
  • Might I be God?
    After all, my arguments apply to us all, and there are billions of us and only one God, so the odds are at least billions to one.Bartricks

    So you are sure that God must definitely be one of us walking around somewhere on earth,"dressed up"like a human. So why not you to be that one? Ok. No further questions.
  • Might I be God?

    So if I understood well, since you don't have enough proofs for the opposite, you do leave an open window as to you to be the actual God indeed aw??
  • Your Absolute Truths
    My point is that moral absolutes are evil because they encourage abiding by rules rather than using your own conscience. For example, how many people perpetuate evil policies with the bland excuse of "I was just following orders"Yohan

    Well yeah, there are some grey zones in moral issues but there are some absolutes also, imo. "Not killing Joe" is one of these for example.
    And if conscience of some people isn't enough as to understand it, then better for the rest of us that there is a "rule" making that absolute immoral.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    I don't see how you can remove everything humanish from a truth which is a sentence in a human languagePie

    I wrote many times "as possible".

    The very idea of some stuff on the other side of everything humanish seems (humanishly) "mystique nor metaphysical."Pie

    It does not have to be" on the other side".

    I suggest that the beliefs we can be most confident about are those that it makes no sense to deny...because denying them is incoherentPie

    I agree. That's why for statements like: "I exist", "my mind exists", "universe exists" (or better if you want "something exists" etc. me, personally, I have all the proof I need. And I find it a total "waste of thinking" to actually deny or doubt about that.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Why not kill Joe? What have you got to lose?Yohan

    For start compunctions. Feeling guilt that I caused such a suffering to Joe's family and people who loved him.Also that ended Joe's life and the potential moments that he would love to enjoy. Contributing to the evil among society, making it justified everyone else to come and kill me.

    But If any of that bad feelings could affect me, then prison. Deprived of my freedom. Social condemnation that I would be considered as a killer and everyone would treat me like that.

    So at at end is it ok/moral to go and kill others?
  • Your Absolute Truths
    The rule is, that the mind reverses everything. So that everything the mind believes is exactly the opposite of the way things really are.Yohan

    Well I am a bit surprised here. It is a strange rule.Why you think mind reverses things? In what way you mean it? And why things are opposite of what mind believes? Except if you mean it metaphorically.

    For example you say you think good and moral are at the end evil. So if for example my mind says "don't kill Joe . it's immoral and evil" is wrong? Should at the end go and kill Joe cause that's the real moral thing to do?

    I know too many questions,but your rule intrigued me. Never heard such a thing before. Though I tend to agree with that

    sane people are less happy than insane, and "real" people duped by reality.Yohan
  • Your Absolute Truths
    I will take my foot off the pressure build, as requested by dimosthenis9universeness

    Well no need. If you wish to debate about that go on. No problem. Just seeing your post triggered my feelings as I described above.

    I typed, I didn't write :rofl: SORRY! I couldn't resistuniverseness

    You little bastard!! :grin:
  • Your Absolute Truths
    2. In order to keep my insanity I must pretend sanity.
    3. In order to maintain my falseness, I must pretend to be honest.

    I would name them your "way of living" absolute truths. They might not be relevant to universe but damn I liked these 2.
    The strange thing though is that the way you wrote it, I get the sensation that you do want to keep/maintain your insanity.And I really wonder why. You do love it a little aw?
  • Your Absolute Truths
    I don't think that helps as the word 'always' means at every moment in time, past, present and future which could make 'truth is always subjective,' an objective truth and thus absolute. Also If 'truth is always subjective' is itself subjective then it may not be true.universeness

    Holly shit. This is exactly how a strict definition game always ends up. Like a dog chasing its own tail. At the end not being able to talk about anything at all.But people have to talk! That divine/universal/natural(you name it) gift of speech is what grows our spirit as humans bigger and bigger and we have to make the most of it.Exchanging ideas, feelings, fears, everything. So let the people talk.

    Don't get me wrong I don't say that your conversation with Alkis(who by the way i consider him very good in definitions) is meaningless or even actual definitions are useless. For Hell no!It is indeed important but as long we don't lose the forest for the tree.

    If a post could express my feelings for the endless definition game here on TPF it would be exactly that. That's why I wanted to comment about it.
    And the crazy thing is that whatever you wrote there, it is indeed the case. It's absolutely right. Hahaha.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Either you're lazy or I'm a fool! :snicker:Agent Smith

    You are Mad and Fool!! :wink:
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Well, I am intrigued by his hypothesis and that of his partner Stuart Hameroff. Did you view my thread on the topic? Consciousness, microtubules and the physics of the brain.universeness

    No but I will check it. I have read about though how Penrose thinks that Quantum phenomena are possible to take place in brain's microtubules and I found it really interesting.

