If you are not familiar with a certain area of mathematics it would make little sense. Has to do with the convergence of infinite compositions of parabolic linear fractional transformations (having indifferent fixed points) that converge to the identity. — jgill
You do have a way with words! — tim wood
If space is not infinitely divisible than there is a space that can't be divided — Gregory
Zeno showed that space and objects in them appear to be both finite and infinite at the same time. This is why Kant called this an Antimony (an impasse) — Gregory
However, just recently I employed a step to prove a theorem of sorts in which a second order term was ignored, similar to NSA. — jgill
Unless you understand the math you don't understand the theory. — jgill
Nope. Limits of measurements are physical problems. — jgill
How would it even be possible to discern, with apodeictic certainty, whether there are intrinsic patterns in Nature — Mww
hope he isn't now a giraffe or something — magritte
35 seconds) there is a complete symmetry between all these interactions (fundamental forces) . . . . complete symmetry between matter and antimatter". — Gnomon
So the physical world is mathematical and the appearance is experimental physics? — magritte
Not only is a specific thought based on a specific brain state, but failure to a grasp a specific thought is a failure to assemble a specific brain state — Mark Nyquist
What part of the memorty this is? — Alkis Piskas
There are many hard problems, not one. — Manuel
while totally avoiding objective knowledge — Ennui Elucidator
Your opinion can't be true? Nor your beliefs? — Banno
What say you? — TheMadFool
The subject: quit lying — TheMadFool
The headache itself is part of your self-experience, or, put simpler, just part of yourself
The "inner world" does not reflect the truth of the "outer world — Michael Zwingli
the thoughts produced by a hypothetical "brain kept alive in a jar" would be totally different, and so the "world" thus created would be totally different, from those of the same brain if it were part of a human body... — Michael Zwingli
If the brain isn't a person, then who is? — Luke
I just don't care — Seppo
OK, this explains it! :smile: (But still, it was addressed to Cheshire! :grin:) — Alkis Piskas
But then of course you can always select yourself and respond to a post that doesn't mention your name! :smile: I repeat, the post mentioned Cheshire, not @Prishon. — Alkis Piskas
two-wrongs-make-a-right fallacy. :meh: — jorndoe