
  • Are we living in a modern panopticon?

    So therefore we are guilty. But of what? Of knowing?
  • Are we living in a modern panopticon?
    God wouldn't subject innocent people to a life of ignorance in a dangerous world. Thus you are not innocent. There is no other reasonable conclusionBartricks
  • Are we living in a modern panopticon?

    You said that knowing makes guilty.
  • Can you justify morality without religion?
    Harmony, socially, means everybody getting along with each other.TheMadFool

    What do you mean by getting along?
  • Are we living in a modern panopticon?

    After she bit the apple, her innocence was gone. She knew!
  • Can you justify morality without religion?
    About where morality comes from, I would say mostly from our "will to power", our instincts choose a version of morality that gives us the best chances to winning. A strong person would use strength to expand his power, while a weak one would go for whining and appeals to morality.stoicHoneyBadger

    I'm a strong guy and women like me but I would' t even seriously think about using my strength and good looks to expand my power.

    (No irony here...)
  • Are we living in a modern panopticon?
    God wouldn't subject innocent people to a life of ignorance in a dangerous world.Bartricks

    Is this why he made Eve bite the apple?
  • Can you justify morality without religion?
    We want a harmonious society, peace, zero crime, happiness for all, and so on.TheMadFool

    What is harmonious? Living in harmony? Singing all the same song in harmony? No fights? No war? I'm not talking about the modern high-tec war in which whole cities can be blown away in a wink, but war between groups from which both parties emerge better although maybe at the cost of lifes, but who says human life is that important? Because god created it!

    Is crime really that bad? Depends.

    Happiness for all? What is happiness?

    Etcetera. You can counter that what you wrote in your comment is commonly understood. Everybody knows what peace is. That's why people of Afghanistan (a country unknown by most people before the U.S. entered there to give the Mudjahedin a hand and some Stingers in their Jihad against the former USSR, thereby laying the foundations for the war on terror) support the taliban and not want the tali to be banned.
  • Are there things we can’t describe with the English language?
    But can't concepts be derived from experiences?Noble Dust

    Of course. Saying "auw!" quite accurately describes the feeling of pain. Of course people hearing or reading "auw!" must know pain.
  • What is a Fact?
    A fact is a fact. And that's a fact. Quarks are facts. Thoughts are facts. Everything there is is a fact. Even lies. All there is is interdependent, meaning that thoughts influence matters in the physical world, but nor in the quantum mechanical sense that our consciousness influences outcomes of measurements. That's an old-fashioned view. To be replaced with a modern field theoretical approach.