    . I do think phenomena such as superposition, entanglement and quntum tunneling are likely to be employed within human consciousness despite the current unpopularity of Penrose and Hameroff's hypothesis.universeness

    I do find it possible also. It surely has a logic base but we know that just logic in that cases isn't enough as to consider something like that true.

    But if QM is a fundamental part of the universe then it seems intuitive that it would be part of human consciousness. I have to temper this however as cosmologists are forever warning of the dangers of using intuitive thinking when trying to understand the workings of the universe.universeness

    Ok I think I got what you mean.

    I do raise a small eyebrow of interest towards those who posit a universe in which humans may be components of a future 'universal mind,' a kind of panpsychist style emerging existenceuniverseness

    I raise both in that cases. Hahaha
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Yes, I understood this to be the entire point of your OP. For me, what you are describing as absolute truths translates to "fundamental beliefs".Pantagruel

    Well you can call it that way too. I made on purpose that thread as expression of personal beliefs/truths (or any other word you choose) first cause I m really curious to know what others beliefs are and second as to avoid the strict definitions (a loving game here on TPF) which in that particular case aren't necessary at all since we talk about personal truths. The concept of the question remains the same.

    Beliefs/statements/crisis/etc that someone holds as truths/fundamental/undeniable/absolute etc about universe .In general exactly what you mentioned here :

    Whatever the name, those things which are essential to one's being.Pantagruel

    And yeah I think you are right. For sure such kind of beliefs play a crucial role to our shaping and developing of our consciousness. It's like a gun where we turn its barrel towards the fundamental beliefs we hold and focus there. Which leads us here:

    we stake our existence on the veracity of what we choose to believePantagruel
  • Your Absolute Truths
    It is also my view that every thought that has ever formed in the brain of any lifeform which has ever existed or ever will exist is a consequence of the ways in which quanta can combine or interact and all such quanta is of and exists within the universe. In accordance with the OP, I would be prepared to label such a statement as one of my personal absolute truths.universeness

    I would like to hear more about that. So you think mind function is a quantum procedure like Penrose suggests?That quantum mechanic phenomena are going on inside the brain as to produce what we call "thinking"? And when you say that such quanta is of and exist within the universe, you mean that they could carry some kind of information also?

    The only absolute truth is there are no absolute truths' is just a propositional logic statement it is no evidence at all, than absolute truths don't exist.universeness

    I agree on that.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    I ask for personal absolute truths that can be as much "free" as they can from everything human-ish. As much as that is possible of course cause totally I don't think they can be.
    Things that someone personally thinks as undeniable facts for the universal function. Simple as that. No need to be a physicist to answer that. A simple philosopher would do I think.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    Sorry I don't understand what you wanna say.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Your question makes no sense as I've pointed out. My180 Proof

    You didn't point out anything at all neither explained why it doesn't make sense. It makes perfect sense since it's a simple question.
    "Is your existence and universe's existence true facts for you?". Nothing complicated or mystical about it as you try to present it. But you just avoid to answer it. No problem.

    You take for granted your existence but you don't wanna say that you consider it as truth for you. What is the actual difference between these 2 only you know. You just go in circles here.

    You say "taking your existence for granted" presupposes your existence already but that doesn't make it still true for you. That sounds logical to you aw?
    As something to presupposes something else then that something must exist .No?

    Anyway you just play games and I m sure you are aware of it, cause I consider you a clever person.Hiding behind some "philosophical authenticity" as you usually do. So be it then.
    Let us, the humble folks, go on with the barstool conversation then and you are free to go to your academic conference.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    I really can't understand why you have to make things so complicated. I understand that is your type of writing but really I find it totally unnecessary sometimes. Anyway.

    My existence" does not require "proof" or to be demonstrated as a truth – "absolute" or otherwise.180 Proof

    Demonstrated or not the question is simple.
    a. is your existence a truth(true fact) for you? or b. You aren't sure about it as to consider it truth since you can't prove it?
    A simple a. or b. would be more than enough and highly appreciated.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    That said, imagine a scenario in which information is being transferred.Daniel

    I think it's not an imaginary scenario at all. It is transferred indeed. The great question though is what actually information is?!

    Now, I want to apologize for the very vague language, I guess I am trying to generalize as much as possible, which might be a huge mistake; nevertheless, I'll do it once more just for the fun of it and say that a relation cannot occur between the exact same thing(s), and the possibility for variation must exist before a relation can take place. So, even if things exist, if they do not change in any of their properties relative to each other simply because they cannot vary (they cannot adopt other conformations other than their ground conformation) and hence cannot be affected, there won't be a relation between them.Daniel

    Wow that was mind-fucking my friend I have to admit! Apologies accepted.hahahh

    But you do have a point here I think. So to sum up you say:
    1. As a relation to happen between 2 "things" there must be a change occurring to at least to one of these things as a result of that interaction-relation. No change then no relation. Right?
    2. As change to happen it presupposes the ability of the variation of these "things" from the very beginning.
    3.Therefore relations presupposes the "things" to have variation ability already.

