Damn straight skippy — SkyLeach
No combination of lesser things can create a greater thing without something greater than the greater thing added to the lesser things.
I look forward to our discussions — Joe Mello
This is more or less what IQ tests do; test our "ability to work things out". — Down The Rabbit Hole
Meaning, it's not a thing. Especially as all the cog-sci evidence suggests that consciousness is a function of the brain. — Garrett Travers
Imagine if every time I clap my hands together I claim to have created a new ghost particle — lorenzo sleakes
Do you mean differentiable manifolds? A cylinder created by moving a circle through space is not curved? A sphere in 3-D is not composed of points? — jgill
If we were in a hand-to-mouth survival situation, that is all we would be consumed with...the means to putting food in our mouth, getting hydrated, and finding comfortable shelter from the elements. — schopenhauer1
Does that mean you are too scared not to love them?
Your parents created you, gave you life, does that mean you must always love them no matter what they do to you or others? — universeness
This non-existent god, religious threats, oblivion! — universeness
But I think the universe at large is this superintelligence, that everything is one, and, truly, nothing is completely subjective. — theRiddler
So? Even more reason to not be afraid! — universeness
Fred would be just as acceptable. — universeness
The role that science plays is useful, needless to say, and the roll that religion plays is also useful, however they are not useful in the same way, right? Do you agree? — praxis
For me, God is synonymous with the simple idea that there may be vastly higher orders of intelligence. I wouldn't expect It to reveal itself everywhere or subjugate people to its power, either. Nor to erase pain and suffering from existence. — theRiddler
I'm sure that's true, but I wonder if you can experience God while bragging about how wonderful you are and gloating about how much better you are than other people — T Clark
God is merely of the gaps in our knowledge. — universeness
I hope I have made myself clear that I fear only the 'loss of my current existence and how it will happen,' I do not fear oblivion(non-awareness) or the threat of being judged by a non-existent supernatural F***wit and the threat of suffering forever in hell. — universeness
They present an atheism that rejects science worship. — Joshs
post-religious views, in contrast, are future and creativity oriented. We are brought intimately in touch with the sources of moral good, because they are right in front of us as our being with others in time. — Joshs
Btw, I am a Daniel Dennet fan and a Sam Harris fan. — universeness
There's nothing blatantly self-serving or logical about such behavior. — ucarr