However, to speed the calculus along, I'd reiterate that it is ESSENTIAL that people differentiate rational self-interest, greed predicated upon productivity and a respect for individual sovereignty, and that of actual greed, self-interest predicated upon the labor of others and a disregard for individual sovereignty. — Garrett Travers
Yes, If I take your meaning, when I first read the work and learned what each of them generated together as the "Just City," it struck me as being anything but. At best, just another specimen to add to the collection of failed state models. — Garrett Travers
“So consider: of the men, of whom there are three, who’s the most experienced in all the pleasures we’re speaking of? Does the lover of gain seem to you to be more experienced in the pleasure that comes from knowing, because he learns the truth itself for what it is, or does the lover of wisdom seem more experienced in the pleasure that comes from [582B] gaining something?”
“There’s a big difference,” he said. “It’s necessary for the one to taste the other pleasures starting from childhood, but for the other, the lover of gain, it’s not necessary to taste or to get any experience of learning how things are in their nature, of the pleasure in that and how sweet it is; what’s more, even if he were eager to, it wouldn’t be so easy.”
“So,” I said, “the lover of wisdom greatly surpasses the lover of gain in his experience of both sorts of pleasure.” [582C]'
“Greatly indeed.” “'
And how about in relation to the lover of honor? Is the lover of wisdom more inexperienced in the pleasure that comes from being honored than that person is in the pleasure that comes from using intelligence?”
“On the contrary,” he said; “honor is attached to them all, so long as each achieves what he sets out for. Even the rich person is honored by many people, as are the courageous and the wise. So all are experienced in what the pleasure is like that comes from being honored, but it’s impossible for anyone except the lover of wisdom to get a taste of what’s involved in the sight of what is, or of the sort of pleasure it has in it.” [582D]
“Therefore, as far as experience is concerned,” I said, “he’d do the most beautiful job of judging among the men.”
“By far.” — Republc, 582A, translated by Joe Sachs
Values, on the other hand, emerge out of societies through time and are dissemnitated onto individuals, by which their particular ethical inclinations will be informed. — Garrett Travers
“Once division had come on the scene,” I said, “the two strains of iron and bronze in their race each pulled them in the direction of moneymaking and of acquiring land and houses and gold and silver, while the other two strains of gold and silver, inasmuch as they weren’t needy but rich in their souls by nature, led them toward virtue and the ancient order of things. — Plato, Republic, 547b, translated by Joe Sachs
“That’s not hard,” he said, “because almost exactly like now, you were acting as though you’d gone completely through the discussion about the city, saying that you’d rate a city of the sort you’d gone over at that point, and a man like it, [543D] as good, though for that matter it seems as though you were able to describe a still more beautiful [544A] city and man. So anyway, you were saying that the other cities were misguided if this one is right, and you claimed, as I recall, that there were four forms among the remaining polities about which it would be worth having an account, and worth seeing the ways they, and the people like them, go astray, so that, when we’d seen them all and come to agreement about the best and worst sort of man, we could consider whether the best is the happiest and the worst the most miserable, or whether it might be otherwise. — Republic, 544a, ibid. (Underlining is mine)
Self-actualization then is nothing more than buying more expensive food, clothes, houses, etc. You see what I mean? — Agent Smith
Studies of psychologically healthy people indicate that they are, as a defining characteristic, attracted to the mysterious, to the unknown, to the chaotic, unorganized and unexplained. This seems to be a per se attractiveness; these areas are in themselves and of their own right interesting. The contrasting reaction to the well known is boredom.
I have seen a few cases in which it seemed clear to me that the pathology (boredom, loss of zest in life, self-dislike, general depression of the bodily functions, steady deterioration of the intellectual life of tastes, etc.) were produced in intelligent people leading stupid lives in stupid jobs. I have at least one case in which the appropriate cognitive therapy (resuming part time studies, getting a position that was more intellectually demanding, insight) removed the symptoms. — A Maslow, A Theory of Human Motivation, pg 49
Again, you cannot be good to others if you are not good yourself. It's not possible. — Garrett Travers
He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.
What everyone here seems to be arguing, is that ethics are exclusively the domain of interpersonal relations. — Garrett Travers
The Stanford essay clearly distills the gist of what is the predicate for any following ethical deliberations. — Garrett Travers
if this is the case, human good turns out to be activity of soul in accordance with virtue, and if there are more than one virtue, in accordance with the best and most complete." — Garrett Travers
I am arguing against the notion that ethics is exclusively predicated on such considerations and that individual ethics are not a thing. — Garrett Travers
Now, knowing what is good for oneself is, to be sure, one kind of knowledge; but it is very different from the other kinds. A man who knows and concerns himself with his own interests is regarded as a man of practical wisdom, while men whose concern is with politics are looked upon as busybodies. Euripides' words are in this vein:
"How can I be called "wise", who might have filled a common soldier's place, free from all care, sharing an equal lot?
For those who reach too high and are too active..."