    Did I do my homework right? Is that your line of thinking? If yes I have to admit it is really interesting. It has surely a point and worths to be considered.

    The only thing I m skeptical about is this

    a relation cannot occur between the exact same thinDaniel

    I don't know if that stands as to be honest. Which in fact leads me into a doubt about your first premise.About relation and the need of change. But I can't tell for sure it is wrong either. I need to think about it.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    Leaving Descartes aside. You, 180proof hold as an absolute truth your existence, your mind's existence and universe's existence too? . Do you have enough "proofs" for that or you are skeptical?
    Personally I strongly do.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    So it is safe to state that thinking is a phenomenon that appears in universe. That universe enables the existence of the phenomenon of thoughts. Right?

    That statement for me for example is an undeniable universal truth. If that helps to make my point even clearer.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Yes, I undestand what you mean. You could also call that an "absolute reality". But see, discussions like these, based on concepts like "truth" and "reality", are like walking in a mine field. There are a lot of traps. Or like walking on ice, where you can easlily slip.Alkis Piskas

    Tottaly agree. That's why I ask for each person's individual truths cause of the exact uncertain nature of the search for absolute truths. It is a mine field indeed.

    And the proof that this knowledge is subjective --i.e. there's no absolute knowledge-- is that during all that time until today and for the days to come, this knowledge has changed, is chamging and will change: new theories are added and old ones are modified or even vanish.Alkis Piskas

    It is subjective but at the end, doesn't it dig in deeper in the basic ultimate knowledge of the function of the universe. It is a limited knowledge, sure it is. But still except for humans it must represent something from the bigger picture also, no?Even a tiny percentage of it if you want.

    . We can only use the word in figures of speech like "I'm absolute on that", "with absolute certainty", "I have absolute faith on him" and so on. The more examples come to my mind, the more silly they sound to me! :grin:Alkis Piskas

    Yeah I got what you mean. But don't stick so much to the word itself. Just wanted to emphasize things that someone thinks that are undeniable facts about the function of universe.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    Yeah but despite human existence or not,universe has to have a function no? Well that function has to work in some way. Right? Not necessarily have purpose at all, but there must be still a function.
    That function remains the same despite if there are humans or any kind of thinking existence as to observe it . It was there even before human species appear to Earth.
    That is what I would call the absolute truth for universe. If we were ever able to fully understand its function. The way "it works".

    I get what you mean that every thought that mind produces(like the one I just made here) is subjective to that mind itself. But imo human mind has the ability to form some crisis that can be absolute ideed.Not many at all and surely limited but still there are some I think. Such statements for example like "we humans are part of the universe" or even "universe has to have a certain function" I consider them as undeniable facts. Anyway that is the way I see it at least.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    No I don't see it that way at all. Each of us has his own truths which consider them as undeniable. I don't see any harm at sharing them with others.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    So you doubted you were posting your response to my post when you responded? You were unsure you were doing so--perhaps because you were uncertain you were typing on or using whatever device you used? Or is the fact you responded, and used whatever you used to do so, examples of absolute truths?

    Do you doubt you're reading this, or that there is something to be read?

    No I don't doubt at all to any of all these you mentioned and I wonder how you get that idea. Weird. All these though are human concepts that have nothing to do with universal function.

    I just doubt that we can have any kind of certainty so far about the function of the universe. And if we ever be able to actually see the bigger picture.
    All of what is stated already from the very first post of that thread.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    Instinctually he knows it indeed. I agree.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    Something that can't be doubted. That is an undeniable fact and can be totally sure about it. But cause such kind of truths with universal application are extremely debatable. I wanna know what each person individually consider as "absolute truths".
  • Your Absolute Truths

    Fair enough. Though it could also count for an absolute truth itself
  • Your Absolute Truths
    So it seems to me that, while we can't know if what our senses are producing are the reality or an illusion, we can at least be sure that there is something eluding usJerry

    Yeah we might not know for sure what is the exact form of what is presented to us by our senses but we can be sure St least that there is "something" indeed.
    The form that this something is presented to us is one of the forms indeed that it can be presented. But what other forms it can take or what is the actual form of it (if there is only one) or if there is something more in it, we can never be sure about it.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    then evidence is evidence of the naturalistic role of consciousnessPantagruel

    Yet still though isn't an evidence for its universal feedback role.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Do you really think that if we're not absolutely certain about something we're uncertain about it, i.e. that we can't rely on it, that we're doubtful about it, that it's unknown?Ciceronianus

    That is the case indeed, either you like it or not.

