. But somehow it does, because we are having this discussion in English, not Spanish (except for a few fragments from you and me).
  • Arcane Sandwich
    You cannot seriously tell me that Cataluña is better than El Reino de Aragón y Castilla.Arcane Sandwich

    I expect an answer, @javi2541997. And I'll add one more difficulty: your answer has to be related, in some way, to Australian politics.

    Or don't answer : )

  • javi2541997
    Hmmm... But Spain was always a multi-national peninsula, is what they would say in response to that. The most obvious example is the Basque Country. But then there are more subtle cases, like Cataluña.

    your answer has to be related, in some way, to Australian politics.
    Arcane Sandwich

    I think only nationalists consider the Basque Country and Catalunya as nations in the pure sense of the word. Spanish—or Iberian—is their true heritage. Well, I could say that a Basque and a Navarre have Indo-European roots. Why not?

    Nonetheless, Spain—as the union of Castille and Aragon—is the representative entity of Spaniards, whether Catalans like it or not. For this reason, which is purely logical and makes sense, Australian politics (regarding the eucalyptus) would not be effective if their PM only focuses on a concert region of Spain's corner. Let's say we have to solve the drought in Almería—caused in part by the eucalyptus—and some effectiveness is demanded by the people. Politics should be useful to the people. Therefore, effectiveness would only be possible if the decisions are taken by rightful entities. Australia will reach an agreement with Spain, because the latter is already the rightful nation. This would not be possible if we were still divided into pieces.

    Oh, Jesus. I don't know if that makes sense. I tried my best. Don't expect too much from my wisdom and knowledge skills.

    Especially in a Thread called "Australian politics". Hmmm... is it correct to talk about this, here? Well, they (the Australians) are part of a monarchy, so I would say yes.Arcane Sandwich

    Oh yes, don't worry. Different topics tend to get crossed with each other in the threads.

    For example, if you are a Spanish nationalist, then you can also be a European continentalist, because Spain is part of Europe. If you're an Australian nationalist, then you can be an Oceanic continentalist, because Australia is part of Oceania. If you're an Argentine nationalist, you can be a Southamerican continentalist, because Argentina is part of South America.Arcane Sandwich

    I fully agree.

    ¿Mentalidad colectiva? ¿Y que sería eso, buen hombre?Arcane Sandwich

    Bueno, la mentalidad colectiva podría estar relacionada con los valores, costumbres, ideas... Por ejemplo: Creo que la famosa sobremesa española forma parte de nuestra mentalidad colectiva.
  • Arcane Sandwich
    Nonetheless, Spain—as the union of Castille and Aragon—is the representative entity of Spaniards, whether Catalans like it or not.javi2541997

    Está bien, buen hombre, entiendo su punto. Y se lo concedo. De hecho, yo mismo lo dije antes que usted. El Reino de Castilla y Aragón, en tanto concepto, en tanto idea, simplemente es mejor que el concepto de Catalunya, o Cataluña, etc. Pues que la discusión está aquí entonces: al nivel del lenguaje. Justamente, le pregunto, javi, ¿Usted preferiría que todo el mundo hable Català en vez de Castellano? Porque yo no. Yo estoy dispuesto a cambiar mi vocabulario y todo eso, como todo ciudadano responsable debería, pero yo no voy a dejar de hablar castellano en mi vida cotidiana sólo por el hecho de que me parece "más correcto" empezar a hablar en Català así nomás. Primero que todo, ni siquiera conozco ese idioma, lo único que conozco es de la serie "Merlí" en Netflix. Y traté de seguir la serie en el idioma original, en Català, sin subtítulos Castellanos, y simplemente no entendí nada.

    Bueno, la mentalidad colectiva podría estar relacionada con los valores, costumbres, ideas... Por ejemplo: Creo que la famosa sobremesa española forma parte de nuestra mentalidad colectiva.javi2541997

    Si, no digo que sea imposible, simplemente digo que si existe (y bien podría), no está bien estudiado científicamente. Lo único que hay son teorías sociológicas, psicológicas, biológicas, etc. Pero no tienen mucha cientificidad. No en comparación con la física y la química, por ejemplo.
  • javi2541997
    ¿Usted preferiría que todo el mundo hable Català en vez de Castellano?Arcane Sandwich

    Por supuesto que no. Ni tampoco me gustaría perder las especialidades del castellano en cada país. De hecho, el catalán es algo que sólo existe allí y se quedará allí. No va a salir más lejos del puerto de Barcelona, honestamente.

    Y traté de seguir la serie en el idioma original, en Català, sin subtítulos Castellanos, y simplemente no entendí nada.Arcane Sandwich

    He estado en Cataluña. Hablan catalán a propósito para que no les entiendas, salvo alguna excepción en Barcelona. Con esto obtienen lo contrario, que la gente no se interese.

    I love posting in Spanish with you, yet I think we are not entitled to do so in this thread. It is fine to do it a bit, but the moderators might scold us next time since the forum is an English-speaking site. :smile:
  • Arcane Sandwich
    ↪Arcane Sandwich
    I love posting in Spanish with you, yet I think we are not entitled to do so in this thread. It is fine to do it a bit, but the moderators might scold us next time since the forum is an English-speaking site. :smile:

    Fair enough, I'll have to stop by the Spanish section of the Forum, then : )
  • Arcane Sandwich
    Tomorrow's News will be like: "Is it Ethical for an Australian man to punch a Roo in the face if the roo in question is attempting what can only be described as a front head-lock on a dog? Stay tuned and find out."
  • ssu
    I love posting in Spanish with you, yet I think we are not entitled to do so in this thread.javi2541997
    Yep. No other languages allowed here.