For people seek their own good and think this is what they should do. This opinion has given rise to the view that it is such men who have practical wisdom. And yet, surely one's own good cannot exist without household management nor without a political system. Moreover, the problem of how to manage one's affairs properly needs clarification and remains to be examined. — Nicomachean Ethics, Book Six, translated by Marin Oswald
ethics is exclusively the domain of interpersonal relations is ahistorical and demostrably false and this passage from The Republic above has nothing to do with Platonic or Socratic ethical theory on its own, but only in relation to the proposition of the Just City. — Garrett Travers
Two being the "Guardians," the military force within proposed Just City, for whom Glaucon, Socrates, Thrasymachus, and Polemarchus devise unique modes of living apart from normal culture, — Garrett Travers
The idea that gave rise to the concept of ethics came from Socrates, which was to understand how to live the "good life," as he called it. The concept that you aren't capable of developing a personal, ethical code by which to live, in the hopes of increasing utility in your own life, promoting personal health, succeeding at individual goals, finding a compatible partner, pursuing truth, and so on, is a concept entirely foreign to philosophy. — Garrett Travers
“What needs to be considered, then, is whether we’re instituting the guardians with a view to that, in order for the greatest possible happiness to be brought about in them, or else, with a view toward this for the whole city, it needs to be seen whether it’s being brought about there. In the latter case, these auxiliaries and guardians would need to be compelled and persuaded to see to that, so that they’ll be the best craftsmen at their own work and all the others will be the same, and once the city is growing all together in that way and is beautifully established, one needs to leave it up to nature to allow each class of people to partake of happiness. — Plato, The Republic, 421b, translated by Joe Sachs
He may well be, but that overemphasis on individualism is is rampant in neoliberal and conservative circles, it's most amusing version being the sovereign citizen. — Banno
"Since a value is that which on acts to gain and/or keep, and the amount of possible action is the duration of one's lifespan, it is a part of one's life that one invests in everything one values. The years, months, days or hours of thought, of interest, of action devoted to a value are the currency with which one pays for the enjoyment one receives from." — Ayn Rand, Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology, Concepts of Consciousness
Your failure to understand this prevents you from correctly understanding Aristotle (and Plato) and you get bogged down in unfounded and futile "interpretations" that can only lead to materialism in the best case and to psychological issues in the worst — Apollodorus
instead money seems to have arisen to keep track of pre-existing credit relationships — SEP
I can't see the point you are making here, Paine. Aristotle clearly says that thoughts are dependent on images. It's at the end of your quote. And images are derived from the senses. So we have no basis for a "nous" which is independent of the senses, sense organs, and material body. It's true that Aristotle, at some points alludes to the appearance of a separate, independent mind, but such a thing is inconsistent with the principles he clearly states. — Metaphysician Undercover
I think the reason for Spinoza's expulsion by the Jewish community was because his philosophy bypassed the need for the traditional religious authorities by teaching a 'direct path' type of approach. — Wayfarer
So the spatial representation of a circular motion, which is a material representation, is insufficient to describe an eternal being which is immaterial. — Metaphysician Undercover
Since there is no actual thing which has separate existence, apart as it seems from magnitudes which are objects of perception, the objects of thought are included among the forms which are objects of perception, both those spoken of as in abstraction and those which are dispositions and affectations of objects of perception. And for this reason unless one perceived things one would not learn or understand anything, and when one contemplates one must simultaneously contemplate an image; for images are like sense-perception, except that they are without matter. But imagination is different from assertion and denial; for truth and falsity involve a combination of thoughts. But what distinguishes the first thoughts from images? Surely neither these nor any other thoughts will be images, but they will not exist without images. — DA 432a3, translated by D.W. Hamlyn
Plotinus did not quite seem to grasp the necessity of Aristotle's cosmological argument. — Metaphysician Undercover
When I took a course on Aristotle's Metaphysics in university, the professor told us that it was debatable as to whether Aristotle actually wrote this part. He attributed the writing to some other (unknown) Neo-Platonist, and so we did not study it with the rest of the text. — Metaphysician Undercover
Aristotle says that the first existence is separated form sense objects and is an intelligible existence. But when he says that "it thinks itself," he takes the first rank from it. He also asserts the existence of a plurality of other intelligible entities in a number equal to the celestial spheres, so that each of them might have its principle of motion. About the intelligible entities, therefore, Aristotle advances a doctrine different from Plato, and as he has no good reason for this change, he brings in necessity. Even if he had good reasons, one might well object that it seems more reasonable to suppose that the spheres as they are coordinated in a single system are directed towards one end, the supreme existence. — Ennead Vi,i, translated by Joseph Katz
This dispositional difference is in part reflected in Aristotle’s penchant for introducing terminological innovations to express old (i.e., Platonic) thoughts. In working through the Aristotelian corpus with a mind open to the Neoplatonic assumption of harmony, I have found time and again that Aristotle was, it turns out, actually analyzing the Platonic position or making it more precise, not refuting it. — Lloyd Gerson
Did he really talk about a never ending circular motion? — Raymond
And that's love. Giving away everything your inner rational egotist has acquired. — ucarr