    I wonder how you live if that's the case. Are you God, or perhaps a good friend of His, to invoke absolutes?Ciceronianus

    I just try to learn how to swim into chaos.That's all. Not easy though.
    Or else I would have to grab tightly from a lie, which I don't want to do so, nor developing any close relationship with God and His friends is in my plans either.
  • Your Absolute Truths

    Ok got it now where you stand.I can't say that I m in agreement with your statement, though consciousness fascinates me the most.It is a great mystery and as to be honest I would really wish consciousness to play some universal feedback role as you mention.
    I have thought about that too and it's my "secret hope" but I have to be honest with myself and admit that there isn't any evidence at all for that. So far at least. So it's far from considering it as a sure thing.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    What you do matters.Pantagruel

    You mean in relation with others as society or that our actions matter even in universal function? If yes in what way?
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Our brains clearly can't match up to the task at handAgent Smith

    So you think that we are condemned to uncertainty about the general picture? I don't want to admit it but it might probably be the case.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    For me, certainty in a rational sense should leave no room for doubt (like a properly constructed logical argument for instance) and since we have two possibilities it might not be true, I wouldn't commit to it.Benkei

    Yeah it is at best a very good speculation, but still that doesn't make it certainty.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    However, I do not think relations are strictly fundamental in the sense that they depend on variety while the opposite I think is not logicalDaniel

    Could you explain that a little more? You mean that as relations to exist, it first presupposes "things" to exist as to get related? That's why you think variety of things more fundamental?
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Which is relative...noAxioms

    Sure it is.

    The political parties of the USA are not united for the benefit of the USA. The wheels on my car are not united since they turn at different rates sometimes.
    OK, neither of these examples seems to meet your definition, which seems to have to do with both objects affected by the other.

    A couple better examples then: The iceberg that sank the Titanic was not affected by me, but I was affected by it.
    Similarly, the fairly distant galaxy EGSY8p7 can be seen from Earth, but Earth cannot be seen by it. No light or other signal sent from Earth at any time will ever reach EGSY8p7 regardless of the time you give it to get there.

    Everything you mentioned here is still united with each other. I didn't say that everything is connected immediately with each other. I m not connected with Galaxy EGSY but both me and it are part of the huge universal chain. Nothing I can think of is totally isolated.

    Something doesn't need to have immediate connection as to be considered united with something else.
    If I tight myself with a rope and tight the other end of the rope at a tree, I might not be immediately connected with the tree but me, the rope and the tree are all still united.Same with a chain.
    We are part of a united system (universe), i can't understand why you see unity as that everything immediately attached to each other. Same with your wheels,they are part of your car, they connect with the road as you speed up, with the molecules of the air etc etc.

    Not sure who 'we'; is here, but the science community has a pretty good idea about what it is, and it isn't something that moves, at least per the only classic theory of the universe (relativity) that has made any decent predictions. We don't know if the postulates of the theory are correct of course, but there has been no alternative proposed that I know of in the 20th century.noAxioms

    By we, I mean humanity. Scientific community. And no we are farrr from being sure what time is and if it is stable. We have different speculations about that among scientific community and it is a great mystery. Relativity considers time as stable? Hmm.. Not sure about that. Waves of the spacetime when huge stars exploding isn't that a motion??

    but there has been no alternative proposed that I know of in the 20th century.noAxioms

    Check LQG.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    It strikes me that what Descartes wrote in 1640 has a lot in common with what Lao Tzu wrote 2,000 years earlierT Clark

    Great spirits meet in the crossroads of all the great questions. Nice quote what you presented here.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    Reality is composed of relationships. That is to say, things exist in relation to other things, but the "things" are not fundamental necessarily, only the relationsJerry

    It's kind similar to mine that everything is united, connected. And as extension of it I do believe also that everything is related to others.
    Nice notion that relations are more fundamental than things themselves. Never actually thought it before that way.

    . I exist in a reality, hence other things exist too. I know this because the experiences I feel are the relationship that unite me with other things.Jerry

    Really strong argument against those who doubt of the certainty of any other existence except our own minds. Good.
  • Your Absolute Truths
    This universe is in motion but there could be others.magritte

    Which would be totally stable? And not connected in some way with the others too?

    All is physically connected but in a limited way.magritte

    What you mean with limited way?

    Without artificial things simple dialectic is worthless.magritte


    Why would anything have identity or a name?magritte

    What you mean by that?