    I remember starting having a conversation in Swedish with a PF member and the PF-NKVD shut it down extremely quickly.

    Unfortunately there's not enough Swedes and Finns (or other Nordic people) for a Swedish discussion site. And anyway, Swedish is usually worst for the Finns and the Danes, Norwegians do better.
  • Arcane Sandwich
    Unfortunately there's not enough Swedes and Finns (or other Nordic people) for a Swedish discussion site. And anyway, Swedish is usually worst for the Finns and the Danes, Norwegians do better.ssu

    I got kicked out of another forum for making a very light-hearted joke about Swedes. The joke that I said was: "Between Sweden, Norway and Finland, Sweden is the worst. Why? Because they're not right in the head. Why not? Because they have the most metal bands per capita, and that's a fact."

    Instead of laughing, the Admin of the site banned me for nationalism" (yes, he actually wrote that in the email with the decision to ban me, among other nonsense).

    Like, come on, you can't take a metalhead joke from another metalhead?
  • Jamal

    There's now a non-English area on TPF. So far it's only Spanish in there but as we're allowing Spanish, we have to allow Swedish and Finnish too. So feel free. I can create the appropriate subcategory (it's one subcategory per language) if desired.

  • Banno
    Old joke: If someone who speaks two languages is bilingual, and someone who speaks three languages is trilingual, what do you call someone who speaks just one language?

  • Arcane Sandwich
    The best joke about Australia that I heard is that Australia is just British Texas.

    I guess Argentina would just be Spanish Texas then, or something like that.
  • Tom Storm
    I guess Argentina would just be Spanish Texas then, or something like that.Arcane Sandwich

    Most Australians tend to see themselves as sophisticated city folk, urban hipsters, etc, emulating New York and London rather than any hic desert state. If you travel around Melbourne, most people see themselves in terms very similar to Californians. Ditto Sydney. In fact, I think there used to be an old saying that Sydney is the better half of California.

    But up North we do have a Texas-like culture, everything is big and the ideas are often small (with apologies to Austin).

    The other aspect of Australia is that the country is so big that most of us never travel to parts of it. I have never been to the North or West of the country. In Melbourne and Sydney you will meet many people who have been to Argentina or France but never been to Darwin or Perth.
  • Banno
    If you travel around Melbourne...Tom Storm
    You'll get better coffee.

    up NorthTom Storm
    Funny how our north is like their south. Proximity to the equator?
  • Arcane Sandwich
    Most Australians tend to see themselves as sophisticated city folk, urban hipsters, etc, emulating New York and London rather than any hic desert state.Tom Storm

    They need to read more Bush Poet stuff, like Banjo Paterson.
  • AmadeusD
    The best joke about Australia that I heard is that Australia is just British Texas.Arcane Sandwich

    The problem is people tend to think it's not a joke, and that somehow they have a clear, complete view of an entire continent. Australia is nothing like Texas other than the wide open spaces. It's nothing like most places except NZ. Also, Texas is fantastic. LOL.
  • Banno
    Paterson was a romantic. Australians live in the city. Always have. Lawson tells the real story.

    The City Bushman now drives an oversized ute with a perversely small tray around the suburbs.

    And the city seems to suit you, while you rave about the bush.
  • Arcane Sandwich
    The problem is people tend to think it's not a joke, and that somehow they have a clear, complete view of an entire continent. Australia is nothing like Texas other than the wide open spaces. It's nothing like most places except NZ. Also, Texas is fantastic. LOL.AmadeusD

    Wait, are you saying that not everyone in Australia is like Crocodile Dundee? I don't believe you. It's clear that you're lying to me. I'll raise a million dollars just to have Craig Jones beat you up in a BJJ match.
  • Arcane Sandwich
    No way. Seriously? Jokes aside for a moment, I envy you now.
  • AmadeusD
    Yeah, i'm not very good hahahaa. That said, I held me own against Kendall Reusing, which is, while a total cheat, a decent feeling against a multiple-world champion.
  • Arcane Sandwich
    ↪Arcane Sandwich
    Yeah, i'm not very good hahahaa. That said, I held me own against Kendall Reusing, which is, while a total cheat, a decent feeling against a multiple-world champion.

    You're rolling with some of the best athletes in the world. And I'm just a blue belt :sad:
  • AmadeusD
    Appreciate it - But i'm a white belt :P I've just gotten lucky (and unlucky - my inability to get graded is a timing issue).
  • Arcane Sandwich
    ↪Arcane Sandwich
    Appreciate it - But i'm a white belt :P I've just gotten lucky (and unlucky - my inability to get graded is a timing issue).

    Dude, if you're training with top-tier athletes like Jones and Reusing, you'll be a black belt before I get my purple belt. I'm seriously jealous :sad:

    (Though I'm sure Craig would say that he's not top-tier, he's second-tier. He only sees Silver)

    (edited because apparently I forgot how to spell)
  • Banno
    Some times it helps to move things around.
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