Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done? To make it clear,
@Hanover. I said this re the specifics of looting etc.
And that doesn't yet mean that burning down Target stores is justified or effective, it only means we've got to the point where it's not necessarily unjustified or at least not any worse than what's been done to the people who are doing it.
Well, peacefully appealing to the moral sentiments of the ruling aristocracy who have made America a systematically racist shithole clearly isn't going to work.
How to effectively apply other forms of pressure is an extremely difficult question.
Yes, some of the localised violence is uncalled for and counterproductive and even carried out for completely the wrong reasons.
I don't personally feel that random destruction of property is justified and I sympathize with any innocent small business owner who got caught up in this.
But the main point is the problem with legitimacy, which hasn't been taken up much because the focus is just on saying this or that action is wrong, period. That's an impoverished level of analysis is what I'm saying.
You responded with this:
So you encourage looting liquor and TVs from stores? But for the distance, you'd be in the streets burning cars? Why do you sit idly behind your computer when your morals demand throwing rocks at police and stealing from stores? — Hanover
How is what you said a reasonable interpretation of what I said? How is it anything but a random expression of your emotional state?
I also said this:
Just to reiterate, we reject the framing that this is just a "bad apple" event or, if systemic, one that the authorities are willing and able without strong coercion to solve. We reject the framing that there is an equitable foundation of law on which to make neutral moral judgements concerning breaches of law. We reject the framing that legitimizes the use of force only for those who control the channels of visibility for grievances. So, if you want to argue with us, argue on the level of whether or not such rejections are justifiable not through the very framing we've already rejected. — Baden
Again, just quote my words, tell me what you think they mean and we'll go from there. Otherwise, we'll be talking past each other.
objections to your nonsense — Hanover
Here's an opportunity. Which specific claim, quote it, is nonsense and why?