
  • Philosophy/Religion
    That's the context I like to think of when trying to answer these questions. To summarize:

    (1) We're human beings, and we sometimes think.
    (2) Sometimes this thinking is concerned with universal questions.
    (3) These questions are called philosophical.

    (4) So philosophy is a kind of thinking -- a kind that asks universal questions.

    I kind of like this. Is this from a book or just your own stuff? So any time I'm asking universal questions I'm doing philosophy? What do you consider universal questions? What about when I'm sweeping my floor and taking a shower? I'm thinking a lot there to, but it's not philosophical, so what is it? Not many people ask themselves big questions.....does that mean most of us aren't philosophers?
  • Joe Biden (+General Biden/Harris Administration)
    The only thing that exists is the individual. Anything else is communism.Xtrix

    What about friends and family? I was part of a soccer team growing up, and it was a lot of fun. We were always taught to play as a team and not just as individuals. I think there could be a balance there between the two maybe.
  • Is Social Media bad for your Mental Health?

    netflix has that social dilemma, which is really scary. I was checking my phon e a lot when watching it, and so that proved its importance. I think we're all addicted to this stuff now and maybe there will be a movement to unplug or something but then we'll just move on to the next thing. There may not be a going back.
  • Neither science nor logic can disprove God?
    What is god anyway other than a word? Whenever its explained to me Im confused, and faith gets mentioned a lot, and stuff like that. People seem to care about that word around some parts. I live in Morocco for a while and they cared a lot more about allah, different word but same thing. I imagine in china they don't give a damn about belief in god. So if we were raised there or lived there we wouldn't even be asked about it. Im rambling but its one of those things like a TV show, when all of your friends are really into it and ask for your opinion on it and whether you like it or not.
  • Is the United States an imperialist country?
    Wow that's quite a list. I didn't even know a third of those.
  • COP26 in Glasgow
    I voted very unlikely. I don't know much about climate science, but from what I've heard from sources I think are credible and from some of the evidence presented, it really seems important but isn't the issue more about why we don't do something about it? Why aren't our governments or are elected leaders doing anything serious? Is it because they're all given money by the energy companies and stuff? Or is it because it's too hard of an issue to solve? What are the solutions besides renewable energy? Why do people keep voting for people who don't do anything? I know there probably aren't great answers to these questions but it's what comes to mind when I see articles about it. Must be frustrating to be a climate scientist.
  • Anti-vaccination: Is it right?
    I don't get why people are still talking about this. We have a vaccine that works really well, which is amazing considering they were saying it would take up to a few years maybe, and now its subject to conspiracy theories and stuff. Really unfortunate, and I think maybe facebook and twitter are partly to blame. Misinformation spreads a lot faster than it used to.
  • The Federal Reserve
    I think it’s the funds rate, or the interest rate of money the Fed lends to banks to cover a certain legal minimum (to prevent bank runs). Banks can also loan excess money to other banks who are low on funds, etc. This trickles down to the interest rates you and I can receive from banks for homes, cars, credit cards, etc. That’s my understanding— happy to be corrected.Xtrix

    I know it's really late to respond, but thanks for this. I guess I was way off.
  • You don't need to read philosophy to be a philosopher

    I think most people probably don't have time to read this stuff, and a lot of it is hard and strange. I like it as a hobby, and would never call myself a philosopher, but I have friends who I could never talk to about it because they think of it like math or something from school like homework. I've been recommended many books and I started with Plato/Socrates and I think that is where we should all begin, not with the books but with his way of questioning and talking about stuff.
  • The Educational Philosophy Thread
    I have a basic question....what does the "sophia" part mean to the greek philosophers? I know it's translated as wisdom but what was wisdom? I mean in the word philosophy of course.

    also, I know we can't know much about what earlier people thought or believed because nothing was written down, but aren't historians pretty sure that ancient peoples also did philosophy? or is philosophy something that originated with the greek people? If so, why them and not the egyptians or sumerians or chinese or something?

    I guess what I mean is what is the difference between philosophy's answers and methods and other answers and methods? what makes it philosophy instead of myth or religion or something?

    Not sure that all makes sense but thanks.
  • The Federal Reserve
    This was spurred on, in part, by Frontline’s excellent program about the Fed.]Xtrix

    I'll have to watch that. My understanding is that the federal reserve controls interest rates, but I have no idea what interest rates, like is it the interest rate on a mortgage or credit card? Is it a baseline or minimum for banks...I tried wikipedia but it went in and out of my head.

    it is also said that the fed control money supply. but I thought the treasury does that? they definitely print the money. So how does the fed control the amount of coins and paper bills in circulation if they don't actually print them? They give the treasury the go ahead to print?

    These are my childish questions I know, but I have no background in this. I just know it's important somehow!
  • Best introductory philosophy book?
    Thank you everyone!

    I think I’ll start with Bertrand Russell. So far that’s received the most recommendations and I do know who he is … or was. But I now have a good starting list. Thanks again!